Linoleum is one of the best materials for the flooring. It is easy to clean, durable, and has a beautiful exterior, comes with a picture without him. Linoleum floor covering can be made of cement-sand mortar, wood particle boards and boards. With linoleum flooring subfloor must be flat and dry. Linoleum floor to the floor can be glued or nailed with small nails. Pribivka nails less durable and beautiful, but allows, if necessary, without much trouble to remove linoleum from the base. The roll is cut into strips so as to edge into the joints went at each other at 20-30 mm (margin for shrinkage and possible remedy). When cutting monochrome canvases recommended to lay linoleum seams perpendicular to external walls. Colorful linoleum laid in the longitudinal direction, combining the drawing. On the plank linoleum flooring dock in the middle of the board. Cut it with a sharp knife on a metal line by placing a line of trim strip of plywood. Bands should put a pile and stand under the weight of 3-5 days until they are straightened. Before gluing linoleum floor base and primed canvas. Depending on the type of mastic used one or another primer. If you use mastic to bitumen-based primer should be asphalt. To this end, pre-melted and then cooled down a little asphalt and gradually pouring in petrol at a ratio of 1:2, thoroughly mixing the formed mass. This primer dries in 8-10 hours. For 1 m2 of floor required 300 g of bitumen primer. When using oil-chalk putty as a primer applied varnish. Priming of the base and on canvas are applied uniformly by brush or roller fur. One day after the primer dries you can stick on linoleum. Edge of the linoleum is cut before or after application. In the first method (with cut edge) surface of the base and back of the first painting plaster mastic layer to 1 mm and held for 15-20 minutes, after which the fabric is placed. First leaf smooth hands, and then pressed a bag of sand, moving it across the leaf area (along its length or from the middle to the edges). Speaking mastic clean off the spatula. The second labels are placed to the canvas overlap (20 mm) on top and edges are cut at the junction. Then the second sheet is peeled off, clear the junction, plaster putty base and back of the canvas. Cloth very carefully at the joints smooth edges, removing at the same time serving mastic. Contaminated sites on the linoleum clean cloth dampened with water or solvent. In another method, when the edge of the linoleum cut off after application, prepared canvases laid out on the basis so that the edge of the second, laid overlapping leaf, 10-20 mm overlaps the first. Thereafter, without moving the linoleum, turn down to the middle of the first canvas back-side-up or wrap it in a roll face inward to the middle. Then, on the ground put a layer of mastic thickness of 1 mm, but leave nepromazannoy strip width of at least 100 mm from the weld line. This strip dokleivayut after trimming. 10-15 minutes to bend the half cloth put on the ground covered with putty and pressed. Likewise paste the second half of the first, and then the second canvas. 2-3 days, when the linoleum good paste and paste dries, slaughtered with a sharp knife edge on a metal ruler. Then gently lift the edges, cleaned of dirt base and back of the linoleum, mastic is applied, dragged the junction of the bag with sand and wipe with a rag joint edges. Placed on the cleaned joint board, pressed their load and leave for 2-3 days. With such a glueing the joints between the blades are almost imperceptible. If the linoleum with a pattern, the first fully bonded to the canvas, and the second - after 2-3 days only in the joints "adjusting the picture. Edge is pressed against the load, leaving it to the 2 - 3 days, then stick to the end of the second leaf, etc. For use special stickers linoleum paste and putty, commercially available, as well as glue "Bustilat. When applying glue "Bustilat" walk on the laminated floor is allowed 24 hours after laying. Glue consumption per 1 square meter of approximately 200-300, the adhesives can be produced by following recipes. Recipe I. Mastic oil-chalk. Composition mastic: linseed oil - 300 g, sieved chalk - 470 g, Portland - 170, the Pre-sifted chalk mixed with cement, the mixture was poured into varnish and stir until smooth. Recipe 2. Mastic bitumen rosin. Used for labels of linoleum on concrete and wood subfloors. Composition mastic: Bitumen - 550 g, Rosin - 150 grams, kerosene or gasoline - 250 g and linseed oil (any) - 1950 in the heated bitumen is poured a solution of rosin in kerosene or gasoline, then add the varnish and mix thoroughly. In the preparation of fire safety must be observed. Linoleum on the basis of the felt, and also in narrow spaces, for example, in the hallway, where coverage does not fit, can be fixed "dry". The edges of the linoleum at the walls pressed against baseboards and nail.
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