Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Laying laminate flooring

Laminated or panel, the floor is used for the original decision of interior living rooms, halls, corridors (not recommended in damp rooms - bathrooms, saunas and the like). The laminate floor is a slab of high density (used modern high-strength chipboard or MDF), laminated abrasion polymer film thickness of 1 mm, the lower bound can be coated with an additional waterproof film. The side edges have a groove (groove) on one long and one short edge and spine (ridge) - at opposite ends. laminate flooring has a set of significant advantages over other coatings: 1) low cost compared with floors made of natural materials. Outwardly, the laminate floor is very high quality imitations of natural wood (parquet, board), different breeds finishing stone. Laminate flooring can have almost any decorative pattern, and 2) harder than the wooden floors - will not be traces of heavy furniture, he was not afraid of heels, studs, or claws and teeth of animals, and 3) resistant to abrasion. The main indicator of quality laminate flooring is the durability of it determines its longevity. Measured by life (European standard) in the speed of the grinding wheel, after which the floor comes into disrepair. Currently on the market are mainly represented by the floors wear 7000, 9000 and 11,000 rpm are recommended for residential and 15,000, 17,000, 24,000 RPM, Recommended for both residential and for office space (it goes without saying that The higher wear resistance of the floor, so it is more expensive, and there is a reasonable choice for the customer), 4) are resistant to stains, fading, chemical attack and smoldering cigarettes; 5) warmer than the stone floors (high hardness, wear resistance and resistance to adverse influences ): 6) eco-friendly - the class of hygiene is higher than that of carpets, environmentally friendly, and 7) are suitable for self-assembly because of its simplicity, 8) are easy to use - for the care and dry cleaning. Necessary condition for panel flooring - laying them on a flat surface. Not recommended to lay the floors on hardboard, particle board, linoleum, because over time, this framework can be rendered unusable. Good choice of surface preparation is a cement-sand screed, verified by the level. The best option is to use self-leveling (self-leveling) solution, which will spend up to 1.6 kg / m 2 per 1 mm thickness. When laying laminate flooring, a special lining (eg, foamed polyethylene) for additional insulation, as well as sound absorbing and attenuating layer. For laying panels need a pencil, a saw, saw, hammer, wooden wedges, montazhka. The panels must withstand at least 24 hours in a room where they will be laid. When installing laminate flooring should be left along the walls (with wooden wedges) and near heating pipes gaps of 10-15 mm, which will allow sex to "play" under the influence of temperature humidity strains without affecting their appearance. If there are bumps on the wall, they should be put on the panel with a pencil, not forgetting the gap to 10-15 mm, and trim panels on the striping lines. To prevent the temperature and moisture deformations are also transitional strips to be installed in doorways during the transition to another type of flooring or when installing floor over a large area at intervals of not more than 12 meters. Laminate floors are "floating" design that is, they are not attached to the surface to be fit. The panels are joined tightly together by the "tongue and groove and glued with special glue (PVA glue can be used). On the slot cover layer of adhesive, and panels are joined tightly with light hammer, applied through an intermediate gasket - or a scrap piece of wood panels. Speaking of seam adhesive to immediately wipe with a damp cloth and then wipe dry. Precision manufacturing of panels eliminates the possibility of inconsistencies studs and grooves. Installation of panels starting from the far corner of the door. The first row is laid to the side wall with a groove. When mounting the ends of the panels of adjacent rows should be shifted at least 300 mm. Glue dries for 24 hours, after which the floor you can walk, remove wooden wedges and secure the perimeter skirting.

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