Monday, August 22, 2011

What is laminate flooring and how to work with him

Before we delve into the story of this material is to clarify the terminology. The term "laminate" is brief, but slightly inaccurate. Lamination, ie, deposition on the surface of the plastic film may be subjected to a variety of materials: from paper or cardboard to even chipboard and steel sheets. Other sustainable phrase "laminate" even more unfortunate: first, it is - no flooring, and secondly, this is not laminated flooring - its just varnish. Before we delve into the story of this material is to clarify the terminology. The term "laminate" is brief, but slightly inaccurate. Lamination, ie, deposition on the surface of the plastic film may be subjected to a variety of materials: from paper or cardboard to even chipboard and steel sheets. Other sustainable phrase "laminate" even more unfortunate: first, it is - no flooring, and secondly, this is not laminated flooring - its just varnish. Perhaps the most correct should recognize the name "laminate floor" (somewhat cumbersome, but fairly accurate). The first laminate flooring was made in the mid 80-ies, in Sweden. Today is the youngest floor takes more than 10% of the global market for all genders. What is the difference between laminate flooring from the usual parquet? The answer is short: everything! And above all - design and material properties. In appearance laminate is a thin sheet 7-11 mm, a length of 100-140 and a width of about 20 cm, the edges are equipped with spines and grooves for joining with each other. The front side can have color and texture of the dozens of species of wood (not only) at which completes their similarity to the parquet. Look inside ... Board material is a kind of layer cake. 1. Upper, protective, layer serves as a special high-strength film of melamine or acrylic resin - the same "lamination", which gave name to the whole product. This coating is single and multi - composite. The upper layer bears the most important function of protection from external influences: first, by attrition, as it resists moisture and dirt, chemicals and sunlight. Now it is clear that this is the top "cake" is largely determines the quality and cost of the entire "Layer Cake". 2. The next layer - decorative - is a specially treated and impregnated paper or furniture foils imitating the wood or the texture and color of other materials such as diamond, sand, white stones, graphite, rusty iron, checkered, etc. 3. The main component of laminate floor boards - the main supporting layer of a material particle board or fiberboard, speaking in Russian, or HDF - for lovers of foreign abbreviations. Behind it lies a common hardboard (MDF), only very high densities, as they say, and letters HDF (High Density Fibroboard, which translated to English means "wood board of high-density"). The Germans had the same name Hoch Dienste Faserplatte. The main quality of this material - strong, rigid, unchanging geometric parameters and the ability to withstand moisture. Incidentally, the closest relative of the HDF is very popular in furniture and wall panels of material MDF - the same DWT, only the middle (Medium Density-or Mitteldienste-) density. Experiments on the use of MDF in kachectve basis for the flooring has long left - too flimsy material. However, one can often hear from home-grown "managers" attempts to "cross over" a Latin term Russian style - "Finely-Dispersed Fractions" (?!). (There is something to ponder: how to practice proves, qualifications and competence of vendors - a factor that influences the level and quality of sales.) 4. Finally, the bottom layer "cake", so-called revolving list - whether or not impregnated with resin paper, whose purpose - protection of fiberboard or particle board layer of moisture and stabilization of the geometry of the whole plate. Today, there are two technologies of production of laminate flooring: Laminate High Pressure (HDL-High Pressure Laminate) Laminated and low (direct) pressure (DLP - Direct Pressure Laminate). What are their similarities and differences? High pressure laminate, or composite laminate composed of several layers of film impregnated with high-strength resins. Surface film is applied a protective layer of aluminum oxide or corundum. That is, it accounts for the first and basic wear and tear of the stains, abrasion, scratches, sunlight and electric light. Under the layers of the films is decor that simulates the color of wood, stone, ceramic, or transmitting an exclusive design. Under the decorative layer are the base layers. They are responsible for coverage and impact resistance for the effect of trouble-free burning cigarette. All these layers are joined together under heat and press. The result is a composite material in the plates with thickness from 0,5 to 0,9 mm (depending on the collection). Further, the resulting composite layer is pressed to the base fiberboard or particle board and working sheet. The quality and volume of guarantees, which are manufacturers, depends on the thickness of the upper layer and not the total thickness of the plate. Low Pressure Laminate is made up of one layer of high-strength film and decor, which at one stage are pressed to the base fiberboard or particleboard. The thickness of the laminated layer of this type range from 0,2 to 0,4 mm. Revolving sheet used the same type as that of high pressure laminate. We estimate the quality of Virtues in a lot of laminate flooring. First, the laminated layer, in contrast to the wooden flooring does not require sanding, sanding and varnishing. Secondly, the laminate does not fade in the sun, and every spot of spilled ketchup or fallen cigarettes can be easily removed with acetone. High pressure laminate has a special environmental benefits, because emission of harmful substances for the human body is absent. Therefore, even people with a tendency to allergic diseases will feel comfortable in the rooms with such a coating. With a view to a single quality assessment in 1999 were introduced by the European standards for laminate flooring, approved by the European Association of manufacturers of laminate flooring (EPLF), which consists of 19 producer countries. Each type of floor is being tested on 18 different tests such as abrasion, impact resistance, sound insulation, resistance to scratching, to the light, etc. Testing equality rather subtle point. Practice has shown that most consumers are not completely aware of how to assess the durability of laminate. The main question asked by the seller: "How many turns?". Therefore, you should tell what is a "Taber test, which determines the number of" speed ". The test consists in the fact that in the face of the laminate is pressed against the abrasive tool - grinding wheel with strictly defined parameters. (In this case, a single universal tool for determining the durability of laminate does not exist. Therefore, every manufacturer uses the equipment available at his disposal. And not the fact that other manufacturers will be exactly the same "Taber-test"). Number of rotations of the circle to the abrasion of the upper protective layer laminate (typically from 6000 to 20000) and specifies, as a rule, as the main characteristics. There is one subtlety: in the test, first determine the value of IP (initial phase - the initial phase) - the number of revolutions, after which the first signs of wear, and then - FP (final phase - the final phase), when the wear is already 95%, and finally , calculate the arithmetic mean of the AT (Average Taber). Indicate the same in advertisements, price lists or price lists, usually, only one value, with no distinguishing mark IP, FP, or AT (TT, simply T), which does not allow the consumer to determine the true characteristics of the laminate, and also allows unscrupulous seller to correct data in the right direction. Playing in the classes of European standards approved classification division laminates classes, depending on wear. According to the results of tests assigned to a class of sex: 21 - home room (bedroom), 22 - domestic premises to medium pedestrian traffic (children's): 23 - domestic premises with high pedestrian traffic (kitchen, hallway), 31 - commercial space and low intensity walking (Meeting Room), 32 - commercial space to medium pedestrian traffic (office); 33 - commercial buildings with high pedestrian traffic (shopping cart). But in order to assess the true quality of sex, should pay attention to the warranty, which provides manufacturers. For example, half Swedish and Norwegian production may have a class 31 and is guaranteed for use in the home 10 years, and the floor in the same 1931 class of the Polish or French origin is guaranteed only for 5 years. This means that the floor does the minimum standards for the class of 31, but the manufacturer has confidence in its strength and is responsible for only 5 years old. On water and laminate With all the merits of laminate flooring, you need to know that some kinds of laminate lack of moisture. However, experience shows that high-end laminate flooring (31, 32, 33 and even 23) can withstand without noticeable impact contact with water for several hours. When buying always recommend to ask the seller a protective layer has a floor, because if you get half of average quality, it must be remembered that due to long contact with water may be slightly broken slats geometry. Course, glue, produced by some manufacturers (eg, «Pergo»), has a water repellent, but it's better not to risk it. Hence, the main requirement - do not allow vodoprolitiya, and any puddles (Attention, owners of puppies and kittens, and young parents!) - Immediately remove from the floor. By the way, despite all this, in itself mopping is not prohibited. Just do not dilute the "swamp" and abusing detergents - they can leave a whitish stains. How to lay laminate flooring laying process is like a game with children's designer - as accurately and quickly are joined together parketiny-ins. The ease and simplicity of installation depends on many factors: first, how to smooth your rough floor. Spending time and effort required for preparatory work on leveling the surface, you can save them with the most styling, but hurry, may find that the laminate will be laid to cave in, to go shake, creak, break apart at the seams, etc. The process of laying laminate flooring described in detail in the instructions, recommendations, which every self-respecting manufacturer must accompany the goods. The basic principle - respect for a "floating" stacking technology, which assumes that the floor mounted "a thorn in the groove and not fixed to the ground. Also, in connection with seasonal expansion and contraction of the floor, it is necessary to comply with indentations (5-7 mm) from walls, pipes and all fixed objects, doorways, arches, corners of rooms in the premises of more than 8 x 12 m. In this case, the floor will "breathe" without the risk of warp. Also, if you want to lay a single sheet in all areas, the necessary transitional thresholds (the smallest point-blank at some point may lead to swelling of sex). Another important point: lay laminate and along and across the direction of the window to the door. This creates the impression of a large volumetric space and the floors are considered a classic. Cliques and glue or glueless "castle" laminates are easier to assemble than the glue, because it does not require professional tools and skills. Strap just snapped together by a special cutting tongue and groove. Basis parketin - boards fiberboard. They have high strength and flexibility. Therefore, no glue in the grooves on the stability of the floor is not affected. (For the DSP, this material allows for deeper penetration of glue into the structure, and therefore is used primarily for the production of adhesive laminate). Glueless flooring is easy to disassemble, move and put in another room. The only thing to remember - especially low moisture floor. Glue the assembly version number prevents the penetration of moisture into the seams. Glueless laminate reasonably lay only in dry areas (in suburban areas - only where the year is kept constant at room temperature). For the price of glueless laminate, on average, 30 - 50 rubles more glue. The difference is handsomely compensated the lack of spending on glue, payment of professional handlers, little loss of time when installing the floor (furniture can enter immediately and not wait 2 days until the glue dries). With proper care, and long warranty laminate floor will serve you for years. For everyday care is recommended to use a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner. In the event of stains can be removed with acetone, alcohol or gasoline. If suddenly (which is unlikely), you scratch the floor, then you can patch up a scratch filler repair or pencil. Should not be used for washing floors glue soap solution, because they can cause some "white joints. The offices are encouraged to use rubber wheels on the chairs and tables, and floor mats at the entrance.

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