Monday, August 15, 2011

Exclusive wall coverings

Wandering on the wallpaper and the collapse of the specialty stores, I was disheartened. First, pay attention to one detail: in chain stores are quite expensive wallpaper and thirty meters from the lively old lady selling them at first glance similar, but much cheaper. After wandering on the wallpaper and the collapse of the specialty stores, I was disheartened. First, pay attention to one detail: in chain stores are quite expensive wallpaper and thirty meters from the lively old lady selling them at first glance similar, but much cheaper. Whether they have more direct contact with suppliers, so cheat on a roll less? Whether there are other mysterious reasons: the deep meaning of this phenomenon remained a mystery to me. And, secondly, around - and in stores, and old women - the same thing, in the sense of color and variety. And since you want something extraordinary. To come and visit and gasped: Surely this is normal wallpaper? And I would answer: No, this exclusive version, the same is still two or three people, and even then - the diplomats of Non-Aligned countries. But no wonder they say: The one who searches always finds. Found myself. And now with the knowledge of the facts can advise how we can exclusively decorate the walls. Velour WALLPAPERS Psychologists believe that a man from his childhood attraction to all soft. Remember how many of us fell asleep in an embrace with a teddy bear? With age, soft toys are carpets, carpeting, upholstered furniture, and finally ... mats wallpaper. They look elegant, for example, in the billiard room. Twilight of the room, brightly-lit tables, green felt wonderfully in tune with velor walls. Fleecy surface absorbs sound wallpaper, muting calls and knocking balls. By the way, the process of making these wallpapers are very curious. Paper-based Velour figure is applied with adhesive. First, the paper roll is held in a special. To the same flock nylon fibers, sorted by size (length about 0.75 mm). Over the paper rotated grid, which creates an electromagnetic field. Here we must remember the laws of physics. The fact that the power line electromagnetic fields have a vertical direction, so the nylon fibers are falling perpendicular to the surface of paper and stick to it. Then the paper is fed into the furnace. There, at a temperature of 140 ° C, the adhesive hardens, and the fiber is firmly attached to the base. Then the paper is cut into rolls and each roll is packed in a separate box. That is how the process of manufacture velvet wallpaper in the French firm Societe Francaise de Papier PEN, founded in 1881 and located in a small town 60 km from Paris. It was there that produces and sells mats wallpaper and borders the brand (Essef). Price roll velvet wallpaper about $ 30, a border - $ 16. Velour wallpaper factory makes in limited quantities, so they are sold from a catalog. ADVANTAGES: absorb sounds, look good. In bright sunlight and artificial light wallpaper, becoming brighter. Figure like. DISADVANTAGES: Collect the dust wiped from mechanical effects. HOW glue: Desktop heavy, so be sure to use the so-called strong adhesive for heavy wallcoverings. Smeared with glue applied to the canvas wall brush with long bristles and a soft silk (in any case you can not use nylon brushes). Desktop iron vertically, evenly, strongly pressing. Cut them need a special knife with new blade. Should avoid overlapping canvases. Traces of glue is removed slightly dampened sponge. SOLID VINYL What is vinyl, probably do not need to explain. For the first time we saw this story as a black vinyl disc-plates. But over time the vinyl began to do and much more, including wallpaper: simply vinyl, foam vinyl, silk-screened. The Belgian company Arte (Arte) offers a new kind of exclusive wallpapers from solid vinyl. It is much more dense and hard coating than regular wallpaper. Simulates a variety of materials: Venetian plaster, paint brush, rough, skin, silk, gouache, watercolor, matting, paper. Frankly speaking: coming to a firm, long time I could not believe that the walls are covered with wallpaper, but not covered with plaster. And when they asked me to find a place seam pieces of wallpaper, I drove a long nose, but nothing was found. Of course, for such high-quality gluing required perfectly smooth wall. Wallpaper of solid vinyl have a great rapport (repeating pattern) - from 64 to 100 cm, in contrast to conventional wallpaper whose pattern is repeated after about 10 - 30 cm Width of a roll of wallpaper solid vinyl, too, more than usual - not 53, and 70 To see the production of printed wallpaper need large trees that expensive. Therefore, 1 square of wallpaper is worth 5 - $ 6. So, in a room 20 sqm (4 x 5) with the height of the walls 3 meters require a little less than 54 sq Wallpaper [2 x (4 x 3) + 2 x (5 x 3) = 54]. Multiply the resulting area by the average price of 1 sq.m Wallpaper and get $ 297 (54 x 5.5). But it's still cheaper than plaster or paint. For comparison: the price of plaster along with the work - from 40 up to $ 200 per sqm A few words about the company. It is rather a design bureau, where he developed not only a collection of wallpaper and borders from solid vinyl and upholstery fabrics for them, the curtains, tulle, and even blankets. ADVANTAGES: Do not burn out, have a high moisture resistance and durability, can be intensively washed with a brush and detergent (except chlorine). Perfectly straight edge. Disadvantages: Requires a perfectly leveled surface of the wall (if it can be considered a fault), otherwise the joint will be slightly noticeable, as in the usual pasting. HOW glue: glued butt glue for heavy wallcoverings. Misconception: Many people believe that the main disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper that they are. Of course, compared to paper, they leak air and moisture is much smaller, but still miss. Proving this is simple: the glue underneath dries out, even if they stick to the glass surface. And anyway, we all breathe the same is not primarily through the wall, fresh air usually comes through windows and ventilation. Felt WALLPAPERS As is known, felt - it felt thin, pressed from the soft fibers. So, felt wallpaper made from acrylic fibers, polyester and microfiber. Wallpaper of felt breathe more intensively than the paper and on the wall look absolutely like fabric. It seems that this soft fleece, combed to one side. Unlike textiles, any spot on the felt wallpaper can be cleaned with a soft sponge (much foam, plus a lot of water). Another thing: Felt wallpapers are not sold in rolls, and meter. This is done to reduce waste. The fact that there are such expensive wallpaper. For example, wallpaper Belgian company Arte with a width of 0,7 m will cost from 13.2 to 17.6 $ per meter. ADVANTAGES: Look at the wall like tissue. No noticeable joint between sheets. This wallpaper can be cleaned with a soft sponge. HOW Gluing: Glue is not applied to the wallpaper and the wall, because wallpaper is very porous structure. If the panel is strongly impregnated with adhesive, it becomes very difficult and it will be hard work. METAL WALLPAPER turns out there are. It really is a metal foil. It attaches to the non-woven base (it's better than paper, keeps metal wallpaper on the wall). Drawing on a painted metal. The interior of these wallpaper looks just gorgeous. They are usually bought for decoration bars or restaurants, but also in private apartments, where a lot of metal parts, they look good. Especially for these wallpapers are designed collection of fabrics. Price - $ 25 per meter (width - 0.685 m). By my calculations, the room measures 20 square meters and height of the walls 3 meters cost about $ 1350. FEATURES: Desktop over time can not be erased, do not lose their shine, do not fade. Disadvantages: Like any metal, they can be scratched. HOW glue: Need a strong adhesive for heavy wallcoverings. Note this detail: when pokleyke metallic wallpaper a must to shut down because they are perfectly conducting current. Once the glue is dry, non-woven framework is to isolate the metal foil. But in any case wiring should not touch the wallpaper. Paper wallpaper If up until now I did not say anything about the paper wallpaper, it does not mean that none of them is something extraordinary. Surely there are many conservatives who are firmly convinced that the wallpaper should be only paper and no more. Then it is fine products Dutch company (Eijffinger). Any collection of wallpapers unique. There is no single pattern of those that are sold in retail stores. During the year the designers develop 7 to 10 directories in which represented nearly 70 kinds of wallpaper. And any collection of a couple of years removed from the production and launch new developments. This is a huge job, which naturally affects the price of wallpaper. One roll of the size of 0.53 x 10 meter costs about $ 16. Wallpaper impregnated paper such a special composition, so they can be cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge. In the tone of the selected wallpaper can choose fabric and tulle. Do not know if we can include children's paper wallpaper to the elite, but very much wants to talk about the products of French company Lyutes (Lutece). There is no nabivshih nauseam Mickey Mouse and Disney characters. All drawings are very nice and unusual: one for girls, other boys. There are, for example, a series for teens. The price of wallpaper - 8-10 $ for a standard roll (0,53 x 10 m). ADVANTAGES: Do not burn paper, non-yellowing, can be cleaned with a damp sponge. Disadvantages: The service life of paper wallcoverings less than vinyl. HOW glue: you can use any glue for paper wallpaper. CLOTH OR textile wallpaper This wallpaper - a sort of tribute to traditions. Their ancestors came at a time when the paper wallpaper was not in sight, and the walls knocked cloth. Today, fabric wallpaper - an element of prestige. They just emphasize wealth inhabitants of the house. The choice of textile wallcoverings pretty big. The German company Rush (Rasch) produces two types of wallpaper. One option - on the base paper pasted cloth, the other - parallel glued colored thread. Which is better? Complex issue. True, will cost the German textile wallpaper firm Rush 10 to $ 41 per roll (the size of a roll 0.53 x 10 m). Textile wallpaper corridors, children's rooms - in short, places where they easily get dirty. But in the bedroom, study, living room fabric wallpaper feel fine. Woven paper-based wallpaper glue as usual. True, spreading glue a piece of wallpaper, you must carefully follow the glue does not numb to the outside and does not stain. Incidentally, the company now moves to the release of non-woven textile wallcoverings basis. This material, unlike paper, does not expand when wet, so the wallpaper can be glued to the wall, missed glue. This technique labels less likely that the glue stain the wallpaper. The materials of which make textile wall are varied: cotton, viscose, polyester, etc. Keep in mind: the more natural fibers, the more expensive wallpaper. While on the other hand, the natural material is bad because it burns quickly and does not have the solid color, like synthetic fiber. So when you buy a wallpaper with a high content of natural fibers, it would be good before gluing to deploy them and figure out how they will look on the wall, not whether the different shades of color. FEATURES: Beautiful, prestigious, wallpaper, absorb noise. Disadvantages: Requires superakkuratnoy pasting, kept only a dry cleaning. HOW glue: Desktop paper-based adhesive plaster carefully, give lie down for 5-10 minutes, and then applied to the wall. Non-woven wallpaper is applied through the wall, after already smeared with glue. This method is faster and more convenient. But the Belgian company Bekaert Textiles (Bekaert Texstiles) struggles with the main disadvantage of tissue Wallpaper - prominent joints - a very peculiar way. It produces the so-called seamless fabric wallpaper. A roll of wallpaper has a width of 2,7 m, which is approximately equal to the average height of the rooms. Before proceeding to pokleyke, with doors in the room shoot frames. Roll unwind and begin to slowly stick the fabric from one corner across the room, including windows and doors. Once so the whole room, cut windows and doors, and put on the door frames. Thus we have only one seam in the corner. True, there is one thing: the need perfectly smooth walls and corners. Although it is possible to improve the situation, if one piece of wallpaper paste only on one wall. The second piece - on the other. And so on. Then all the joints are obtained in the corners, which is also good. Another advantage of the wallpaper - they have no paper, and vinyl base. Vinyl does not miss the glue, which means that tissue is not stained. Top wallpapers treated with Teflon impregnation. Any liquid (red wine, water, etc.) are not absorbed, but as it rolled from there. In addition, the antistatic material is processed and does not attract dust. Price tissue Wallpaper Bekaert Textiles - $ 25 per sqm BENEFITS: Effectively look. Glued with virtually no seams. Synthetic-based adhesive out. Teflon and anti-static coatings protect wallpaper from stains and dust. Disadvantages: Make sure the walls and corners were perfectly smooth. Wallpapers can not be washed - they will stain. Only need dry cleaning. HOW glue: glue glued to heavy wallpaper. So, if you dream to make your house different from the other, believe me: this task is quite capable to handle exclusive wallpapers. Only necessary to consider that: they are more expensive than usual, although this is quite a reasonable price for their originality, individual design and more sophisticated production technology and quality, all kinds of wallpapers require perfectly flat surfaces of walls, gluing them should be an expert. But these wallpapers are not found on every street corner in any store, and, hence, your apartment will not be like others. Yes, and do not have to run around in search of suitable curtains, tulle, upholstery fabrics, rugs. All this you will be able to choose from special collections, designed to complement the wallpaper. A Prestressing and save money on this stylish, I think it is still possible. Is wanted.

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