Plank flooring over time begin to crack, squeak or bounce. The gap between the boards is not only impairs the appearance of the floor, but also complicate its cleanup. Creak usually occurs when the connection is broken comb rebated or loosely seated in the slots. Floors spring, when lags are thin and the distance between the floor boards are great or too thin. Repair floors with such defects is reduced mainly to the rallying of boards and replacement of individual damaged boards. If the board is damaged or rotted one end, it should be removed with a chisel (not removing the whole board) and replace with a suitable length with a piece of board. Replaced by a piece of board should be supported by at least two joists. Before rallying initially removed the baseboards, then release the floor boards, which consistently raise the hatchet and nail puller to pull the protruding nails. Separate boards should be careful not to damage them should especially watch over the safety of the ridge. Before laying of new or refined old boards carefully checked the reliability of the installation log, the presence of soundproofing and leveling pads. Cracks in the floor is conveniently close up with a stencil cut from heavy paper or foil. Putty Putty stencil and fills the cracks, not smearing the rest of the floor surface. If the floorboards are worn out, among them was a great gap, they creak and sag, the floor is completely or partially requires perestilki. Floor boards can sag and what logs are placed under them too often. Output can be in the next: the existing joists to move and add to them new, or old logs left in their original locations, and between them lay more. Before the beginning of this work is removed and skirting boards, which were immediately labeled. Tear off the first and last board, pull out the nails, the edges of boards pristragivayut, then stack them in order (for markup) is not nailing to lag. After checking the density of the closure edges, boards tightly compressed using different devices (staples, blades, etc.) and nail. If building a house plank floors from inadequately dried boards, among them over time formed a gap. These floors are a one - two years after laying completely perestelit. It is best to do this spring, in the last days of the heating season, when the board dries very well. During the summer, with variable weather floor boards absorb moisture more than the winter. But if such work is necessary to do in the summer, wait time, which was preceded by flat, dry weather during one - two weeks. This is especially important if the floor boards nastlan thickness of 18 - 22 cm in perestilke sex check all beams and joists, align and strengthen them. Floor boards should fit tightly to the joists or sleepers and do not sag. Under the beams, joists and boards are not recommended to lay a wood chips or wedges, as the vibrations they fall, and the floors are unsteady. If you still have to tamp wedges, then they need to fix nails. Sometimes rally only a separate part of sex, and formed a gap inserted board is not necessary width to perpetuate their nails and zastragivayut flush with the floorboards. If the floorboards are worn, then perestilke smooth and clean floor surface can be obtained after laying planks back-up, as it is easier vystrugat reverse side boards than align worn boards. Select board should be so that more of them are clean and free from knots, kill, and other defects that plank in the rooms, but with defects - in the corridors, dim and dark rooms. Boards, especially wide, growth rings are laid in different directions, then after drying board flooring will be smoother. Raw board fastened to the rafters one nail at each end and sometimes in the middle. When the board dries, they nailed on the ends of each beam or lag, and the narrow planks fastened by one nail, and wide - to two. Nail-heads and pre-flatten utaplivayut into the thick of the board at 4-5 mm. Places contiguity zastragivayut boards so that they were in the same plane nastlannym floor. If instead of the old worn-out boards are using new, thicker boards, they cut down against the bottom of the log, so that after installation they were on a par with the old. Under the thin boards enclose cardboard, roofing, roofing material, but not chips. Floor finish provides planing, eliminating sag between the planks. For this coating is cleaned of debris and lightly moistened with water. Machine SB-97 without pressure and tilt move in the direction of stacked boards, blocking the treated surface of 10 mm. In remote places planed or power planer planers. Completes the finish floor mounting plinths or dumbbells. They begin with the installation angle, coupling elements serve to "conditions", using SAWING Box (miter box). Then baseboard nailed to the floor or wooden tubes in the wall. Nail heads utaplivayut doboynikom.
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