Saturday, August 27, 2011

Parquet: tenderness - a pledge of strength

Em> Parquet, like any luxury item, not only requires a one-time investments, but constant care. Mature charwoman, elozyaschaya wet mop over the floor, remained in the happy past. Funds for the care of parquet now hardly less than the human makeup. But, to your floor feast for the eyes for many years, simply follow some simple rules. First of all, remember: the wood - live material, and your flooring is very sensitive to any change in the environment. Parquet, like any luxury item, not only requires a one-time investments, but constant care. Mature charwoman, elozyaschaya wet mop over the floor, remained in the happy past. Funds for the care of parquet now hardly less than the human makeup. But, to your floor feast for the eyes for many years, simply follow some simple rules. First of all, remember: the wood - live material, and your flooring is very sensitive to any change in the environment. The optimum humidity in the room with wooden floors - about 50%, and temperature - plus 18-23 degrees. Incidentally, these are the options are ideal for human health, and houseplants. The reality, alas, is far from perfect. And if you treat your wood floor in all seriousness, you can not do without a hygrometer. Air conditioners, fans, humidifiers also not be superfluous. By the way, many of today's models not only moisturize, but also purify the air in the apartment. Direct benefits to all members of the household. Particular attention should be paid to protect flooring from moisture. Of course, not everything here depends on us, and if you fill the neighbors above, parquet, are likely to lose its former greatness. But - all is not lost! As soon as possible dry the floor and leave it to dry. Somewhere a couple of months the damaged area can be re-sanded and coated with varnish or oil. If you're lucky, you yourself then do not even remember where it happened "wet work". Parquet floor in need of protection and overheat. Virtually none of the professionals do not recommend you to combine flooring and underfloor heating. " Floor heating systems - electric or water - must function so that the temperature on the surface of the parquet was the same at all points and did not exceed 27 ° C. Traditional styling, with a parquet floor mounted on plywood or joists (wood planed boards), there is no good. Or flooring will heat up and dry out, or instead of their own sex you'll be warm ceiling neighbors below. "Floating" installation, the panels are held together not with sex, and with each other, more appropriate, but for him to be approached very cautiously. The only flooring specifically designed for your device "warm floor" - hardwood panels and floor boards Danish company Junckers. Conditions of storage and drying - a tree for a year stored in special conditions and then dried under pressure, then stand up again and again dried - and a special way of "stacking the deck" is best suited for base heating. Neoprene strip between the hardwood boards to avoid any visible cracks. The patented system of flooring Junckers "Quick Clip" - without using nails and glue, ready-made, as a designer - is also much easier your life. But keep in mind - will cost you an expensive flooring. To your taste you can choose parquet flooring - varnish or oil. In either case, care for the sexes would not be fundamentally different. In Europe, primarily due to their ecology, is very popular oil. Unlike paint, which creates on the surface of the parquet polymer protective film, the oil penetrates the wood on a large enough depth and "preserves" its top layer. Wood retains the natural color and texture, its pores "breathe". Places with heavy traffic it is recommended to handle light oil once every 3-4 months is usually sufficient treatment every six months. To do this, apply a thin layer of oil on the surface of the flooring, rub it with a cloth, remove excess and leave overnight to dry. Sex with a waxy coating requires more care. Every two to three weeks so the floor should be washed (very well wrung cloth and use mild detergent - about them later), but once in six months - a process soap to wax and maintain the top layer. Luck is only necessary to periodically treat with special means for the care and the extent of pollution just wipe with a damp cloth. Even in the State Hermitage Museum, with a daily load of several thousand people, lacquer withstands nearly three years - until the next pereshlifovki. In your apartment, of course, it will last much longer. From time to time have to please your flooring and handle it with a special water-repellent composition - on the lingo, Polish. Each manufacturer of parquet Chemistry (Bona, Loba, Berger, Osma ...) offers a range of facilities for the care of the sexes - consumer and professional. Polish forms a protective film on the floor on top of his varnish or oil layer parquet and rescues from abrasion. Plus to processed Polish floor almost dust does not stick. And still more often Sweep or Vacuum the floor and keep in mind: parquet does not appreciate your pride - the washing vacuum cleaner. Declare fight street dirt, because sand and gravel are in a tree like sandpaper. Not bad in front of each door (and only at the entrance - a must!) To lay the carpet. For mobile furniture on wheels (baseboards TV, desk chairs, etc.), use transparent mats of PVC. To conventional removable legs of furniture is desirable to set felt lining or taps. Or, purchase a special parquet furniture - on wheels made of soft rubber with additives that leave no black marks on the floor. No one is immune from minor troubles, but they can try to get rid of "folk remedies". For example, stains from shoe polish, fingerprints from the heels, tar, bitumen, oil, grease, chocolate, washed with white spirit and its analogs. Traces of ink, lipstick, ballpoint pens, copying tapes, inks depart under the influence of alcohol, the blood will wash off the usual cold water. Wine, traces of the fruits and fruit juices, milk, lemonade, beer, coffee and tea will disappear from the flooring, if wipe it with water and mild detergent (eg soap). If a parquet floor stuck chewing gum or tallow from a candle, put on the spot plastic bag with ice cubes, then gently scrape. With proper care parquet - covering for centuries. That's the floor, yet even before placing furniture, complete image of the home and creates a unique atmosphere of the house. Do not spare efforts and resources on maintaining the flooring is in order. The more so because they want to not so much. Maria Govorova

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