Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Repair linoleum floors

If the linoleum is swollen, the swelling place pierce Shilo and release the air. Top paper bag and iron with hot iron. If that fails, then the swollen place incised nose and squirt solvent, which is part of the mastic so that it softened. Again iron with a hot iron. If this does not work, then under the distention is no postmark. In this case, we must add mastic under the swollen place. If the linoleum come off in a large area, it is best to lay it again. Linoleum is removed, clean with a spatula and allowed to spread out as a back-up. Training under the linoleum was purified from the mastic ogruntovyvayut plank and re-carpet. From long-term use separate places wiped off the linoleum. They cut out and replaced by new stack several large and paste, but to remain unstuck edge of 20-30 mm. Put on the site load. After one day, cut through the edge of a ruler and stick them on a strip of cloth, planted under the joints. Minor dents, cuts and injuries on the linoleum close up with mastic and sanded sanded. Method of preparation of mastic. One part of powdered rosin is dissolved in 4 parts of turpentine thickened, add the dye in the color of the linoleum and all are thoroughly mixed. Linoleum 2 times per year to grease the linseed oil. It is applied a thin layer of wool cloth and leave for a day (walking on the linoleum at this time is impossible). The next day, linoleum rub to a shine. You can also once every three months to rub his natural linseed oil and a good wipe with a soft cloth. Floors of linoleum can be washed with warm water (not above 40 ° C). Just do not add to the water spirits of ammonia, soda, "alkaline detergents - from them remain whitish spots. If you need to better use soap or neutral synthetic detergent powders. After this, rinse the floor with clean water. Linoleum persist much longer, if after cleaning it for a little walk with a cloth soaked in water, which was brewed. Whitish spots with linoleum be removed with turpentine or gasoline. If the spots do not disappear, they should paint the substance, which is part of the linoleum. Here's how: cloth impregnated with a solvent (cyclohexane) and rub it stains. Instead, the solvent can take the glue C-1, prepared in cyclohexane, which is sold in hardware stores. Linoleum is better to rub by hand, but if you use a polisher, do not press too hard against the surface.

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