Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Steklooboi: questions and answers

"> What is the glass wall? Fiberglass wallpaper (or glass fiber) - a decorative wall covering, the structure of such a fiberglass cloth. The starting material is a special glass, from which at a temperature of 1200 C stretch fibers are formed by yarns of different types and thicknesses, and then woven material. For the glass fiber weave textured paintings - several variants Decor application to linen and kipernom weaving, and to paint fiberglass (gossamer) - just a cloth. What is the glass wall? Fiberglass wallpaper (or glass fiber) - a decorative wall covering, the structure of such a fiberglass cloth. The starting material is a special glass, from which at a temperature of 1200 C stretch fibers are formed by yarns of different types and thicknesses, and then woven material. For the glass fiber weave textured paintings - several variants Decor application to linen and kipernom weaving, and to paint fiberglass (gossamer) - just a cloth. Of what makes it special glass? At the core - silica sand, soda, lime and dolomite, which distinguishes glass from other materials, as well as natural materials, guaranteeing the absence of harmful chemical elements and high durability. What is different from other glass fiber materials for wall coverings? 1) natural minerals used to manufacture glass, ensure environmental cleanliness of wall coverings and the absence of a nutrient medium for microorganisms or parasites. Glass wall and canvas - the same environmentally friendly materials, like glass in your windows, and under these wallpapers will never appear fungus or mold. 2) the use of natural minerals leads to increased strength - glass fiber is not broken, do not scratch, they are not afraid of the impact of concentrated chemical disinfectants. Therefore, they can be washed, as they do not accumulate static electricity, and does not attract dust. 3) fiberglass wallpaper - is material related, such as a wool sweater. And its open eyelet structure facilitates the movement of water vapor, which improves the climate in the room. 4) And finally, they do not burn, which is an important requirement for fire safety premises. It does not really burn? Please! Incombustibility steklooboi guaranteed according to Swedish standards CSN 73 0823, Class B, C1 (corresponds to German DIN 4102/A2, B1), they are also certified in Russia. And most importantly - when in contact with fire glass, unlike, for example, interlining, it does not emit toxic substances. What can wash these wallpapers? Glass wall can withstand almost all the existing facilities for washing. The only thing you need to pay attention to - is on the properties of paint, which you cover the glass wall - not all colors are capable of withstanding even plain water. What is a spider? Paint fiberglass, which is also called spider because of the external similarity is both decorative and reinforcing material for surfacing in dry construction. Steklomalyarny canvas - the perfect cover for the premises where necessary to combine the aesthetic and reinforcing effects, durability and ease of care, and adherence to fire safety requirements. What are the reinforcing properties? Due to heating and shrinkage of the plaster walls of buildings may have subtle and reticular cracks, invisible when dry wall surface. Reinforcement with glass eliminates the manifestation of cracks and creates a clean, smooth poverhnost.Pautinka gives strength inks for a long time closes the crack, is not amenable to combustion, is highly stable and very easy to use. Where you would normally use glass fiber and glass fiber paint? In various places: in homes, offices, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals - anywhere that requires a beautiful solid surface, not requiring complex care, and there are requirements for fire safety. For example, the network «McDonalds» in the Intourist Hotel and the Hilton, clinics, banks, car dealerships. Up to the apartments. For a short time, glass fiber, for example, in offices that are frequently used? Average lifetime glass wall - 30 years, depending on the quality of the glue and paint, and the frequency of washing. In this case, paint coating can be upgraded up to 20 times that solves the problem with the design changes and saves money. The better the glue and paint the glass wall and cobweb? And how? 1) The adhesive is applied to the wall, not on the wallpaper, use should be a special glue, such as adhesive «Oscar»; 2) glass fiber glued back to back - with cutting should be done in advance allowance of 5 cm to fit the pattern, then cut off the excess, but if you kleite cobweb or matting, then a large allowance is not necessary, and 3) if you are using for finishing second grade, you can make a horizontal seam, so you can paste any glass wall, if you have left the segment from the previous roll, or you incorrectly cut out material, 4 ) should be painted twice at intervals of not less than 12 hours, with an excessive amount of glue and paint can lead to the fact that under the weight of glass fiber coating will detach from the wall. If you need to paste over the surface in an area with high cross, carefully choose the paint - in this case you need a waterproof paint, resistant to abrasion. 5) the choice of glass fiber, note that a poorly articulated texture after a few coats of paint is lost. On which surface can be glued glass wall? And how to prepare the surface? It makes no difference whether to make the surface of wood, metal or plastic. You can hang concrete, clean masonry, plasterboard and chipboard. In preparing the putty should necessarily large cracks, and porous surfaces primed (a weak solution of glue). Small cracks are fiberglass, taking into account the inherent steklooboyami effect. For reinforcement of surfaces and smoothing also recommend using paint fiberglass (cobweb). What is the recommended paint? When painting is important to know what result you want to achieve - and to choose the paint with this in mind. It is also necessary to consider how the impacts will be subject to the surface, often whether it would relate to what forces might be touching, whether it be washed; better to paint with latex gloss or gloss paints. What is the difference cobwebs from the glass wall? Web, or paint fiberglass, has a lower density (35-50 g/m2, and glass fiber - 100 g/m2) and structure. Appointment of cobwebs - covering a wall or ceiling to smooth the surface, applying finishes, reinforcement of small cracks, and glass fiber - a material for finishing. Gossamer is used to achieve the "marble" effect - a perfectly smooth wall for this purpose is best suited «Wellton», thanks to a very fine fiber and weave structure. Different kinds of webs differ in structure and density. So, «Wellton» 45 g/m2 - gossamer tight weave that is ideal for all surfaces, especially for "marble" walls; «Oscar» 50 g/m2 - cheaper gossamer, and Lightweight Series «Wellton Light» 35 g / m2, «Oscar Light» 35 g/m2 - a more subtle form of webs. Desktop second grade, what's the difference from their first one? Among a series of glass fiber for thrifty buyers usually offer glass wall and glass wall of a class second-class citizens. Rolls of second-class non-standard length of the blade. In spinning fiber failures sometimes occur - as in conventional spinning. And manufacturers, removing a piece of the marriage, get rolls of a length of 50 m and 15 and above. In the second grade can make a horizontal seam. The same technique can be done with the first grade, and if you inadvertently cut off a piece of the wrong length, or damage the finish already on the wall - you can cut this piece and glue the new one. Glass fiber is not afraid of mechanical damage? Well, of course, if you really try - for example, touch an acute angle heavy object or a very long time and much rubbing - it can hurt. Glass wall - this is not a concrete wall, and if desired, and it can penetrate. Importantly - they, unlike other materials resistant to daily tangencies arms, legs, back, and can replace a piece of glass fiber.

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