Friday, August 26, 2011

How to make a perfectly smooth ceiling

Professionals say that the quality of repair is judged primarily on the ceiling. He must be free of blemishes, cracks and impeccably smooth. If you prefer, you can make a perfectly smooth any ceiling. Currently, there are two ways of leveling - the "raw" and "dry" (using the terminology of construction). Professionals say that the quality of repair is judged primarily on the ceiling. He must be free of blemishes, cracks and impeccably smooth. If you prefer, you can make a perfectly smooth any ceiling. Currently, there are two ways of leveling - the "raw" and "dry" (using the terminology of construction). "Crude" method is to apply special mixtures previously prepared surface. The "dry" method involves the use of dry finishing materials - boards, panels, strips, etc. If the maximum difference in height is not more than 5 cm, can be used "raw" mode. When a small drop heights (up to 0,5 cm) you can use the leveling putty smear on the ceiling and giving it to dry, grind fine-grained sandpaper. If the altitude difference is 2 - 3 cm, a filler can not do, and will first have to put a reinforcing net (to impose a "bandage"). The grid is of two types: metal and paint. Paint (also called serpyanku) is similar to a medical bandage or gauze to the ceiling it is attached with glue PVA or other adhesives, the main thing - to mesh well behaved on the ceiling and plaster sticking to it. In recent years, the market appeared Adhesive serpyanka. Metal grid attached to a special ceiling brackets, hooks or nails with broad heads. It is needed in the case when you need a thick layer of plaster (3 - 5 cm). A general grid recommends putting on all joints and seams. When the plaster dries, the leveling layer of a filler. And if the ceiling will then be painted, must be applied to all and a layer of primer. For quality repairs ceiling is better to use putty, primer paint the same manufacturer. Only in this case would be guaranteed "compatibility" of materials. Summing up, it should be noted that the "raw" leveling the ceiling - is labor intensive and dirty process associated with many disadvantages. With it you can remove only small irregularities, and in case of leakage will have to repair the ceiling again, otherwise you may appear bruises, fractures and even mold. Also, alas, even the master - "golden hands" can not always guarantee that after some time on the ceiling will crack. In cases where the ceiling is to align the raw way possible, is much easier and safer to make a false ceiling. Represents a decorative design that covers the "native" ceiling (ceiling tile). This way the called dry because of lack of dirt during repair work. To date, there are three options execution false ceilings: lining, suspension and tension. The process of cladding the ceiling looks like. Initially, the ceiling surface is cleaned of old paint and base (fillers, primers). Then to the ceiling plate is mounted crate - metal rods, a frame for decorative material (cloth), which will bind the ceiling.

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