Monday, August 22, 2011

Paul "The nature»

First of hardwood floors appeared in the XVIII century. Progenitor flooring can be considered a simple wooden floor, which, in comparison with other types of floor coverings, has the principal advantage: it was warm. After all, no stone or ceramic floors in this regard could not replace the first floor hardwood floors appeared in the XVIII century. Progenitor flooring can be considered a simple wooden floor, which, in comparison with other types of floor coverings, has the principal advantage: it was warm. After all, no stone or ceramic floors in this regard could not replace the wooden floor plank main drawback was its monotony, because of the board, even well vystrogannoy and paint coating, it is impossible to build a floor that is comparable in beauty with a mosaic. Here then was born the idea to divide the board on geometric plates, from which one could add various options. When eventually learned to create a hardwood floor with different types of wood, then the light came true works of art ... TYPES Parquet is divided into two major subspecies: the radial and tangential. Visually, they differ from each other by drawing on the cut: the tangential sawing pattern of annual rings of wood waves, the radial - a cut looks like a straight longitudinal lines. Depend on the method of cutting such important properties of the flooring, as resistance to moisture, the strain and wear. In the parquet radial cut these parameters are generally higher than that of tangential, but the radial cut is only 10-15% of the total flooring available on the market, and is therefore more expensive. There is also a mixed type, the so-called rustical (rustic), whose structure has some variegated. Characteristics and aesthetic qualities of parquet floors made of natural wood are determined by the quality and variety of the tree. The most important parameter is the source of the material hardness, which depends on the breed, growth conditions and the moisture content of wood. Humidity of the starting material affects the quality of the parquet floor: if the parquet at the time was not dried to the extent necessary, then after a while there will be noticeable in the floor of the gap (5 mm), close up that is almost impossible. That's why leading companies - manufacturers of flooring markets its products in plastic or other waterproof packaging. TYPES most durable and durable parquet consists of individual bars (the standard width of 30-90 mm, length 100-500 mm), which are interconnected by means of the ridge and groove. This flooring is made only from dried material of high quality. Specific requirements apply to the upper side of the plate: it should not be scratched, cracked, bitch. This type of flooring is different in that it is difficult to style. There are many ways of laying parquet: "Christmas Tree", "thong", "deck", "carpet", "ladder", etc. A well-chosen and well-laid hardwood floor has a beautiful appearance, and with proper care can serve without replacing several decades: when the top layer wears off, parquet enough otsiklevat, varnish - and half as new. Parquet is suitable for any part of the apartment except the kitchen and bathroom (wood, how much of it either process, still absorbs moisture and swells). Panelboard parquet can be regarded as a close relative of the piece. The only difference is that the plates do not fit on the floor and glued to the bottom of various sizes (from 400x400 to 650h650 mm and more). Thus, parquet panels consist of two layers: the base is made of low-grade wood, and the upper layer - made of fine wood. Parquet board and it looks good and fits easily. Usually consists of three layers: the bottom two, made of softwood, and the upper layer made of a material valuable species. Parquet board can be operated as long as the parquet. Working part of the floorboard is grinding to 5-7 mm, and after - 4-5 mm, which corresponds to the same parameters parquet. In this case, the strength of the factory lacquer floorboard by technologically sustained forced drying is 30-40% higher than that inflicted directly by the assembly on the parquet. Inlaid parquet flooring is made up of plates 8-12 mm thick, forming a certain pattern and glued on the face sheet of paper, which saves time during installation. Once the mosaic parquet is laid, the paper removed. Size of parquet panels - from 400x400 to 650h650 mm. In the manufacture of decorative parquet wood is used different species. This light rocks - hornbeam, beech, pine, ash. Deeper - oak and cherry. And the dark - walnut, ebony and mahogany. Is also used exotic wood: Kempas, Merbau, kam above, tick Siam zhatoba and others. At the same time, experts say, is taken into account not only sovmeschaemost breeds for color and texture, but their behavior has on changes in temperature, humidity, and under various loads. Art parquet comes in two types: sheets and typesetting. In the first case parquet design is divided into equal "cells" - billboards in the area of ??one square meter each quarter. Elements cut from the blanks of different breeds are going to shield fragments, which are already in place carefully adjusted to each other. Of course, style shield flooring is much easier than typesetting. Another thing, when the figure is typed on the spot like a mosaic. This way of stacking requires a high skill. Because the cost of such floors, often presenting works of art, up to several tens of thousands of dollars. WOOD The color palette of professionals conditional share of parquet wood into 6 groups: light (oak, hornbeam, maple, bamboo), yellow (teak, flounder, olive), pink (pear, cherry, beech, alder), red (Duss, Kempas, Yarra), brown (walnut, merbau, sukupira, muteniya), dark (black and mahogany, walnut). Oak is the most popular material for flooring. Its wood is very durable, has a distinct structure, but also ideal for flooring, because virtually no effect on humidity levels. This bog oak that had lain in the water, has a very interesting color - from green-brown to almost black. In conjunction with the radial cuts the structure of such oak boards are very beautiful. Beech does not have a clear picture of wood, so parquet he gets smoother. This breed is a lighter, less textured species, has a lower density and thus can be easily processed, ground and polished. In the radial sawing a beech appear shiny plate, visible from the end of the dark bars. This saw cut the most favorably emphasizes the beauty of the beech parquet. This breed has high strength, suitable for making shaped layout, well-exposed moraines, dried quickly enough, it does not crack. However, the parquet floor of the beech is very sensitive to a change in humidity, so its products must be covered with lacquer. Maple wood is easily cut and polished. Under such a parquet lacquer gets a nice pinkish hue. It will go well with dark wood furniture. Ash and hornbeam are highly durable. But if hornbeam easily processed, then the ash is not as "supple". Ash is much denser than oak. Parquet of such material has a light shade and good, clear texture. Durable and sticky wood ash good bend, will not crack, little boxes. The material is durable, almost does not decay, but poorly handled. Grub has a light, very beautiful color, high durability, easy processing. Hornbeam Wood rather heavy, well-suited to simulate ebony. Abrasion resistant, but drying cracks. Walnut - wood red-brown color, sometimes with dark streaks. Responds well to staining and polishing, planed to work. Material is heavy, solid and durable, has a beautiful texture and variety of color shades. Pine dries quickly and a little warped. Annual rings are readily apparent in all sections. Well holds glue, processed and treated with antiseptics. Bamboo - beautiful hardwood material. This floor is very durable, well kept loading racks to climate change. Dense and homogeneous, like enamel, the surface of the bamboo strips of flax color animated rare diffuse band (in the locations of nodes of the stem) and is decorated with dark rain short arrows capillaries. Marketed in the form of pressed parquet slats made of thin strips, soaked in a special compound. This flooring can not be sanding, but for the resistance to abrasion than even an oak. Typically, bamboo flooring, after a five-year warranty period just perestilaetsya. If properly installed hardwood floor provides a hygienic, heat, lack of noise when walking, low Sound conductivity, durability and high impact resistance. Source: The Journal "Fall in!»

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