Monday, August 1, 2011

Prepare to repair flats

Very often, we buy a new apartment and immediately proceed to repair it: change the doors, wiring, change the ventilation system, wallpaper paste, install new plumbing. As far as all this is justified and consistent with legal and other regulations? And can it go any other way? The most important thing today - to choose an apartment for themselves in the place where you live comfortably. Best of all, if the sum option that you have a small apartment in the city very often, we buy a new apartment and immediately proceed to repair it: change the doors, wiring, change the ventilation system, wallpaper paste, install new plumbing. As far as all this is justified and consistent with legal and other regulations? And can it go any other way? The most important thing today - to choose an apartment for themselves in the place where you live comfortably. Best of all, if the sum option that you have a small apartment in town and a nice house outside of it. But the daily ride to and from work at such great distances is not always possible, and then you find it a refuge in urban housing. To this new apartment has been decorated to suit your tastes and abilities, it is best initially to acquire really unpolished. At this initial saving of about 30% of funds in terms of its market value. In the future these funds, or even slightly more, will still be spent, but given it your tastes and preferences. And the question here arises a great variety: we need one, for example, spetssignalizatsiya or other delights ... Select an object to repairs buying a home is probably not necessary to take the high floors. It should be remembered that the elite houses are 4-5-storied. In addition, the settlement on the high floors of the situation leads to a lot of side issues, because the first year or two owners of housing in new homes will settle down: to change something, something glue, something to deliver ... Elevators are overloaded and this will agree, unnecessary problems, "arising out of the blue." Immediately to sort out the question of whether to utilities and other overhead costs would not be here very high. You selites for many years, but always has your ability to pay will be guaranteed to be stable? Sometimes these payments are fabulous and often unjustified. If you've finally decided on the choice of a new apartment with no finish and want to make alterations in it, how to be in this case? In order to avoid dangerous consequences must necessarily produce a survey and a draft order from the experts. With high-quality repair agreement is not needed. But when the plan BTI they are needed. You can not itself change the architectural appearance of buildings, to modify a load-bearing structures. In some cases this can occur even criminal liability. To protect yourself and not make mistakes, you have to apply to the Interdepartmental Committee, which will determine the list of all the lower courts to pass approvals and the receipt of all permits needed to go back to the same Inter-Ministerial Commission for a final solution to the question. A list of these lower courts is significant - ECD, REU, Department of Architecture, SES, zhilkomissiya, MoszhilNIIproekt and others. Errors during pereplanirovochnyh work may entail the overt and hidden construction defects, up to the weakening of supporting structures of the building, which will affect its performance in several years. The French have a membrane part violations are found when dealing with ventilation, heating, hot water. Affected neighbors and tenants themselves, a repair of his apartment. Discovered flaws in these systems need to address the need, and even forcibly, causing it to perpetrators. There are occasions when, unable to withstand high pressure, burst radiators, bath, Jacuzzi are falling on the heads of occupants of the lower floors, burst pipes, buried firmly in the walls of new homes as they shrink. Responsible for all actions made in the apartment and for damages to third parties in the first place lies with the customer, that is most often actually the owner. To avoid many mistakes and unnecessary litigation, in the initial phase of work should have a design project, estimate and contract with the contractor. The cost of conventional design project ranges from $ 10 to $ 35 per 1 m2 of housing. Can agree on how to be fulfilled at a cost estimated at $ 300 for the entire apartment. Cost estimate may amount to a $ 200-300. But it's all very arbitrary. The main thing that got my hands on these documents, the customer will begin to understand what he pays for money and that should get in the end. Chiseling an apartment, you should immediately perform quality electrical wiring, television, telephone and other cables and wires, eyeliner alarm system. Better if it was laid a few electrical group consisting of copper stranded wire 3x2, 5. Single core aluminum wire is fast breaks and the physical properties inferior to copper stranded, although someone at work gave him a preference. The main principle - supply of wire cross-section should cover the current needs of all power sources and be designed for the future. Should take care of backup outlets in case of moving furniture, carpet sample. Prior to finishing the room all the wires and cables needed to ring a chime, so as not to batter and then the wall in search of the cliff and did not connect uncomfortable perenosok and extension cords. The windows have long played an important role not only in teplosberezheniya, but also in aesthetics. In our country, the Russian zone most suited triple-pane windows. Installing them, you should think about the air exchange in the home. In Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and other windows have special vents. The French system has a special membrane which is responsive to humidity. Depending on the need for the vents open automatically. Vending machines are good but cost money and do not always need them. For example, in large rooms with high ceilings, where few people and there is proper ventilation hoods, they are unlikely to need. In areas where the ventilation risers installed devices for the outflow of forced air may also be some difficulties. It must be remembered that the fan, even when not in use, should not impede air exchange. It also requires its own calculations. NO SHORTAGE - THERE surplus stock on the market today there is no deficit in the finishing materials. But the purchase of goods must be borne in mind that some unscrupulous vendors can procure goods abroad as surplus stock and offer them all as products supposedly high quality. Always be required certificates and carry out visual inspection. So, buying a variety of tiles, one must pay attention not only to its safety (chips, cracks), but the fact that it was the right color and had a regular shape and size. It requires only impose one tile to another and look at the edges and corners. Hardly, chiseling an apartment, you need to follow fashion. However, the requirements of SES, quality issues, the impact of a color effect on your mood and health should always be in the spotlight. Housing should be stylish! It is not common. Sometimes seen as a customer falls under the influence of self-affirming at the expense of an architect who most lack the experience, taste, sense of proportion. When you register and furnish the home should be borne in mind that it must be beautiful (otherwise there feeling of irritation), convenient (to avoid discomfort) and reliable (constant repair and alteration of the road). Housing must meet the lifestyle the owner, his inner world. Experience has shown that no material should not become fashionable. Even modern suspended ceilings, in some cases are ideal, in other - generate their own problems. The same applies to materials for pipes, flooring and many others. When properly seasoned technology nicest floors in rooms are made of parquet, but in other cases they give place to the laminate, ceramic tile. And in the hallway and do any comparison would not go with the system "warm floor". Need to consider everything: from the durability, aesthetics and maintainability to the functional purpose of the premises where they will be used. Internal doors must be perfectly dry. Buying them in a market where there are no conditions for storage, or shop from suppliers, not withstanding the technological requirements, we may soon find that our doors are beginning to crack, there is warping them, or worse, their results "screw". Good fittings imported. Price and quality compares favorably with accessories, imported, for example, from Finland. It is functional, beautiful, accessible to many consumers. As for colors, then this position in our market a long time not the deficit. But this rule should be observed: all components necessary for production chain must be consistent and fit together. Reliable products come to us from Holland, Finland, Sweden, Germany and other countries. Good many Russian lacquers and paints, characterized remarkable coverage, rich color gamut, abrasion resistance. Thus, today there is no contraindication to the fact that we bought an apartment in the primary market without finishing. Money saved earlier, will be spent on to bring it in order to suit your personal tastes and predilections. Want to be on your way were true professionals who will create for you a comfortable accommodation and leave a good memory.

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