Saturday, August 20, 2011

Once again about love ... Or how to choose the floorboard

Let's talk about the floorboard. I live in a house built thirty years ago. It's called "House of experimental development (to meet this architect-experimenter talked to the souls). The floor is parquet. And as for him no one ever cared, then, as always unexpected and out of season, it became clear that it is time to change the flooring. As my grandmother said, "from people ashamed." What to choose? Phoned friends, talked with experts in construction firms, walked to the shops, talk with vendors. Let's talk about the floorboard. I live in a house built thirty years ago. It's called "House of experimental development (to meet this architect-experimenter talked to the souls). The floor is parquet. And as for him no one ever cared, then, as always unexpected and out of season, it became clear that it is time to change the flooring. As my grandmother said, "from people ashamed." What to choose? Phoned friends, talked with experts in construction firms, walked to the shops, talk with vendors. Alas, their views on the subject were quite different, nay, almost the opposite. And that's what occurred. Surprisingly, with the arrival of each new Soviet leader, a floor covering in the free housing was getting worse and worse. Under Stalin laid parquet excellent quality. In the days of Leonid Brezhnev's stagnation - parquet panels. In Gorbachev's time, and it practically disappeared, the floors were covered lonely ugly linoleum. It's fashionable to take shelter at all with bare walls and concrete floors - whatever you want, then do it. True, all my conversations and reasoning, I realized one thing - better to buy a floorboard. And good. Author! Author! The name of the inventor of the floorboard was lost in the annals of history. But I learned that she appeared in Sweden in the early 40's of our century. Moreover, manufacturers of wood flooring are confident that in the XXI century it was finally ousted parquet. But first, let's sort out what's different from the parquet floorboards. Parquet is made up of parquet strips - small wooden planks from the array with a smooth ride. Parquet board - the body is more complicated. Imagine a sandwich, or in trendy sandwich, with cheese and sausage. So, parquet board is similar to the sandwich. Its bottom layer - is the "bread" from softwood. The next layer - "sausage", also conifers. Between the "sausage" and "bread" - "oil" (ie, glue). In order for a board not expanded from moisture and shrivel, the fibers of the two (lower) layers perpendicular to each other. And finally, the topmost layer (a kind of "cheese") - a thin slice of the valuable species of wood, which consists of small rectangular planochek covered by several layers of lacquer. All the layers are glued together. It is through such multi-layer parquet board will not lead and will not appear on the floor cracks. Of course, the wooden "sandwich" is much more gourmet. Parquet board the size of something similar to the regular floor board. But only in size. In fact, parquet board - a sophisticated lady. Standard wood block flooring is usually from 2 to 2.5 meters in length and up to 20 cm in width and thickness from 7 to 26 mm. According to observations of vendors in Russia's most popular parquet board - a thickness of 14-15 mm. But 15 mm - its total thickness, while the upper layer (or other veneer) of valuable tree species is only 4 mm. That's about it and talk, because this is the best layer is responsible for what will look like your floor. "Deck", "Christmas tree", "braid" in stores on racks adorned exclusively with wood block flooring pattern "deck", or put another way, "desynchronization". I have one of the names of seasickness was played. Though actually looks "deck" is like, rather, on the brickwork. But to me something to dream about something else. I wanted to put the home floorboard sweet to my heart "herringbone" as a reminder of a happy childhood in the grandfather's apartment. "No problem", - said the saleswoman, and she took me to the stand. There wore a half-meter parquet board 20 cm wide. Picture - "deck." I am puzzled look on the saleswoman: - So what? - What? This wood block flooring for laying "herringbone" - she spoke gently and patiently, as a nurse seriously ill. - You see, young man, the figure depends on the method of installation. Floorboards are laid on the floor at an angle, and eventually get what you need. But the cost herringbone more expensive - for it need more corners. Wizards put them there, where it ends parquet board and start the wall. - And much more expensive? - I was worried. To be honest, I was so pleased with my companion that I even somehow distracted from the floorboard and was counting in my mind, is there enough money to invite the girl to the restaurant. She, meanwhile gently but firmly brought me back from the romantic dreams to the harsh realities of life: - If the area of ??the room, say, 20 square meters, and you want her to lay a parquet and oak veneer from the Swedish firm "Tarkett" that stuff together with laying cost about $ 1,120. That if you put the "deck". And if the "Christmas tree", then about $ 2000. If I want to "Christmas tree" of the firm "Chers (Kdhrs), incidentally, also Swedish, my room will cost about $ 1400. Just chersovtsy sell directly to the drawing board, "Christmas Tree". However, there is another kind of styling - "twist". This is when the dice on a board alternate in that order - a few dice along, some across. This floor will cost about the same as laying "the Christmas tree." The answer sounded like a death sentence. It became clear that the restaurant we had not come along. At best, then invite her to visit to admire the new floor. Well, I will work for three, but from the saleswomen and the floorboard "Christmas tree" did not give up. It's fate. Cost-effective solution to pay $ 2000 does not like. "If the floorboard a thin top layer of precious woods, - I suggested - then it can not be tsiklevat - the 4 mm fly off at once!" But as it turned out, tsiklevat something impossible, but you can grind! True, this will invite experts from major wood flooring company. Correct grinding increases the lifespan of the floorboard. Flooring, laid in some Swedish homes by "Chers" back in the 40's, still in excellent condition. It all depends on the proper care. Still, some doubts remained. And maybe still lay a parquet? Let them expensive, but a floor for the rest of his life. What does he do it? Ottsiklevali, coated with varnish, and all. "On the other hand - I thought, admiring the woman - suddenly getting married? Children will go, then-se. And have ten years to fifteen to move ... Clearly, this apartment will sell. There is a risk that potential buyers will come, will inspect the apartment and say: "You know, dear, take-ka you your precious parquet floor with him, we imagine a completely different floor will do." But, as I found out soon in Russia will be a new parquet board "Linnea Wood Lock" firm "Chers. She has such a cunning design that when you move the board can be removed and take home with them. Board laid on the floor - you decide, take? - The girl was still lovely, but there has been something in her eyes ... she no longer looked like a nurse who is going to make you a prick. - Beru! - I dare. But we must also remains to be seen as a floorboard is laid. At one firm I, for example, said that there is some way of floating. "As it is, interestingly, the board floats?" - I was intrigued. That's what turns out to be happening. Each floorboard with one edge of a groove (recess), and from another - Spike (projection). In the groove of one board and poured glue stick another thorn. So they hold. Glue on the floor does not pour. This method is called floating, because the board fits tightly to the floor. Along the edges of floorboard pressed plinth, but between the board and the floor - a small air gap, which serves as an additional sound insulation. That our houses will agree, very bad. Parquet board and its deposition Floating will cost $ 46 per sq.m., if plaque is made of oak and figure "deck." And for the "Christmas tree" or "basket" plus installation - about $ 90 per sq.m. There is another type of laying - a traditional. In this case, adhesive is poured directly on the base and glued to his board tightly. But as it turned out, laid in such a way floorboard can be used only once. Price of work - $ 50 / sqm But most of all I liked the fact that, as it turned out, the professionals are laid floorboard very quickly: in just a weekend, I get a new floor. And everything is nothing. But that's human nature - in me still continued to fight two of my self. One incite: suddenly will not move in, suddenly laying flooring is cheaper? Yes, and the flooring is cheaper floorboard. But the second "I" stood up: but the board already covered with paint, flooring and still need varnishing. My doubts were dispelled completely when he learned that laying flooring costs about $ 76 per sq.m. A work-laying will last about two weeks. And if you buy a parquet floor with monograms and pretzels, that is art, it is even more expensive, and time to lay the leaves more. I realized that I do not need flooring. Warmed my heart more and what is now the floorboard lay in the most elite homes. And nothing - live and rejoice. Even better, the floor can change frequently and without any problems. What board choose? But since I do a new floor, then some fresh, not like everyone else. Especially in the sale of a parquet board of the Swedish company "Tarkett", called "rustic." Or you can buy the board the Finnish company Upofloor »(Upoflor) entitled" motley. " Find "rustic" is very simple: figure can be defined as - a lot of knots. Looks very nice and natural. But they are perfectly polished and lacquered. Paul obtained as a mirror. For example, oak "Rustic" from the Finnish "Upofloor will cost me in 33,5 $ / sq.m. By the way, the Europeans are "rustic" adore. Give them the will, they are the walls and ceilings of them separates the - say, they say, it feels real wood. But here's the paradox: we have such boards belong to the second grade. We need everything to be smooth and free from knots and zadorinok, and that is cheap, too. Then, perhaps, easier to lay laminate flooring? (This flooring is cheaper floorboard. The top layer - "Photography" which replicates the tree. Decorated laminate will serve you for five years. But the surface - without knots and zadorinok.) This is, of course, a matter of taste. But I digress. If you still want a smooth, but the natural wood floor, buy a different type of floorboard - "SELECT". Oak "SELECT" thickness of 14 mm from the firm "Tarkett" worth $ 42 per sq.m. Another type of floorboard - "natures" (otherwise it is called a standard). It is not as monotonous as "SELECT", but not as "knarry" as "rustic." The floor is made of oak "nature" will cost $ 36 per sq.m. However, each company its name. Thus, "Chers" calls "rustic" "Life", "nature" - "classic" and "SELECT" - "style". The price of oak parquet "style" 15 mm - 44 $ / sqm, and the oak "Life" - 34,5 $ / sq.m. There are other types of floorboard. For example, the "villa" - a cross between "rustic" and "in kind". Or smoky wood block flooring (wood steamed, and it becomes like a mist). Some types of wood flooring does not have any special names, indicated only tree species, and all. I sunk into the soul of "rustic." It allows you to feel closer to nature, and little dots of knots only to emphasize the beauty and perfection of the wood. The most important thing is that the "rustic" "mine" the saleswoman told me with a peculiar fascination. It turns out that she also wants to lay at home "rustic." In general, I finally realized that we just made for each other. Did not want to leave, but instead, I listen and listen ... But she suddenly stopped - apparently told him everything she knew about the floorboard. It was necessary to save the situation. "What else is asking?" And came up with. How to select a board? But seriously, I was really wondering how to sort the floorboard. Who, for example, decide: which board fits "Selecta" what for "nature" and what for "Rustikal? Where is the guarantee that I get what I need and not an error? Did aliens come up with a tricky technique that can track that process yourself? Or do they still use manual labor of wage workers? It turns out that technology has gone far, and manual labor is the place to be. First, each planochka passes through the machine with photocell. The machine of sorts. But this was not enough for the capitalists, and they decided to involve women's work. Red girl sit in a row and to look at boards that come down the pipeline. If the line on which floated the most selective planochki ("SELECT"), slipped past a more mottled, and withdraw its shift or "in kind", or "rustic." As I found out, 7% of the floorboard is "SELECT", 78% - "nature", the rest - "rustic." Now surely it. It's time for the privilege of knowing - we should leave. No more questions. The next day, came into the store and make a purchase. In a few days in my apartment adorned finished parquet herringbone. Only one thing - to invite the saleswoman for a date. And then the obligatory home. And it was not for the fact that you're thinking. I really want to make it look like its easy hand washing wood block flooring looks great in the interior. I'm sure - she will understand and approve. Source: Portal Services: Apartments »

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