Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chopped wall

Wood is one of the oldest materials used to construct the walls of the dwelling. The low thermal conductivity of wood, its excellent technological and operational quality is simply impossible to replace. But most importantly in the wood that walls "breathe" and have a natural smell, not comparable to anything else. For example, the log wall thickness of 20 cm on its insulating qualities, it is easy to replace the brick wall thickness of 40 cm should be reminded that the call log cabins log buildings with no floor, and roof sheathing. Wood is one of the oldest materials used to construct the walls of the dwelling. The low thermal conductivity of wood, its excellent technological and operational quality is simply impossible to replace. But most importantly in the wood that walls "breathe" and have a natural smell, not comparable to anything else. For example, the log wall thickness of 20 cm on its insulating qualities, it is easy to replace the brick wall thickness of 40 cm should be reminded that the call log cabins log buildings with no floor, and roof sheathing. The easiest way to buy a ready frame of logs or boards and put on a pre-prepared foundation. If there is no skill in the construction of wooden houses, then such a solution is preferred. If, however, decided in favor of making a log house on their own, the construction team must have at least one person with the skills carpenter. Let us examine in more detail the technology cutting walls. For house building should harvest only healthy wood without rotting and worm holes. Logs from the forest to take out as quickly as possible, in the cortex to store no more than 2 weeks. Removing the bark from the upper and lower cuts should leave the belts from the bark of a width not exceeding 10 cm, which will warn the crack ends. Keep timber must be on a hill that has stock, cleaned of debris, grass and disinfected with 10% solution of iron sulphate. With the same solution can handle logs. The logs are stacked in piles required to strip to between them was a space for the through ventilation of material to be laid preferably cover from precipitation, bark and sawdust to be burned quickly, as they are carriers of beetles drovoedov. If caught rotten material or with the beetles, it is better not to apply in the case, and immediately transferred to a quarantine area, remote from the main not less than 30m. Infected wood immediately treated with an antiseptic. Antiseptic is recommended that you inject into the holes, and then applied by brush. Do it better in two stages with an interval of 1 - 2 hours. Chopping walls made of logs. In the cut houses bearing structure is a wooden wall consisting of longitudinally stacked logs or timber "crown" Crown is a rectangular structure consisting of perpendicularly arranged on the perimeter of logs or boards, fastened together at the corners with a locking compound. Crowns or the waist up to the window opening called the parapet crowns. After they are laid, window crowns, and then - nadokonnye. Picking up logs for the log, you must comply with the condition that the trunks were straight from escaping no more than 1 cm to one meter length. Diameter logs as possible should be equal to the difference in the upper bran no more than 3 cm, and most importantly, the thickness of the timber should allow to obtain the necessary climatic conditions in this region the width of the longitudinal grooves groove width should be about 2 / 3 the diameter of the logs and at 20 ° C not be less than 10 cm if the temperature in this climate zone below, the width of the grooves increases: at - 30 ° C and not less than 12 cm at 10 C for 14 - 16 cm or more. Usually, a log house pick logs with a diameter of 18-26 cm with an average humidity of 80 - 90%. The logs are easier to handle such a humidity, and they are less deformed during natural drying in assembled form. should take into account the fact that at lower moisture content of wood up to 15% (operating under conditions of high humidity part of Russia), the wood shrinks in the longitudinal direction by about 0.1%, and the cross - to 3 - 6%. As a result, may be obtained usushechnye cracks. In order to reduce this negative phenomenon, with the bottom of the timber cut through artificial "crack" to the core logs. wheelhouse log walls operates in two stages. In the first stage wall hack near the site of installation (on a time base), setting them "dry" (without konopatki seams). The assembled frame should stand at least 6 -9 months and only after that frame dismantled and installed on permanent foundations with a gasket joints oakum, moss and other sealing materials. felling break na two stages because svezhespilennye logs in the log house gives a large shrinkage. But even pre-build "dry" does not give guarantees against further shrinkage, so as exploitation and further shrinkage frame caulk again. This usually happens in one - one and a half years after final felling at home. After settling all the elements of a log house label, unpacked and set on foundations with konopatkoy seams. Preparation of wall logs begin with device at least one flat plane throughout the length logs. For this it is best to put a log on the block and the heel of his staples. At the ends but the level of risk with the vertical hold so that the thickness of all the logs from the plane obtained by the edge (to the opposite) was approximately the same . This will improve the quality of work and reduce the time cutting walls. Combining a flat line ends ticks, placed on opposite ends of the logs, starting with an ax handle the plane. a straight line along the length of the logs can be made by a cord rubbed with chalk or charcoal. Power is applied to the ends of ticks and, pulling him in the middle, abruptly released. The blow on the log grated chalk cord gets exactly the line indicating the edge of the next plane. ax, without going over the line, making the entire length of the logs resection in 100 - 200 mm begin to handle the plane, leaving allowance for its final alignment. Then log rotate through 180 "and treated the same plane with the back side. Having relatively flat plane, a log rotate surfaced up and planed `jack-plane along the entire length. It goes without saying that the quality sharpening tool at the same time should be good. Otherwise, the complexity of work increases, but the quality is much worse. Preparing the way all the logs, they laid out the foundation on all four sides so that you can always select the right log. Not Lipschitz will recall that the length of the logs should take into account the connection angles and, accordingly, must be greater than the length of the wall framework. Begin cutting the walls with the installation okladnogo crown. The first (okladnoy) crown is put out of thicker logs hewn on two edge: one on the inside, the other with that beam will be put on the foundation. Between the logs of salary and the foundation must be laid waterproofing of two layers of roofing or roofing material. In addition, for a possible further replacement of rotten logs okladnogo end, it is placed on a wooden strip thickness of 50 60 mm and 150 mm wide, impregnated with an antiseptic composition, or hot bitumen. The lining is spread evenly oakum, moss, mineral felt or other material that is selected for sealing joints between logs. The downsides crown exactly polish, and sometimes planed to provide a snug fit for laying logs. The width of the rim should be no less than 15 cm, which would log tightly and stably lay on the foundation. The first crown is placed strictly on the level. When installing the salary you should choose a way to corner connection logs and, if the outer wall will adjoin the partition, you must provide and you will felling for her. Chopping walls "in the bowl." The most frequently used method of angular vrubki is cutting into the bowl "or" oblo. The advantage of this method over others is that the corners are well protected from rain protruding parts of the logs, and, moreover, when such a frame vrubke considered the most stable. Felling can be carried out as a bowl up and down the bowl. It is believed that in cutting down the bowl wall log less susceptible to weathering, and therefore more durable. But it is due to angle remains lost 0.5 - 0.6 m of each log that leads to waste of timber. In addition, the log cabin in the bowl "is difficult in the future to perform exterior cladding log, if required by the architectural solution. In this regard, the preferred cutting" in the paw "but it requires more skill. Let us examine a little more technology cabin walls of the house. wheelhouse walls begin to okladnogo crown. Having laid on the insulating gasket (as we said above), two logs parallel to each other, strictly maintaining elevations. To do this, it is best to notice the hydraulic level, construction of which follows. The two shock inlet hose (up to several meters more than the diagonal frame) attach the two transparent tubes and filling them with water. The water level at the end of the hose is established strictly on a horizontal mark. To compare the elevation at various points in a log house, the hose is put to a desired point so that its end was directed vertically, and water levels, prominent in the transparent tube, coincided with the required mark this point. The second end of the hose is transferred to the second measured point and ensure that it coincided with the water level in a transparent tube. Such work is best done alone, the accuracy in this case would be to fulfill the requirements during construction. After setting the first two logs okladnogo crown, they are placed at right angles two perpendicular beams and start counting. Squareness logs can be checked geodolitom, but if the home workshop of this instrument peg, then it has successfully replaced triangle with an aspect ratio of 3: 4: 5, made of wire or any other material. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the short sides (4 and 3) of this triangle will be placed relative to each other at right angles. apart all four logs okladnogo crown, begin marking vrubok. In order to bowl turned ravnobokoy, counting is carried out on both sides of the upper logs. Bowls are cut with an ax, check the tightness of fit test installation logs. The depth of cutting must be such that the top logs were raised with respect to the lower half of their diameter. Top of stacked logs equalize, giving them a round or slightly oval in shape. In order to log the upper and lower rims fit snugly together, they make a longitudinal sample of the oval and its groove, whose width depends on the estimated outside air temperature. In this connection the upper timber is placed in oval groove bottom with a layer of insulation. Do not forget to increase the depth of the sample cups in an amount equal to the size of the longitudinal slot of the sample. Draw the contours of the sample slot on both sides of the logs, pick ax wood, previously turned over a log risk up. To call the contours of the sample were evenly along the entire length, you can make a pattern of its outline, which will facilitate, monitor the quality of work. With proper treatment groove upper beam shall contact with the bottom of the whole plane, and if not, you should make an adjustment after the markup and additional processing timber tightly arise in place. groove width, depending on climatic conditions ranging from 15 to 20 cm in the best form of his half-circle, the worst - a triangle. To frame was ustoych1evym, preferably each row of logs to communicate with each other round or rectangular pins (pins). Round tires should have a diameter of 25 - 30 mm, rectangular bus for logs with a diameter up to 220 mm are usually 25 x 60 x 120 mm. tires are made of dried solid wood (oak, beech, ash) and set at a distance of 1,5 - 2 meters of each other. From the angles of the first type of the gene set at 200 to 250 mm. In order to spike are not limited to the bottom of the nest, disturbing the sediment proper carcass, he should not reach the bottom of an 8 - 10 mm. Thus, consistently perform these operations, but the cutting and laying wreaths of the framework. felling logs in the butt is placed alternately in different directions, maintaining a common horizontal rows. When cutting the walls need to take into account the orientation of the annual rings of wood, with its southern broad annual rings inside the carcass, and dense north - outside. This reduces the heat loss during the operation at home. Holes drilled pins (after setting timber on tow) at a depth of approximately equal height sesquioxide timber and on 2 - 4 cm longer than the length of Nagel. Nagel hammer sledgehammer without achieving to the bottom of the hole. Moss, tow or others have flesh needle material is placed along the length of the logs and on the plane vrubki layer of at least 5 cm skewer logs on-site vrubki blows wooden chocks with a hammer or by checking the vertical log building plumb or level. After installing the two rims, including logs of salary, start to install the rack box door. Technology laying wreaths trench has some peculiarities. peculiarity cabin window rims is that the logs will be up to the door frame and attached to it. Korotyshev length of each must be carefully controlled to keep the vertical wall and to prevent gaps Korotyshev logs should be fastened to the door frame is best with the types that run on the ends of the logs. At the same time in appropriate places doorframe choose nest. dowel alignment when fixing the logs - Korotyshev do differently than either whole logs. Subject to all the above processes and accuracy of marking quality log home will meet its requirements. Korotyshev not recommend the use of different timbers, as this can lead to raznovysotnosti walls on either side of the door frame. Also at Korotyshev should observe the location of the butt and tops. For this purpose, All Korotyshev best to make the appropriate notes to the (butt) and B (top). If you observe the order and butt parts Korotyshev along the wall, the subsequent overlap of window and door openings tow easier. Nadokonnye crowns are placed just as well as the sill. felling walls "in the paw" has its own peculiarities. It is characterized by the fact that the logs do not protrude beyond the corners of a log house, and therefore worse protected from the wind. Technologically, it is more complicated and time-consuming compared with the first version and requires a skilled approach. Her carcass elements in this method laying adjusted very carefully and any deviation can lead to the fact that the house would be blown, and no compression will not help get rid of this drawback. Begin cutting with the fact that the butts of logs carefully mark out, from the logs, which peak in the upper bran has the most small diameter. This is a log in the future should be the benchmark and the size of its 'paws' to mark end of the remaining logs. It should be noted that the deviation and marking "vat" could lead to a breach of vertical angles cut and tightness. Therefore, to the markup, and even more to the processing of "feet" should be handled with maximum care. One edge, designed for the inside of the wall, trim the entire length of the logs. Kant, opposite Inland, hew to a length equal to one and a half - twice the diameter logs. The two remaining edge trim to a length slightly larger diameter logs. In simple "foot" make a frame so that the length of one of their parties was 6 / 8 thickness outlined square, and another - 4 / 8. For this first part of the square is divided into 8 equal parts. Sealing grooves on logs operates in exactly the same as in the control room in the cup. " "Feet" is prepared for all future log home logs, carefully customize them, make the control assembly of a log house near the foundation and left to dry for several months. Once the logs dry, they are placed on the foundation, perform final assembly with a gasket between the heater and secure the push-pins. Konopatku joints is carried out at the final assembly and a year after her. Complex paw differs from the simple presence of the spike, excluding shift logs in the paw. Source: Portal Home and Family from

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