The essence of technology "floor heating is simple: in a cement-sand base laid a seamless tube (eg, polyethylene with a diameter 17, 18, 20 mm) water system or a special cable (or polymer wire) electric heating. And previously "cold" floor is warm and cozy. Heating method on the principle of "heating" Floor reliable and economical - the cost of heating and operation of a 1,3 - 2 times less in comparison with other known systems. It is also important to note the increasing comfort of living: to improve the appearance (because the heating system does not take place and not visible) and the indoor climate. You can apply it in the living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways and other rooms for any coverages: boards, parquet flooring, tile, marble, polymer coating. "Heating" floor can be used as a primary or supplemental heating system. Additional, or comfortable, the heating system include, for example, in the nursery when the baby is busy on the floor and off it when deemed unnecessary. The technology unit floor contains the following activities and jobs. In the beginning you should decide to floor construction. If he holds the flagstones floors, it should provide the design, where it is expedient to lay in a vapor barrier layer by attaching edges. Further, in order to avoid heat loss through the slab, as well as increased insulation, should run insulated layer 4-6 cm from neprosadochnyh slabodeformiruemyh materials (mineral wool, polystyrene, etc.). On top of a heater to do the leveling and sealed with cement-sand screed 2-3 cm thick This operation must end with all the preparatory works before the device clean floors (heated or not heated), tile, hardwood, carpet, made of polymer coatings, etc. For floor heating then laid a layer of aluminum foil, which serves as a heat reflecting screen, which prevents heat transfer to the ceiling down, and promotes uniform temperature distribution on the floor. On top of the screen or expanded ties polimeerny heating wire in steps of 10-12 cm and fastened with staples from the ground displacement. The ends of the billet heating wires means of soldering or welding - in parallel are connected to connect the exit to the switch or thermostat. Next, wire mounted a short-term placement (or devices) are checked for accuracy and reliability of your connection and then hiding a layer of cement-sand mortar thickness of 1-2 cm in wet areas should provide a protective screen of metal mesh (or mounting prosevochnoy), which fits over the heating wire. It is important to move wire mesh was smaller than the step layout of wire. Then the grid is grounded or vanishes. Perhaps the inclusion of the wires through the residual current device (U30). Purpose of the surface screed, in addition to a protective-alignment layer (base) before the device clean floors, is the need for accumulation and distribution uniformity of heat coming from the heating wires. On top of her arranged clean floors (slab, hardwood floors, floor, carpet, etc.). If necessary, tile floors can get together (combined) with a protective coupler. If there is plank flooring, the isolation at the beginning of stacked logs from bars, and among them mounted regulating heating cables. Between the cement and protective heat-sink clamp and floorboards, in this case should be provided with an air gap of 2-3, see also obtained through 3-3,5 m (the walls) to ensure ventilation put lattice. In all cases, to run the system in operation with supply voltages should be only after the complete drying of the solution in the protective layer (2-5 days), otherwise it may cause deformation of cracks.
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