Thursday, August 18, 2011

Plank floors

Wooden flooring is distinguished by high technical and operational advantages and they are in spite of the lack of widespread use of wood. Wooden plank floors after completion of all "wet" processes within the building. There are three main types of flooring: planks, parquet and wood stoves. The most hygienic as the absence of harmful emissions (emissions) and the thermal comfort (the coefficient of heat absorption), wood floors in the correct use of long-lived. Due to environmental friendliness and excellent aesthetic properties, today they are becoming more fashionable. The first thing you should consider starting the flooring: humidity in the room during the execution of work shall not exceed 60%, and its temperature must not fall below +8 ° C. Same treatment is desired and the operation of sex (which, incidentally, confirmed snip). High humidity boards swell and swells, when low (30 - 40%) - floors shrink, warp and cracks appear in them. The material for the floors should not be a worm-Dry wood borers or brownie from mold fungus. Below the plane of wooden floor should provide a ventilated space, and in the floor is desirable to place special vents (partially forgotten during the Soviet period), which does not develop a mold of the ubiquitous spores. Under the joists, supported by brick columns, to provide waterproofing to trim roofing underlay, which also protects the wood from mold. Plank flooring plank directly on the beams, when their step is relatively small. When the beams are rarely placed on them an additional stack logs with the correct step, but they had already satisfied with a wooden floor. Logs have a distance between the axes of 800-850 mm thick boards 35-40 mm. If thicker boards step lag can be increased up to 1 m, with a more subtle - reduced to 500-600 mm. Humidity boards should not be above 12%. When the device by sexes reinforced concrete floor joists are placed in increments of 400-500 mm through antiseptirovannye strip - strip of soft fiberboard insulation from impact noise. If the log supports are brick columns, their upper part must be aligned with the level or disappears. On top of them under the joists put two layers of roofing felt and one layer antiseptirovannoy fiberboard. The wooden floor must have a zero slope, so beams and joists need to constantly check with the level or leveling up and down the room. Step bars depends on the thickness of the lag at a thickness of 400 mm - up to 900, with 50 - to 1100, at 60 - 1200-1300 mm. Step bars in the transverse direction depends on the thickness of the floorboard. On the solid foundation laid joists 25 mm and a width of 80-100 mm antiseptirovannym tapes fiberboard. On concrete floors intercommunication joists laid on Deafening bank filling of slag or sand (and also through the tape fiberboard) with a thickness of 60 mm. Align lags in a single horizontal plane with sand, which spiked in place of "slack" defined level (level). Apply wooden wedges can not, because they can rot. The ends of the lag is recommended bonding that they did not split in flooring. The corridors are laid across the joists and boards, along the direction of motion (for more safety). Evenness of the surface lag check fugovannoy rack level. Floor boards can drive nails through the front side or obliquely - to the corner ridge, if the board rebated. In the chopped beam homes are often cut in a wall that gives the floor a sufficient stiffness (with the exception fluctuation). If chopped wall serves as a partition, for better sound insulation joists laid on the bar so that their ends do not touch the walls. The floors of the milled edges of gypsum partition boards by different high-density, evenness and less prone to deformation during fluctuations in temperature and humidity conditions. The width of such boards 68-138, and the thickness of 28 and 36 mm. At the bottom of each board selected longitudinal recess (produh) a height of 2 mm, which is achieved through tighter their contact with the beams, and simultaneously provided a constant circulation of air around the mezhlagovomu space in order to prevent the development of mold and drying floor covering. When laying the floor the first board is laid against the wall groove indented 10-15 mm, which is fixed with calibrated spacers. The first board with nails attached to a lag in length 2-2,5 times greater than the thickness of boards. Hammer nails one by one (two) at each lag, driving hat, 2-3 mm deep to the alignment of boards do not damage the instrument. Wells around the cap before the painting of floors zashpaklevyvayut. When you install the next board her groove pushed onto the crest of the previous hammer. To board along its length does not hang up on a neighboring lag stack planed bar that wedging with a focus in a steel brace. Thus, the plank two boards, but the latest 2.4, which placed first with a free gap in the wall of 10-15 mm, and then face down on the spikes. At the same time hitting the hammer on the board goes through the wooden strip, so as not to damage it. The gap between the right nastlannymi boards should not exceed 1 mm. When laying these boards "parquet way" the first plaque is placed in the same way as in the previous method, but a nail hammer closer to the wall - so that his hat was under the skirting. After this, the inner corner of the ridge at each lag at 45 ° C spike, and a hat "drown" in the bulk timber. The first board is applied a second, putting the groove on the comb and pressing her braces and wedges. Nails should be to score first in the extreme lag, then - to rest. Gaps between the boards of more than 1 mm are not allowed. Latest Board shall be pressed and drive a wedge straight nail in the skirting area. The floors of the battens do not have the bottom groove, and laid more complicated, because board at the slightest irregularity does not fit tightly on the lag or the beam and uneven to be removed redoubt. In battens ostrogana front side, and on the edges of the selected folds, tongue with direct (not oblique) spine, segment, or trapezoidal. Board may have grooves on both sides, which are joined during assembly rack. The density of such floors and quality finishes will be ranked higher than milled. Gap between floor and wall skirting close, which is profiled rail is simple or complex shape. Baseboards can be smooth or beaded. To baseboards Adheres to the floor and walls, they make a groove or a bevel. Docked along the baseboards should be at right angles, and in the corners "on conditions", cutting them at an angle of 45 ° C. Attach the skirting to the walls or partitions nails 75 mm in length, driving them at a distance of 600 - 700 mm from each other and always in places join. Skirting boards should be held tightly to the walls, partitions and the floor. In the floor vents suit (at least two pieces in each room), which are necessary to ventilate the intercommunication floors. In a large room has four lattice. Have them in the corners at a distance of 150-200 mm of the skirting boards. Attach the lattice to within the (stuffed rack) with a height of 1 cm, a width of 3 cm, docking angles framework for the "conditions". The floor underneath the grill hammering or drilling three or four holes. Frame fixed to the floor with nails, and grill - screwed to the frame. Instead of lattices can be done with the baseboards natelnikami. In this case, the floor boards should not be up to the wall by 3 cm skirting boards can be any shape, but on their back side to make a groove or bevel. In the baseboard-drilled holes with a diameter of 1 cm at a distance from one another by 500 - 600 mm. Manufacture baseboards best of pine or fir. After installing them painted with oil paint yellow or brown or the color of the floor.

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