Saturday, August 27, 2011

Advice and guidance on the selection of warm floors

No matter where you live, in a standard studio apartment or a comfortable cottage, equally want to create maximum comfort and cosiness of your own home. One of the main such indicators is above room temperature. This is especially true of sex. Very unpleasant to step on the cold tile or flooring, we have to look for slippers or wear wool socks. Thus, the cold floor creates a sense of discomfort. To solve this problem and created heated floors - heated floors. Wherever you live, in a standard studio apartment or a comfortable cottage, equally want to create maximum comfort and convenience your own home. One of the main such indicators is above room temperature. This is especially true of sex. Very unpleasant to step on the cold tile or flooring, we have to look for slippers or wear wool socks. Thus, the cold floor creates a sense of discomfort. To solve this problem and created heated floors - heated floors. Underfloor heating is the most convenient form of heating, at which the uniform heating of the air. It is advantageous to conventional radiators, since as a heating device performs the entire floor surface. As a result of clean heat is distributed around the perimeter of the premises. Floor heating is of two types: water and electric. The system of Radiant floor heating elements are metal and plastic pipes with circulating hot water. Heat transfer occurs from the hot water floor, and from it - heated room. Radiant Floor Heating is more economical to operate, but more expensive at installation as compared to electric. However, the subject water system we consider in detail the next time, but now dwell on electric underfloor heating. Despite the efficiency and durability of the electric cable heating system, it is not too popular with most consumers. This is explained by ignorance and fear to equip your home with something very complex and in terms of installation, and service plan. However, this view is completely wrong - in many countries such techniques are no longer "exotic" and the ordinary reality. The principle of this system is based on the special electrical, which fits into the floor and under the influence of the weak current is heated by radiating heat. The design resembles a multilayer sandwich. At the bottom of the concrete in turn fit insulation, wire mesh, cables and leveling mortar. The final stage is the finishing coat, for which you can use linoleum, ceramic tile, laminates and other materials. As you can see, everything is pretty easy, you must know a few simple rules. We give the main ones are: 1. Cable for floor heating does not fit directly under the furniture. 2. The base for the flooring must be dry and smooth. 3. The heating cable is shortened, not lengthened. It is forbidden to cut. 4. Installation of the system we should think in advance, before the coating is laid. 5. Underfloor heating is switched on only after the complete solidification of concrete. With the installation of all is clear: economically, conveniently, quickly ... But probably deters many question the safety of the unusual electrical installation. Do not worry, use a shielded heating cable meets all modern requirements, guaranteeing you absolute security. The press and other sources of information are often told about the harmful effects on the human electromagnetic field. But do not forget that the heating cables meet all existing standards on electromagnetic radiation, or in Russia would have simply not there. Therefore, these "myths" can spread only by people who are not familiar with the feature of the system, but want to "loudly about themselves." Remember that you have in the kitchen is a microwave, but the clinic sessions are held UHF, and you'll see that everywhere we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields, but they do not need to fear. Now back to the warm floor. After talking about security, we can not affect its other advantages. Firstly, it is economical. Optimum temperature can significantly reduce heating costs as well as traditional systems do not heat the floor, and the space under the ceiling. Secondly, you do not have to worry about repairs and maintenance of floor heating systems - they simply do not need! Once installed, a heated floor will last for so long that you have time to get bored. Also, do not worry, and for interior space. Invisible to the eye cable system does not harm your design, and wall thermostat just give the house a refined taste of today. Special timers, thermostats and controls allow you to control the temperature automatically or manually. At the request can be programmed to maintain the desired temperature in the house or turn on the heating time. Comfort with a warm floor is obvious! You will be able to go barefoot at home, without fear of harm to health, will worry about the kids playing on it, and save the natural humidity. Underfloor heating is used as a primary or secondary heating system. The main (ie unique) system of floor heating is better suited for individual construction of cottage or country house, as it requires special design and analysis. Most often, this technique is used to supplement an existing heating system. As an example, consider a child's room. You can open when the heating vent without fear of drafts, and turn it off when the temperature will be best for the child. In addition to your programmable temperature control, the room becomes lighter and freer breathing. Minimum heat flux does not cause air circulation in the dust particles. For comparison: conventional radiators burn oxygen and desiccate the air. Warm floor - it's just a godsend for the residents of "Khrushchev." These buildings are called "houses of cold type," because most of the heat away from them out through the thin walls. In addition, these devices, such as radiators, put useless - they are "doomed" to work on air. As you can see, the heating system "warm floor" has many benefits and advantages, as one of the most effective and comfortable. With it you can make any, a variety of projects! Plays an important role, and price. Of course, the warm floor costs more than conventional radiators, but also benefit from it much more. In this case, the total cost will depend on the area of ??the premises where the system is installed. You do not need to equip the entire apartment floor heating, then for him only the most necessary places (eg, bathroom and toilet). It will save your costs. Most importantly - remember that no matter how high the price you did not seem at first glance, it still will pay for his long service life. As for choosing a company producing similar products, the most popular of them is a Spanish concern CEILHIT. This plant is one of the largest producers of cable heating systems. All goods are certified and meets all necessary standards and regulations. Kits underfloor CEILHIT designed for rooms with normal and elevated humidity. Depending on the location and area you can choose from three options for a complete set of equipment: economical, optimal or a set of enhanced capacity. In each of the heating cable is used a certain brand (PV, PSV or PSVD). The system, designed for rooms with normal humidity, it has no protective shell (PV), and equipment used in wet areas, the cable has a braided metal shield (PSV), providing the necessary electrical safety. In this case, necessarily connected to the grounding path. Source: Portal

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