Paul builders are among the main elements that determine thermal comfort, hygiene and aesthetics of the room. In the last article I told you about the different types of floors. But to be more precise, in her speech was about flooring. They, figuratively speaking, only the tip of the iceberg when compared with an iceberg floor. Two-thirds of an iceberg is hidden from our eyes under water. And under any floor covering is hidden from our eyes is a very important part of the floor, about which many people do not realize. Paul builders are among the main elements that determine thermal comfort, hygiene and aesthetics of the room. In the last article I told you about the different types of floors. But to be more precise, in her speech was about flooring. They, figuratively speaking, only the tip of the iceberg when compared with an iceberg floor. Two-thirds of an iceberg is hidden from our eyes under water. And under any floor covering is hidden from our eyes is a very important part of the floor, about which many people do not realize. Floor covering - it is the most intensively exploiting surface areas, simply because we walk on it. No walls, no ceiling is not subjected to the intense attack, both the floor and, consequently, its coverage is necessary either to change frequently, or choose for him particularly strong, and therefore the most expensive materials. More so, what are the requirements for the upper layer - floor coverings, and some coverage is better suited for a particular room, you can see by reading the last article. Today I would like to elaborate on that part of the floor, which is hidden from our eyes. Screed. Its main purpose - smooth the surface on which the plank floor. According to established manufacturing technology for decades, plates, serving as a ground for floors in production houses, made smooth with only one hand - one that would lower the ceiling flat. Side, which should always be the floor is uneven, with bumps and hollows, often out of it sticking out the ends of the metal reinforcement rods. In addition, variations in floor level in the apartment often reach 10 cm Even a layman it is clear that on such a surface can not be qualitatively lay no cover. Before I lay screed the concrete slab surface is cleaned from dust and dirt. Ideal to clean concrete can not, so then the soil surface binders. Primed surface provides a good shvatyvaemost with coupler. It is important for either sex, but especially for ceramic tile. If the buckle under the tile poorly grasped with the cooking surface, then walking on a tile will be heard the characteristic sound of, and eventually the floor will be uneven and the tile will be separated from the base and "fly". In Russia, the traditional headband made of dry concrete mixtures. Since the mixture of concrete and sand in any proportion - not a very durable material, then it is added adhesives. Before the screed will be laid on the floor, it should be dry. An experienced master of the construction company will always be able to pinpoint the degree of humidity tie, here I only note that the average time required to dry - 45 days. After that, the screed is applied waterproofing coating, and on top - moisture-resistant plywood sheets with a thickness of 12 mm. Plywood does not interfere, under any cover, but it is especially needed for flooring, or high humidity (water leak, or just in the days of early autumn, when the weather is wet, and central heating is not included) can destroy the most beautiful and expensive hardwood floor. In the European technology for the manufacture of cable ties are subject to special self-leveling mix - so-called self-leveling floors. Under these compounds for more noise and heat insulation are often put a layer of polystyrene foam, and for extra waterproofing on top plank polymer film. This floor dries much faster than traditional ties (approximately 10-15 days). Directly on the self-leveling floor can be laid tile, laminate and carpeting. For laying the same parquet necessarily need a layer of plywood. In addition, a layer of filling the floor has a very small thickness (25 mm.), Which is especially useful in homes with low ceilings. Excellent quality of the floor made it very popular. But the conscientious superintendent repair firms often offer you more complex, combined version. He will do it in order to improve heat, noise, and waterproof finish. In this embodiment, the primary screed - the concrete mixture, put a second layer of European self-leveling compounds. On a dual screed applied waterproofing of rubber or asphalt mastic, and it naturally plywood. For plywood, in turn, laid flooring, laminate or carpet. Ceramic tile plywood, of course, is not needed. Such a floor would cost considerably more expensive, but the performance characteristics he will be much higher. In the technology of laying a floor covering special no secrets. For fixing flooring, laminate and ceramic tiles, there are special adhesives and mastics. Noting the particular importance of drying screed for laying hardwood floors. If the screed is too wet, the tree otsyreet, warp, and your flooring will be suitable only for an ejection. When laying the tiles need to do intertiled seam width of at least 1 mm. Tiles laid seamless butt crack of inevitable, even small changes in temperature and humidity. Several years ago, the seams between the tiles looked ugly, but now a large number of special grout joints in many different colors. If successful, such a joint hue selection only emphasize the beauty of the picture tiles. In general, technology and options for laying floor tile - it is so broad topic that we will definitely consider it separately in a later article. Such, in outline, the traditional laying technology developed on the floor today, but recently the market has a new material developed by German experts, who can produce a small revolution - dry screed. It is a slab of gipsosoderzhaschego substances with a waterproofing coating, which are placed on a dry backfill or polystyrene. Dry filling in this case has a leveling feature. Plates stacked on each other overlap to overlap all joints and ensure the necessary rigidity. For such a tie, there are significant advantages. First - it does not require drying. Lay the floor covering can not waiting 45 days, as in the case of traditional mixtures, and the next day. Second - it is much lighter than conventional concrete mixtures. Now, at the optimum thickness of the tie is from 3 to 7 cm per square meter have to be laid from 70 to 120 kg of mixture. Agree - this is a very serious burden on the floors and load-bearing walls of the house: for an apartment, a total area of ??100 square meters. m, the need to lay no less than seven tons of concrete. In some rooms: a bedroom, nursery, the bathroom is not superfluous to arrangement of a warm floor. It is of two types: electric and water. To the primary screed is laid across the floor space, respectively, special electric cable or a pipeline connected to the hot water supply system, and already the top is the ultimate headband. Electric floor came from Europe, from the same ship and special cables. The first time they caused dissatisfaction environmentalists because they have created an electromagnetic field is, though not large, but still harmful to humans. This is now removed: electromagnetic radiation of modern cable minimal and no adverse effects. But there is an electric floor heating and several other disadvantages: it uses electricity from 250 to 400 of kWh. In addition, to make an experimental integration of floor heating is possible only after complete drying screed, ie after 45 days. If you find that underfloor heating is not working, you need to break the tie, troubleshooting, and fill again. By the same lengthy and costly procedure will have recourse in the event of a breakdown of floor heating during operation. Water sex, in this sense more economical: how much you paid for hot water, so many will pay more. The only problem - your neighbors may decrease the temperature of hot water at the tap, and if they understand what it is, it can arrange for you to trouble. Conduit for water sex can be made of galvanized or copper pipes. However, it is best to use one-piece metal-plastic pipe. After all, when installing any metal pipe under the floor covering will inevitably pipe joints. Then, sooner or later happen to leak, and you have to eliminate it destroy the entire floor. With solid piece of metal and plastic piping hot sex from such a calamity you are insured for 100 percent. If you're going to make repairs, or simply change their sex in the apartment, and I hope this article will help you evaluate the professionalism of the chosen repair firm and a better understanding of company representative at the talks, and if the repair process you are already in full swing, then probably you be able to better assess the integrity of the contractor. Smirnov AV
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