Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Linoleum flooring

On the basis of the fiberboard is often put synthetic materials. Most often it is linoleum or tile plastikatnye. These materials have enjoyed great success because of its durability and strength. In addition, they maloteploprovodny and beautiful, damp steps, rather burdensome to operate. On the basis of the fiberboard is often put synthetic materials. Most often it is linoleum or tile plastikatnye. These materials have enjoyed great success because of its durability and strength. In addition, they maloteploprovodny and beautiful, damp steps, rather burdensome to operate. Linoleum can be pasted on the floor, and you can just lay, good driving in the corners and under furniture. Sometimes, sheets of linoleum can be very large, so first we must combine them in drawing, crop surpluses, leaving a few inches left, in short, to carve out. When fitting nadrezhte linoleum in angular folds, so it is not his neck. Linoleum - is rolled material. Usually its width - from 1 000 to 2 000 mm, length - 12 to 20 mm and thickness - from 2 to 5 mm. He has a paper or fabric base and is divided into several types - the type used for its production of materials: kolloksilinovy, glyptal, polyvinylchloride, vellum, rubber. Plastikatnye tiles are usually square (150x150 or 300x300). They are, in contrast to the linoleum, require that sticking to the floor. For bonding linoleum can be to cook mastic adhesives and pastes. Oil-cement-chalky paste composed of 36 parts linseed oil, 47 parts of finely ground powder of chalk, 17 parts of portland cement. Thoroughly mixed chalk and cement, sieved through and mixed with linseed oil. Applied 24 hours after cooking. Consumption of mastic is 1-1,2 kg per 1 sq. km. m. This substance is used for labels on a wooden or concrete floor glyptal linoleum on a fabric basis. Lakomelovaya mastic. 40 parts of oil-resin varnish mixed with 60 parts of finely ground powder of chalk. On this base paste glyptal linoleum. Drying time of the adhesive is 3-5 days. Surface preparation for gluing linoleum surface on which the stick linoleum, must be perfectly flat and smooth. It is undesirable to lay it right on the wooden planks, as if walking they will cave in, any damage to the coating. It is best to first lay a wood-fiber boards (plywood) board. In any case, whatever the reason, it should be smooth, clean, free. dents and damages. Flatness of the base is checked with a ruler or a flat wooden block. Gaps between the measured surface and the line should not exceed 2-3 mm. If the base is a wooden covering, linoleum flooring boards before you need to carefully trim all directions, and then sanded clean up. Sometimes linoleum spreads on hardwood floors. Hence, the need to carefully trim protruding rivets, mastic paint over the seams and cracks. Otherwise, all the defects of the parquet printed on the linoleum. If the cover of the old, it must be perestlat that the board does not bend or damage the surface of linoleum. Preparation of linoleum Before work, linoleum should be prepared. To remove it is convex and dents, it needs to be cut into pieces of desired size and iron each canvas with a hot iron on the reverse side. It should be done very carefully so as not to damage the finish. Then the cloth is put on each other and press down on the entire surface of some heavy burden. 10-15 days linoleum straighten. When laying linoleum on the wooden base plates should be placed along the boards. Splicing cloths should occur in the middle of the wooden boards. Dry linoleum flooring is usually done in places where it will be fixed on all sides, if the web width is equal to the width of the floor. Typically, these are small rooms: hallways, passageways between rooms. First of all you need to remove baseboards, lay linoleum, very good driving in the width of the joints, carefully straighten it and press baseboards. Edge in the field jointing mastic glue is better. Pribivku baseboards do 1-2 weeks after the deck when it is like and he will press to smooth floor surface. Linoleum flooring adhesives for linoleum flooring adhesives is considered the most robust and reliable. Before applying the mastic surface always clean from dirt and dust. The back of the linoleum in front of the label progruntovyvayut a day before starting work. Mastic is applied not only directly on the floor, but on the back of the linoleum, so it is better behaved. Space dockings previously cut with a ruler. When the glue on it should tinker bag with something heavy, after placing him under the rug so as not to scratch the outside. Stick linoleum is possible without the primer. To do this well promazyvayut mastic base and back of the linoleum paintings, but do not touch the edge. They were then placed as described above, and pressed a bag from the middle to the edges. This is done to squeeze out from under the linoleum and mastic excess air. When out of the edges stand out excess sealant, the edge of giving way and mastic removed with a cloth. On the final sticking linoleum requires 7-10 days. If after this period will appear below the caps, they put plywood or a board, placed weight on top. After that, 5-7 days, begin cutting and attaching the edges. To properly cut edge, we need a very sharp knife and ruler. Ruler placed on the edge of the linoleum and press down her heavy load. After that, cut off one or both edges. They are giving way, the base and back of the promazyvayut paste, then paste the first one edge of the blade, then another. Remove any excess putty paper. Glued edges press down load to complete disappearance of bubbles. With linoleum flooring with a pattern cut all the edges, then glued in full, together with the edges, the first sheet. 2-3 days plank second sheet, sticking with only one adjacent edge width of 150-200 mm, and the entire sheet must remain unstuck. Placed on the edge of the cargo. If you want to stick in the same room three paintings, better start from the middle, and 2-3 days to take up the rest. Images of all the edges must match exactly with each other. To make the cut for the riser, you need a template from hardboard. Place around the pipe is measured by the square. Then the results of measurement are moved onto the cardboard. In the middle of the square is drawn on a cardboard circle whose diameter should be equal to the diameter of the riser. The circle is cut out so that left a hole in the cardboard. This hole is transferred to the linoleum cut. layer to be applied is not recommended. Mastic pounded polisher or a soft brush to shine. Soap when washing linoleum coating can be added only in case of stubborn dirt, as the soap and soda linoleum loses shine and fade. To work on linoleum flooring and tiles plastikatnyh required: a sharp knife, smooth metrazhnaya ruler, wooden mallet with a rubber tip.

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