Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to care for sex. Caring for elastic coatings

The impact of negative factors, despite the fact that a smooth and durable surface elastic coating that determines their relatively high resistance to aggressive environments, these flooring materials also have "enemies". Despite the negative impact of factors that is smooth and durable surface coating determines the elastic of their relatively high resistance to aggressive environments, these floor materials also have "enemies". The most powerful destructive effect on the elastic has abrasive. Once on the surface of the soles of our shoes, along with street dirt, abrasive particles act like sandpaper, repeatedly accelerating deterioration of the flooring. As a rule, on the road surface elastic coating during manufacture applied protective film. In heterogeneous PVC coverings prestigious brands have a thin protective layer, usually formed of solid polyurethane film, the linoleum as a "guardian angel" is usually the acrylate composition. Surface protection is designed to enhance the durability of the coating and simultaneously make it immune to contamination. Abrasive particles destroying the protective film and increase the roughness of the floor surface, thereby increasing its wear and increasing the capacity for adhesion with other pollutants, have domestic origins. Therefore, on the floor, damaged grit, stains from red wine, coffee, intensely colored sauces, etc. Those elastic coating, the production technology does not provide for applying a protective layer, are deteriorating even faster. Assumed that the elastic coatings possess high resistance to chemical active substances. For example, natural linoleum "not afraid" of alcohol, vegetable and animal fats, showing resistance to 5% acetic, lactic and citric acids, 2% hydrogen peroxide. However, it is easy to see that the list of chemicals including strong dilute acids. Effect of more concentrated acid environments is truly detrimental to the natural elastic. The same applies to bases. With regard to PVC, in comparison with natural grass, it shows a greater resistance to alkalis and acids. But to the action of acetone and other solvents containing volatile hydrocarbons, volatile and equally natural and man-made elastics. The exceptions are specialized PVC coating for use in chemical laboratories. In addition, PVC is sensitive to high temperatures. Heating the floor surface to 45 ° C is already considered a serious test for this material. Rules for operation and maintenance As the main cause harm flexible, solid particles of abrasive contained in the ground, first and foremost, you need to think about what that street dirt can not get into the room. How to do it - is described in the chapter devoted to textile coverings. The next step is to ensure long-term safety flooring, systematic cleaning the floor, to be held on the principle of "more often - the better." Incidentally, one of the features of elastic coatings is that their regular hygiene maintenance is not too difficult and reduces to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cleaning. If you notice on the floor of the local areas of contamination are removed with stain remover and woven cloths. To clean the contamination of shallow elastic coatings using the same stain as for the carpets. After removing stain the cleaned surface should be rinsed with water. As a preventive measure is recommended to use special polish on the floor surface creating a thin protective film. Polishes are applied to clean the floor with a special swab, or in small amounts are added to the water and distributed evenly to cover the final stage of cleaning. General cleaning frequency of this operation on the elastic coating is determined randomly, as they appear on the surface of the floor spots, beyond the removal during regular cleaning. Since the General cleaning involves the use of strong cleaners - Stripping and professional polishing equipment to perform this demanding procedure, invited experts from the cleaning company. "Stripping" capable of dissolving any contamination, even such stubborn as cement, synthetic glues, nail polish, chewing gum. However, in order to detergent did not cause harm to himself covering important to find the right "Striper" in composition and dilute it in the desired concentration. For natural floor coverings you may not use acidic cleaners. As for the "Striper," which include the alkali, its concentration should not exceed pH9. With respect to consumption of detergents at 1 m2, we should say that to clean the rubber coating to require approximately two times higher than for linoleum and PVC. This is due to the relatively high porosity of rubber. The exceptions are rubber cover from some manufacturers, whose surface is devoid of pores and, consequently, the adhesion to how whatever pollutants. To clean these coatings are not used "Stripping" or stain removers. In particular it concerns the products of German company FREUDENBERG. The process of general cleaning is dedusting coating applied "Striper" and rubbing it into the coating surface. Rubbing performed using single-disc polishing machines, or special mops, mop. Within 10 - 15 minutes of "Striper" is left on the floor, to cleaner time to dissolve stubborn grime and pollution, after which the detergent and separated from the dirt cover is removed wet vacuum or a wet vacuum and carefully washed the floor with clean water. Protection in the complex activities associated with professional service, flexible, and is applying the product to ensure long-term protection of floor surface. Processing of protective compounds produced after three hours after the completion of the general cleaning. This time is necessary in order to cover the surface completely dry. Currently as protective coatings for use elastics mastic with varying degrees of gloss. Mastic "clog" the pores and smooths rough spots on the floor surface, thereby preventing the penetration of pollutants. In addition, forming a protective surface film, sealant, increases the resistance of the floor to wear. Depending on the composition of the mastic is divided into the wax and polymer. The positive qualities of wax sealant should be attributed to the relative cheapness, availability and otrabotannost application technology. Disadvantages: low wear and inconvenience of use on those sites cover, which wound up on the wall. Polymer pastes are mostly more expensive than wax, but at the same time preserve the safety features for much longer, and because of its high ductility are easily applied to the elastic cover, stacked with a plant on the wall. In addition, being a product of artificial, polymeric mastic in the production process can acquire additional useful features, among them - anti-static, bactericidal and fungicidal action, anti-slip properties, some degree of haze or gloss, etc. It is also important that the polymer mastic are more economical to use. They are usually applied in two, at least - to 4 layers. Waxy coating can have 6 or even 8 layers. To maximize the protective effect of polymer mastic is applied so that the first layer lay across the direction of the light beam and the second - "Lighting", perpendicular to the first. This allows you to hide the surface completely, with no "bald spots". Continuing the theme of protection of flexible floors, it should be noted that recently in the Russian market is now a special two-pack polyurethane varnish, designed to improve the durability of the sexes, exposed to extreme operating loads. The special features of the original product should include a high economic effect of its use in areas with high traffic, especially where the floor is laid not expensive homogenous PVC coating, without a protective polyurethane layer. Typically, such coverage is 5 - 6 y. is, up to 1 m2, while its counterpart with a polyurethane plant protection costs to the buyer on average twice as expensive. If the PVC-free coating of polyurethane protection apply two-component varnish, then this operation will cost the customer in a y. is, up to 1 m2, while the polyurethane varnish surpasses the strength polymer mastic. How often should I update the protection of the surface formed by the mastic? Where the coating is subjected to extreme loads, evenly distributed throughout the floor area, it makes sense to conduct a complete replacement of the protective layer to remove the old mastic every one or three months. Usually by this operation resort if no sealant on the 50% floor space. In cases where the coating surface wear unevenly and dirty, or as experts say, constitute the "tracks" that have become unusable parts of the protective layer is expedient "repairs". With a view to "track" is purified from the old putty until the coating is applied and the new protection. "Repair" mastic produced, where it has worn for 20 - 30% of floor area. Where the sealant has retained its protective properties, but its surface area formed a local pollution - special preparations remove only the contaminated surface layer of mastic, and then restore it. Good results are achieved when the daily care of the floor covered with mastic, a special tool that simultaneously removes light pollution and enhance the surface protective layer of mastic. With such prevention mastic can be restored more frequently than once every 5 months. Source: Portal

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