Thursday, August 4, 2011

From which to build the wall?

During the construction of villas and cottages for walls most often uses the following materials: brick, lightweight concrete (foam concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete, etc.), wood (beams, logs) and wood with insulation (frame walls). For the construction of frame walls undeservedly rarely used a relatively new material - cement-plate (DSP). We consider their advantages, disadvantages and costs of construction (01g prices in April. To fly to grow). During the construction of villas and cottages for walls most often uses the following materials: brick, lightweight concrete (foam concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete, etc.), wood (beams, logs) and wood with insulation (frame walls). For the construction of frame walls undeservedly rarely used a relatively new material - cement-plate (DSP). We consider their advantages, disadvantages and costs of construction (01g prices in April. To fly to grow). When selecting the wall material must be taken into account the following considerations. 1. "Rule of homogeneity - all the main walls (exterior and the interior, which is based overlap) should be constructed of one material and rely on the same foundation. Acceptable combination of brick and lightweight concrete, as well as DSPs and wood paneling with frame walls. 2. Distances between major sten6ami (supports for the wooden ceiling beams) should not exceed 4 m. The reinforced concrete (for brick walls), this distance can be increased up to 7 m. Brick. Dignity. Brick walls are extremely durable, heat-resistant, not subject (as opposed to wood) Effects of insects - pests and rot, and therefore durable. They allow the use of reinforced concrete slabs. This is necessary if you want to arrange living quarters above the garage or a room is very large. Small size of the bricks allow us to construct the walls of these complex configurations, spread decorative facade elements. Due to fire brick wall of it can adjoin to the stoves and fireplaces inside the brick walls can be constructed chimneys and vents. Brick walls have high thermal capacity and, hence, thermal inertia - in the summer for their cool in any heat in the winter - the heat for a long time even after you turn off the heating. Disadvantages. Brick walls have high thermal capacity and, hence, thermal inertia and relatively high thermal conductivity. Therefore, if the house was not heated in winter for at least two weeks to warm it up to comfortable conditions have a few days. Brick readily absorbs moisture. Because of this, when the seasonal operation of the first week in a brick house is damp. Scored for the autumn moisture from the atmosphere bricks freeze in winter, this leads (for seasonal operation) to the rapid destruction - in 25 years the wall would require a serious overhaul. The brick wall is very heavy and can not stand the strain, so they need a band foundation to the full depth of frost penetration. To ensure proper insulation brick walls must be very thick (in the suburbs - 52 cm). In a house with a usable area of ??50 square meters. m they will take ? 17 square. m - 1 / 3 of the area, home area of ??200 square meters. m, this ratio will be 1 / 6. After completion of masonry walls before they finish must undergo a year, before finishing the walls should "settle down". Price. 1 sq. km. m brick walls will cost you at least 720 rubles. (taking into account the inner surface of plaster, 1 linear meters of foundation under them - 1150 rub. (here and hereafter are only costs for building materials, work + 60% or more of the cost of materials)). Summary. Brick advisable to use only during the construction of large houses (several floors, floor area over 200 square meters. M), intended for year-round operation. Lightweight concrete, and its combination with a brick. Dignity. The walls of lightweight concrete, refractory, are not affected (as opposed to wood) Effects of insects - pests and rot, and therefore durable. Relatively small block sizes and ease of processing make it possible to build one wall complex configurations. Thanks to the fire resistance of concrete, the walls of it can adjoin to the stoves, fireplaces and smoke channels. Concrete walls have high thermal capacity and, hence, thermal inertia - in the summer for their cool in any heat in the winter - the heat for a long time even after you turn off the heating. Foam concrete wall, in comparison with the brick, have a lower capacity and, hence, thermal inertia and relatively low thermal conductivity. Therefore, if the house was not heated in winter, to warm it up to comfortable conditions possible for the day. The thickness of the foam walls can be less than half brick. Foam lining the walls from the outside with decorative brickwork is not much increase their weight, but strengthens the wall and frees you from worries about finishing. Masonry walls of the blocks is much easier and cheaper to brickwork. Disadvantages. Foam concrete readily absorbs moisture. Scored for the autumn moisture from the atmosphere blocks freeze in winter, this leads (for seasonal operation) to the rapid destruction - in 25 years the wall will require serious repairs (this does not apply to keramsit, it is hydrophobic). The walls of lightweight concrete can not stand the strain, so they need a continuous footing or foundation - slab. After completion of masonry walls before they finish must undergo a year, before finishing the walls should "settle down". On the walls of the foam in the sediment may be formed treschiny.v price. 1 sq. km. m walls of lightweight concrete (with a facing brick or stucco exterior) will cost you at least 500 rubles. (Taking into account the inner surface of the plaster, 1 linear meters foundation - slab beneath them - 450 rub.). Summary. Lightweight concrete occupies an intermediate position between the brick and wood, and the higher its share, the closer its properties to the properties of brick. Its advisable to apply for building small houses (not more than 2-storeys) and villas, designed to operate year-round. Wood (simple construction). Dignity. Timber framed walls have low thermal conductivity. Therefore, if the house was not heated in winter, to warm it up to comfortable conditions possible for several hours. For a square log walls sufficient thickness 15cm. Wooden walls create a healthy microclimate in the house, they derive from the premise excess moisture. Timber framed walls are relatively easy and is resistant to deformation. They can build on the pier foundation or foundation "floating bars". Wooden walls can withstand an unlimited number of cycles of freezing - thawing, but because their lifetime can exceed 100 years. Disadvantages. The walls are made of wood are flammable and are exposed to insects - pests and rot, and therefore require special handling and meaningful protection from moisture and fire. After completion of cutting of wooden walls before they finish must undergo a year, before finishing the walls should "settle down", and sediment (10%) is significantly greater than that of stone or frame walls (3 - 1%). Timber drying deformed. Konopatka square log walls - a complicated and expensive procedure. To minimize the consequences of these ills (strain and poor konopatki) Log wall interior and exterior sheathing has clapboard or DSPs. Price. 1 sq. km. m square log walls, trimmed clapboard or DSPs, will cost you at least 520 rubles., the costs for the construction of the foundation under the walls 1 running m - 250 rubles. (Pier foundation) or 130 rubles. (Floating bars). Take into account the costs of zabirku (basement). Summary. Wood is especially helpful when building small houses (not more than 2-storeys) and villas, designed for seasonal or year-round operation. Tree (shaped beam, simple and tsilindrovannoe log). Dignity. Same as that of the square log walls. The walls of a simple timber more durable. Disadvantages. Same as that of the square log walls. In addition, the walls of these materials require careful and beautiful konopatki. Price. 1 sq. km. m walls of the profiled bar will cost you at least, in 1300 rubles., walls of a simple log - 1500 rub. from tsilindrovannogo logs - 2200 rub. Expenditures for the construction of the foundation under the walls 1 running m - 250 rubles. (Pier foundation) or 130 rubles. (Floating bars). Take into account the costs of zabirku (basement). Summary. Such a tree is appropriate to use in the construction of small houses (not more than 2-storeys) and villas, designed for seasonal or year-round operation, when the first place a purely aesthetic considerations. Frame walls. Dignity. Frame walls with a "double" insulated from light materials (foam, mineral wool, etc.) have the lowest thermal conductivity. Therefore, if the house was not heated in winter, to warm it up to comfortable conditions possible for several hours. To frame walls sufficient thickness 15cm. Frame walls the lightest with all the considered and resistant to deformation. They can build on the pier foundation or foundation "floating bars". Frame walls can withstand an unlimited number of cycles of freezing - thawing. Casing DSP provides protection (though not absolute) from fire and moisture. In frame houses perhaps the most open plan interiors. Cost, time and effort for the construction of frame walls is minimal. Before the finish does not need to wait for "rain." In a well-organized work, enter the frame house can be one month after construction began. Disadvantages. The walls are made of wood are flammable and are exposed to insects - pests and rot, and therefore require special handling and meaningful protection from moisture and fire. Linings - the basic material for the cladding frame walls quickly (within 1-2 years) crack on the wall there are gaps (when properly executed works - not through). It is believed that the life of timber frame houses is not more than 30 years, but the use of modern materials it could be increased considerably. Increasing the size of the house (L Wall> 9m, height -> 2 levels) leads to considerable complication of the skeleton and reduce reliability. Application of siding for the cladding is invalid because it "does not breathe" - does not pass water vapor. Price. 1 sq. km. m frame walls trimmed clapboard or DSPs, will cost you at least, 320 - 270 rubles., the costs for the construction of the foundation under the walls 1 running m - 250 rubles. (Pier foundation) or 130 rubles. (Floating bars). Take into account the costs of zabirku (basement). Summary. Frame walls advisable to use in the construction of villas, designed for seasonal or year-round operation. Source: Portal

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