Parquet - craft. Parquet - art. Parquet - mystery ... Each of these allegations - the truth. But at the same time, all of them - only half the truth. Can you unravel the mystery before the end of the parquet floors, to master the craft of laying parquet, algebra believe harmony "parquet art? You never know, because human life is so short, and the history of parquet so long. Exploring technology laying parquet floors, we should first turn to the properties and quality of the parquet. It is very important as dried hardwood floor. The most common methods of drying, which include hot air drying, drying and microwave vacuum drying, only the vacuum - the most gentle and do not create internal stresses in the wood. This, in turn, contributes to the stability of flooring when the humidity and temperature. Parquet - craft. Parquet - art. Parquet - mystery ... Each of these allegations - the truth. But at the same time, all of them - only half the truth. Can you unravel the mystery before the end of the parquet floors, to master the craft of laying parquet, algebra believe harmony "parquet art? You never know, because human life is so short, and the history of parquet so long. Exploring technology laying parquet floors, we should first turn to the properties and quality of the parquet. It is very important as dried hardwood floor. The most common methods of drying, which include hot air drying, drying and microwave vacuum drying, only the vacuum - the most gentle and do not create internal stresses in the wood. This, in turn, contributes to the stability of flooring when the humidity and temperature. We dried at a temperature of 52-70 ° C in vacuum chambers parquet are no cracks inside and on the surface, wetlands it swells, but does not warp, "propeller". Made on good equipment in strict accordance with the standards not only flooring without cracks and "nut" is based on an even basis, but also has a set of necessary compensation grooves, ensuring its stability under changing climatic conditions. The accuracy of the assembly on the parquet floor depends on how well the production complied with the depth of the groove and the thickness of the ridge. Compliance with GOST parquet on such parameter as the surface roughness (less than 125 microns), is a technological guarantee for the sorting of parquet wood texture, identification of small knots, culling staves due to changes in color and other imperfections. Geometric precision manufacturing largely will determine whether the flooring need after installation of grinding on 0,2-0,3 mm or need sanding to 0,8-1,0 mm. And it can shorten the life of 3-4 times the parquet floor, given the need to replace paint once in 4-5 years when its operation. The duration of operation and features parquet laying is also influenced by its length and thickness. At lengths of staves, exceeding 350 mm and a thickness exceeding 16 mm, they lose elasticity when laying on the ground with a certain finite uneven surface. Such riveting in the manufacture must be cut from the back side perpendicular to the grooves to almost half the thickness, as do some manufacturers of flooring. If no such thread, the riveting bristle in the packing and deformed due to moisture on the sides, while operating in need, with regular replacement of varnish, sanding in, shortening the life of a 1,5-2 times even for parquet 22 mm compared with parquet flooring thickness 1 5 mm. Indifferent to the process of installation and subsequent operation of the parquet floor choice of wood, from which it is made parquet. Not for nothing that the Germans, the big "docks" in all that relates to flooring, called all sorts of wood, but oak, "nervous". They have in mind the increased hygroscopicity and increased thermal expansion coefficient when wet with beech and ash, softness softwood tar and unpredictable behavior of some exotic species of trees in our climate. It is very important when choosing the material, take into account not only its aesthetic qualities, but also the physical characteristics of which we can always learn from reference books, or specialists. Often toning "under the cherry" may be a more practical and economical solution than the choice of flooring made of Brazilian cherry. We must also bear in mind that the flooring as a building material is essentially semi-finished and gains maturity and post-installation processing on the site. Currently, commercially available several types of flooring with certain elements of finishing. It is acceptable if it is pre-ground and polished parquet. Pre-lacquered parquet, it would seem easier and less costly processing of parquet on the floor, reducing the time needed. However, in reality many of the problems in the usual case solved at the stage of installation. for pre-lacquered parquet transferred at the time of the first replacement of varnish. 4-5 years after installation of the floor, you find that each patent has chamfers and riveting. to make the floor flat, has tsiklevat it more than a millimeter. Laying pre lacquered parquet associated with risk of injury during the floor installation - this gives the surface ribbed. In addition, each riveting protected from moisture with varnish, and the floor in the joints rivets - no. And, generally, it should be noted that the more expensive and less quality is parquet, the more time-consuming and expensive process of laying and the greater the risk of manifestation of some hidden defects (cracks, spalling, bulging, etc.) during his operation. Terms and sequencing work. Thus, we have chosen the best quality and the best size and material of flooring and is ready to open brewed in plastic wrap and drag fastener tape box. However, there is some sense to postpone it. Before laying the flooring must check the quality of pre-training facilities. Humidity of the walls and grounds, the measured moisture meter should not exceed 10-12%. This is especially true screed designed to compensate for irregularities and the slope of the concrete slabs. Depending on the thickness screed requires considerable time to dry under normal conditions. As a rule, it is not less than 25-30 days, and formed this period of weeks on every inch of screed thickness up to 4 cm and 1,5-2 weeks per centimeter, if the screed thickness of 4 cm to the coupler are presented as requirements of horizontality, uniformity and density across the thickness, the absence of cracks and chips. If the space is laying the parquet floor on a wooden base, it is necessary to carefully check the quality. Wooden "black" floor should generally be made of battens, securely and horizontally mounted on joists, well dried and impregnated with an antiseptic. It should not creak, its durability and resistance to fully affect the quality of the parquet floor, for which he serves as the basis. If we talk about laying flooring over the old hardwood floor, you must have the following in mind. If the old floor - in good condition, you should try ottsiklevat his re-varnished and, thus, prolong its life. If it squeaks, riveting deformed and partially fall out when prostukivanii places are void under the floor, the old flooring to be dismantled: it is necessary to clear and make a smooth base, and then lay a new floor. The availability of modern grinding machines with built-in vacuum cleaners and special protective measures allow for the final stage of finishing the interior - laying and sanding of parquet and applying the lacquer coating in such a way as not to damage done in previous phases. Parquet fit and processed after finished all the work on finishing, related to water and stains. First you need to reschedule the walls to comply with all paints, adhesives and tile work, dry cement screed and then laid the parquet. Violation of the order of execution of works on finishing the bodily manifestations of defects in parquet flooring, which can occur after a sufficiently long time, but most likely during the first year after installation. Device subbase. The term "construction of parquet floors in large measure to the device the necessary underlying basis for parquet. It should be borne in mind that the firm and by a long stick flooring directly to a cement screed or concrete can not. There are various technologies styling. Most of them are located in the range between schemes "concrete-adhesive-flooring" and "waterproofing concrete, plywood, glue-Parker." All these schemes are found in the modern practice of decorating. However, fixing flooring to the plywood with waterproof glue and nails. and plywood to the concrete foundation dowels or screws through a multilayer waterproofing gives quite a different quality than an attempt to permanently connect the three different native material - wood, glue and concrete. We consider in detail the second of these schemes. It provides as a first treatment (on the finished screed) covering its adhesive primer, which is designed for impregnation and coating of the surface of screeds, and simultaneously to create the first layer parogidroizolyatsii. After the primer is placed next insulating layer, which is overlapping with the overlap of at least 10 cm thick layers of ordinary or special plastic foil and reinforced polypropylene film. Along the edges of the film with some margin to derive the lower portion of the wall for stacking under the baseboard. Further, the film adhesive is applied mastic, as that can be used such as mastic for flooring "Franklin 711" made in USA. The next component of the subbase are cut in squares about 40 x 40 cm2 of leaf water-resistant plywood thickness 10-18 mm. These fragments are placed in a certain order at intervals of about 4 mm, and then targeted by dowels to tie, as indicated in the figure. The total number of plugs can be up to 12-16 per m2. Sometimes, instead of water-resistant plywood, particle board used a somewhat greater thickness. Instead of zeroing in plugs can be secured plywood or particle board with wood screws through pre-drilled holes. Sometimes sheets of plywood, placed near the walls of the room, we have to ground off the bottom at an angle to provide better contact with the unevenness in height, formed on the floor near the walls. On the exterior grade plywood applied adhesive designed to attach to her flooring, for example, adhesives UKI, BONA 720 or Kiesel. Typically use adhesives well-known companies, in particular, the Scandinavian countries or Germany. The main thing that the water content in the adhesive does not exceed 7%. In this regard, PVA glue undesirable domestic production or similar adhesives, the water content by up to 30%. Adhesive applied with a special spatula, which determine the material consumption and quality retention. However, only the parquet on the glue is not enough. Need to squeeze every riveting to the plywood with a force sufficient to extrude excess adhesive and ensure a uniform and long-term fit flooring for the entire time of polymerization and stabilization of the adhesive. No attempt to evenly press each stave on the floor with goods stacked on top of hardwood floor will not lead to the desired result. Only ranging parquet edge over the edge (as shown in Fig. 4) can provide the necessary. Depending on the stacking pattern and other conditions of sighting can be made more or less frequently, from a few nails into each stave to mount a few staves. Sighting, tend to make a pneumatic or a mechanical tool. Analogous to the above-described "pie" of thickness 30-34 mm (taking into account the thickness of the flooring) is created for the laying of the parquet floor on a wooden base. In this case, exterior grade plywood fastened to the "black" floor screws. For any version between laying a parquet floor and the walls of the entire thickness of the "pie" is left-back period of 1,5-2 cm, which is filled with elastic sealant. The ultimate precision of geometrical sizes of parquet staves, the unavoidable contamination of the surface during installation, some deformation of the surface of the parquet at a set of equilibrium moisture in the room where it is mounted, and finally, the desire to ensure the best adhesion of the primer and paint to the surface of the parquet predetermines the use of sanding the parquet floor with using appropriate grinding machines. For high-quality parquet - is grinding to a depth of 0,2-0,3 mm, formed at this dusty fraction absorbed a built-in grinder cleaner. As built-in vacuum cleaners, and individual industrial and domestic models - the most commonly used type of equipment in all phases of construction of the parquet floor, and especially at the stage of finishing its surface. At all stages of parquet works - from adaptation screed before finishing the laid flooring - reducing labor intensity, reduced time to ensure the required quality and durability of flooring is heavily dependent on the used equipment. Among the techniques presented in the Russian market and used in practice, the most advanced firms engaged parquet works of quality, reliability and versatility of these products are distinguished from known German companies as "Mafel" (MAFELL). "Hoffmann" (Hoffmann), "Legler" and "Wolf" (WOLFF, representative in Russia - "Olmaks). Finishing. Priming the surface of the last sanding parquet wood pores to be impregnated with a special composition, reduce the consumption of paint at its subsequent application, to protect the wood surface from direct exposure to paint components and to preserve as far as possible the natural color of wood. As a primer compositions used affixed with a spatula and evenly distributed through sanding sealer grids, which in the usual way applied 1-2 coats of sealer (like BONA BASE or LOBA). Sometimes for better detection of wood texture and giving it the required color ("walnut", "under the cherry", "mahogany", etc.), polished parquet floors covered with special stains and dyes. Similar effect is achieved by toning lacquers. Multi-layer coating lacquer surface flooring protects the floor from moisture and mechanical loads on attrition contributes to the creation of optical effects, when some elements of the picture on the floor, get a contrasting color, or create seemingly three-dimensional structure. Depending on the quality requirements for use of 3-7-ply lacquered with intermediate grinding and polishing between the layers. It is very important to maintain recommended by the manufacturer of varnish drying time between coats. Surface quality of paint to a large extent depends on the dust. It is therefore necessary to conduct multiple cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, wet cleaning, in some cases, the surface insulation of the walls and on the wing, for example, using plastic film. When applying polish drafts are unacceptable and must be turned off any device. creating indoor air flow or turbulence. All the used grinding machines must be equipped with built-in vacuum cleaners. In accordance with the design project or directly to the customer use glossy, semi and matte varnishes. The entire floor can be coated with the same type of lacquer or, depending on the functionality of separate rooms (bedroom, study, children), they can be used paints with different types of surfaces. In the same way can be used discolored or toning lacquers. In practice, parquet works use a variety of composition and based paints, including polyurethane, acrylic paints, water-based, single and multi-component, lacquers with hardeners. It is important to use proven quality paints famous manufacturers, which include a number of Scandinavian, German and American firms. For overlay coatings using well-known traditional methods and new technologies, of which the best quality is achieved by setting high pressure airless paint. They avoid the "granules" structure of layers of lacquer and varnish provides increased durability. At the same time their application narrows the choice of varieties used in varnishes. Significantly less likely to practice using wax mastic and special oils for parquet boards surface. Nevertheless, these pastes, several complicating the care of the flooring during the operation (scrubbing floors electric floor-polisher times a week), at the same time, if we exclude such an operation, as a regular (with a period every 4-5 years), replacement of varnish, then this will make the parquet floor is practically eternal. Where the wall meets the floor. Last, the final operation on the device is to install a parquet floor plinth - not simple interior element, performing functional and aesthetic problems. He closes the back-slot between the floor and walls, if necessary, masks irregularities of the floor and walls near their junction, it can be hidden under the additional wires and cables. Thanks to the baseboard can achieve color harmony between the floor and walls, floors and doors, flooring and furniture. He may in color and form interact with wall coverings and fabrics for interiors. The width of the plinth is often chosen depending on the height of the room and doorways. Availability baseboard face and a relief sometimes creates a harmonious transition to the relief of the walls or decorative parquet pattern. Plinth is made from solid wood, veneered in wood, plastic or molded cardboard, covered with decorative film. Depending on your desire, you can save the natural color of the plinth, render, or paint it any color. He is straight or angled, single-or multi-component, it can kill, attach a screw or, in rare cases, the glue. For these types of flooring like laminate, wood block flooring or carpeting, baseboards - it is not only decorative detail of the interior, visually connecting the wall to the floor, and fixing element. Let's talk about the strangeness of the parquet. Excellent insulating properties of parquet floors, works together with multi-underlying basis described above, provide no special measures heat on the floor at any time of year. Even for more complicated cases, when under the floor is cold cellar or an arch in a building, an introduction to the construction of additional floor heat insulator layers (eg, sheet cork or fiberboard) successfully solves this problem. However, sometimes faced with a situation where a parquet floor in screed for one reason or another have been hot water pipe or incorporated under the earlier drafting of water or electric heating. I should say that it is quite difficult problem. Optimal its decision - a rejection of the use of hardwood floors. If, however, still have to lay on a warm parquet floor, we must first carefully select all materials, paying attention to the positive maximum allowable temperature specified in the specifications. Many glues, varnishes and mastics are not designed for values ??higher than 50 ° C. Their use at higher temperatures sometimes cause degradation of properties ravlozhenie materials and selection, in particular gas, which in turn may affect the integrity of the sexes. Tree in such conditions, crack, warp, crack. Sometimes there is cracking and rupture of the lacquer coating. Several measures to improve the situation will help to organize a more even distribution of heat under the floor. For this example, use a porous insulating material covered with foil, or similar material in combination with foil. The most common defects of parquet floors that occur during their operation, are the cracks between riveting and bulging and buckling hardwood floors. The presence of small hair cracks between the elements of the parquet floor, usually during the winter heating system with respect to the season is normal and due to low humidity indoors. Wooden flooring - a natural air conditioner. Unfortunately, reliable sealing large gaps is virtually impossible. Trying to shut them putty, various mixtures of glue and wood dust or sawdust is doomed to failure, and gives at best a short-term cosmetic effects. Swelling of parquet floors and hardwood floor coverings and substitutes often associated with their wetting. This is determined by high humidity or condensation ties to overlap with the absence or violation of waterproofing, as well as catastrophic bays sexes. Similar deformations of the leads, as already mentioned, the expansion of the materials used in the construction of the coating. For floors made of certain types of wood, for example beech, this effect arises simply from the increased humidity in the room. Violation of technology, including parquet laying against a wall, also causes warping and swelling. Depending on the species Ti coating it may be more or less serviceable. Defects produced by natural parquet (traces from the heels, studs, worn furniture legs, the violation of the lacquer coating on walkways, etc.). usually removed when the next change of varnish and sanded. The same is true for the floorboard, which are available for special mixtures for rubbing scratches or polishing pastes and oils. Laminate neremontiruem and replaced on the expiry of period of operation. Manufacturers of modern high-quality lacquers produce special refreshing compositions that allow you to update the color and surface polish and sold in chain stores, along with arrangements for the care of the floor. Mastery of modern Russian producers and handlers of parquet its roots back to the gift master cabinetmakers, carpenters. carpenters, shipbuilders. who built the wooden church in Russia without a single nail, down to the water first curves of the Russian Navy, created the decorations of palaces of St. Petersburg, Pavlovsk. Moscow. Their work, especially if behind it a powerful modern production makes the reality of virtually everything that can bring to life the dream of a beautiful, wish the demanding customer, a talented designer to come up with. Source: Portal
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