If you believe the television commercials, dryness - a new standard for our lives today. I was almost not surprised that now there are "dry processes in construction". In this case arose in my mind a vivid picture: the painters and assemblers, dressed in diapers and orange helmets. But as it turned out, the dry method of construction has long circulated around the world, not excepting our vast country. And diapers are absolutely innocent. It is, as might have guessed the most advanced readers, the plaster (or short it is called LGK - sheets of plasterboard). Moreover, in recent years his "help" came another material with a wider range of applications - gypsum fiber board (gypsum sheets). Here's something about them and talk. But to understand what the dry method, it is necessary to recall or imagine the looks, or rather, looked "wet". The processing of the walls in a traditional plaster version (ie not "dry") took a long time. First, on a brick If you believe the television commercials, dryness - a new standard for our lives today. I was almost not surprised that now there are "dry processes in construction". In this case arose in my mind a vivid picture: the painters and assemblers, dressed in diapers and orange helmets. But as it turned out, the dry method of construction has long circulated around the world, not excepting our vast country. And diapers are absolutely innocent. It is, as might have guessed the most advanced readers, the plaster (or short it is called LGK - sheets of plasterboard). Moreover, in recent years his "help" came another material with a wider range of applications - gypsum fiber board (gypsum sheets). Here's something about them and talk. But to understand what the dry method, it is necessary to recall or imagine the looks, or rather, looked "wet". The processing of the walls in a traditional plaster version (ie not "dry") took a long time. First, the brick (concrete or wood) wall had to apply the primer, then attach a metal grid, which, in turn, "outlining" cement-sand mortar. The procedure was repeated several times. The surface still had to be sanded with sandpaper. But after that it was impossible to paint. We had to repeatedly proshpatlevat it. Yes, even this nasty white dust, which, through all the obstacles their way to your favorite upholstered furniture, accumulate in the most secluded corners of the apartment and managed to quietly infiltrate and get on TV, dishes, mirrors. Many months, she reminded the hosts of the past repair. More inconvenience brought a "wet" processing ceiling and floor. The invention is fundamentally different method was needed. And he was born. Reproductive Issues What should be the floor of the apartment? Aesthetes limited concept of "beautiful," the mistress - "easy to clean, fans of a healthy lifestyle -" environmentally friendly ". Building codes and regulations (SNIP) state that "sex in the living room should provide thermal protection, quenching drum and air noise and to be perfectly flat." Got it? Now look at his feet. The fact that you saw the floor in any case it is not. Since the days of glorious reign of Nikita Khrushchev apartments in buildings shall be so-called Chernovs sexes. This is a concrete floor slab, the laid linoleum. None of their destinations such coverage does not comply. So build and to this day, and kudos to the house and apartment price in the state of gender does not affect. In fact, any self-respecting floor should consist of three parts. At the bottom is ground. In urban homes is usually the concrete slab. Affect it and how to change things we can not. The next layer - screed (in our case - gypsum sheets, lying between the concrete floors and floor coverings). That screed I call "sex." And finally, the last layer - floor covering. This could be linoleum, carpet, ceramic tile, flooring - everything. How to make your wrong right floor, as close to its "construction standards"? And preferably most painless method. To choose the best way to understand, what is the general way in nature. Traditional wooden floor is a structure of bars-lag, to which are attached the board. The space between the beams is filled haydite (insulation material, I will explain to the uninitiated: it's such a small diameter balls of clay) or other Charging heat insulator (what it is, I'll explain later). Deficiencies in such floor a lot. Its thickness is 9 cm (5 cm - lags and 4 cm - floorboards), respectively, it is decently "eats" the amount of space. Since this wood floor, it will rot or crack. Perfectly smooth surface will not work - always somewhere yes "lead". Thermal insulation and acoustic properties of this coating is also poor. Plank flooring in homes is now virtually do not, and apply another way: at the base stack insulating material such as polystyrene (something like a foam), a top cause of cement-sand mortar. But this is precisely the so-called "wet process". Than it is bad? Firstly, for its realization workers must pull into your apartment and the concrete mixer to prepare a solution. I think you have not lost touch with reality and understand that this is impossible. And all attempts to make the solution, stirring it with a shovel in a bucket, are doomed to failure. Secondly, plank flooring can be just a few days or even weeks. And enter the room you can just 48 hours after completion. Convinced? Excellent! First of all, I advise to strictly control the workers, who will do your repairs. Otherwise, then trouble is not oberetes. Work with a floor composed of several "hidden" steps, and if the master at least one layer put carelessly, then see their error will be impossible. Therefore, set aside a couple of days all the urgent business of working and achieve the precision of technology. First there was drywall Actually many decades industry produces so-called dry plaster (the same drywall). It lists all known about the two-meter height and half meter wide. Make them out of the ordinary plaster. Method of manufacture is as follows: gypsum mixed with water and passed through a special machine. It's the plaster molds of "test" panel. Outside plaster sheet dressed in a shirt "made of solid cardboard. Everything. It turns out the basic material of dry construction - plasterboard. Why is it called dry plaster and not much different from the dry? It turned out that in contrast to traditional stucco (see above) used for veneer plaster construction (brick, concrete, wooden walls). Primer in this case replaces gypsum paste - a material composed of gypsum and adhesives. Only need to spread its walls and glue dry plaster. To successfully complete this work, only two days. All anything, but the drywall, as it turned out, there are drawbacks. Firstly, it is a brittle material. Think of American movies. There's another sex maniac or serial killer chases his victim, and easily passes through walls, smashing them with a regular hammer. The secret is simple: stenochki something from the bourgeoisie often made it out of the drywall. Secondly, sheetrock afraid of moisture and under its influence over time in the worst case turns at the same gypsum paste, from which it came into being. And in the best case, such lists are losing their original smooth shape. I saw with my own eyes, as "led" the wall in the hallway with my friends when they lived in a crowded communal apartment. Neighbors for years was dried in a hallway linen, from the kitchen to the ceiling was raised from numerous pairs kastryulek, tanks and vyvarok "... In a word, plasterboard, which seems to save, ZhEK" updated "at the time the hall, looks much like washboard . Old Plaster in a new way And still the dry construction method, anyway, is much more economical, faster and handier "wet". Therefore, experts have begun to look for new material. And came to light gipsovolokno. This material combines the advantages of LGK and fiberboard (fibreboard). Gypsum sheets made of gypsum with the addition of wood fibers. Incidentally, the new material is completely safe from an environmental point of view. And that is also very important, as they say professionals, "does not support combustion. In addition, it does not need putty. At the same time gipsovolokno not inferior to the strength of fiberboard. I spent a "field test" and tried to hammer a nail in the gypsum fiber panel. Hammered, but was able to pull it out, just hanging on his 40-pound bag of dry mix. Another important point - gypsum fiber is superior to its moisture resistance and sheetrock, and panels of fiberboard. Come on. About how you can make walls and partitions of gypsum fiber board, I'll tell another time. And now we're a closer look at major issues confronting us when we solve the problem of equality in their city apartments and suburban homes. So the process has begun, let us begin. First, workers must pull out and throw it "out of sight, out of mind" linoleum. Before your bewildered eyes, in all its ugly glory open concrete floor. First of all, working to clear it of debris. The gaps between the plates (if the floor in the room consists of several plates), as well as the gap between the floor and walls should be carefully repaired with cement mortar grade not lower than M100 (the higher the number, the stronger it is). If you decide to buy ready-made dry mix, it should be called a masonry or mounting. Once the gap closed up, conduct a final "sweep" the surface. Now, before you tell us about the next stages of work, say a few words on the heater (or heat insulator). It is clear that the insulators are needed to the room was warm, dry and quiet. There are three types of heat insulators: Plumbing Infrastructure, polystyrene and fiber. By Charging materials are expanded clay sand and gravel from the blast furnace slag, slag pumice and sand. The main drawback Charging materials - low heat-shielding properties. But there is an obvious advantage - low price. Polystyrene foam that looks like foam, considered a more effective heat insulator. Its heat-shielding properties of tens of times higher than Charging heaters. In addition, it does not rot, can not be fungus, it does not eat rats and mice. Polystyrene foam almost does not absorb moisture, which gives him an enviable longevity. Two drawbacks - the high price and flammability. True, domestic materials are cheaper imported EPS. Fibrous materials - glass and mineral (basalt) wool - the eternal rival of expanded polystyrene. Outwardly, they look like cotton candy being sold in children's parks. Only instead of strings of sugar - melted glass or granite. Once a reservation: better use of imported materials. Domestic mineral wool contains phenol formaldehyde (a toxic formalin). Therefore, use it in homes is strictly prohibited. No better and wool - quickly becomes wet, unstable, however, is cheap. What is better - polystyrene or mineral wool? Reply uniquely difficult. These materials are very similar in their properties. Most experts consider the merits of basalt wool absolute fire safety and relative cheapness. But it is weaker, though not significantly, retains heat more quickly wears. So, most likely a matter of taste. For example, in America often use styrofoam, and in Europe - mineral wool. How to work with the horse herpes? As we have already agreed that our goal - a dry floor, which means that we need boards of gipsovolokno. But when you go to buy them, keep in mind the following. First of all, especially for dry floors produce small-format gypsum fiber size and a half meter per meter and 10 mm thick. Maybe you'll see on sale sheets width 1.2 m or 12 mm thick. This is not marriage, just less common size. Secondly, be aware that the floor is laid two layers of gypsum fiber, therefore, when buying you multiply the area of ??a house or apartment for two. Third, keep in mind that there are special gypsum fiber board walls and floor. They, in turn, are divided into nevlagostoykie and moisture. Moisture-resistant impregnated vlagoottalkivayuschim solution. I note in passing that the boards for "dry" floors are produced in Russia. But for the world's leading technology companies. Domestic developments on this subject I do not know. The main "prodvizhenets" dry construction technologies in the Russian market - the German company Knauf »(Knauf). This concern has acquired several Russian factories in the names of which now appears the company name. So, you have chosen and bought a horse herpes. Now, workers must correctly "cut out" lists. Cutting - a very demanding operation, so do it should only be a specialist. Primarily to reflect the actual dimensions of the room and clearance on metal edge strip - a strip of 10 mm and 10 mm wide, too, carved out of mineral wool and laid on the perimeter of the room. It absorbs sound and provides compensation seam, not allowing the plates "walk" and burst. Go ahead. Now you need to make a layout of the new floor height, taking into account the fact that the thickness of the insulation should be not less than 20 mm. Why? Yes, because a thin thermal insulator is too fragile. In addition, the thicker the layer, the warmer and quieter is in the house. For polystyrene and mineral wool is usually enough for 20 mm, for glass wool and filling - 30 mm. To this we must add two thick slabs of gypsum fiber - they "will lay a" design (as I mentioned, for floors use gipsovolokno sheets 10 mm thick). Think: 20 + 10 + 10 = 40 mm, that is the floor level will rise by 4 cm I already said that the dry heat insulator - the main condition for its longevity. But below it is in contact with concrete slabs, and their moisture content is usually much higher than the allowable 1%. Therefore, the isolator should be protected by wrapping a watertight barrier. To do this, experts recommend putting on a concrete base plastic film thickness of about 0,2 mm. Be sure to make sure that the builders have laid her lap, leaving between the blades is not a single slit. Naturally, it must be without holes or cuts, and its edges are raised above the level of precast floor by about 20 mm. Thus we seem to wrap heat insulator from the bottom and sides, and it does not apply to concrete slab or wall. If the wooden base (rough plank floors, etc.) instead of plastic film, which is not breathable, lay bituminous paper (its base is bitumen) or paraffin (it is composed of paraffin). And she, and others serve as a barrier to moisture, but allow the tree to breathe. What's next? And then ... ... do ukladochku If insulation is Charging, it simply poured on the floor and leveled. If this is expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or glass wool, they carefully cut into small plates. When installing to make sure that the plate adjacent to each other very tightly. Along the walls again put metal edge strip (see above). And finally, it's time to lay the first layer of gypsum fiber. If the insulation is Charging, the work starts from the door (to the process of the builders did not go back and forth on just filler surface). If this insulation boards, the workers will "dance" on the opposite wall. The first layer of gypsum fiber must be carefully covered adhesives. It will connect the sheets first and second layers of gypsum fiber. In addition, each sheet of the second layer of gypsum fiber attaches to the first. To do so, about twenty (at least) self-tapping screw length of 19 and 22 mm. Screws must be with an anticorrosive coating. Clearances and the installation of screws close up putty, then clean protruding above the floor edge edging tape and plastic film. If you do the floors in the wet room (bathroom or kitchen), after the installation of gypsum fiber walls to reach the waterproofing tape, and the floor covered with bitumen waterproofing. Everything. Dry Floor Screed team is ready. The question arises: is it possible to simplify the technology of laying precast floor? And so it was very easy to follow and very hard to break? For example, as "insurance" if the worker does a job for the first time, or, alas, slightly podshofe? Yes. On sale is finished sheets gipsovolokno size of 1500 x 500 x 20 mm (the elements of sex). They are glued at the factory bar with the tab (rebate), and depression. When assembling a rebate of one plate is a recess on the other. It is clear that it is much more fun. But that's not all. There are more teams combined floors. Source: Portal Dominform.ru
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