Monday, August 15, 2011

Thermal insulation of walls of basements

Under the current to the current practice of using the basement - as guest rooms, halls for receptions, facilities for recreational activities or workshops - a comfortable microclimate is achieved without loss of energy only, provided that all contact with the ground elements of the building will be insulated . Rightly one of the main regulatory instruments - SNIP II-3-79 "Building Heat Engineering" Under the current to the current practice of using the basement - as guest rooms, halls for receptions, facilities for recreational activities or workshops - a comfortable microclimate is achieved without loss energy only under the condition that all contact with the ground elements of the building will be insulated. Rightly one of the main regulatory instruments - SNIP II-3-79 "Building Heat Engineering" - demands include the use of heaters for rooms adjacent to the ground. In detached cottage, in the absence of insulation on the perimeter of the basement, up to 20% of all heat loss can account for it in the zone heated basement. Other things being equal, the most advantageous solid outer insulation of the basement (insulation of the perimeter). If the insulation is located entirely outside waterproofing then itself waterproofing, and architectural elements receive an additional long-term protection against mechanical and thermal stresses. If insulation is required, along with drainage of the soil around the building, then one possible solution may be the use of nonwoven geotextiles group Typar (r) manufactured by DuPont (USA) based on the infinite polypropylene fibers. Application of thermal insulation (if necessary - with additional drainage) must be not only in the construction of houses, but also in the construction of apartment houses, office and industrial buildings with heated basements, even if the proportion of heat loss through the basement in the overall balance is relatively low. Exterior basement walls insulated economically feasible and if the operation of the premises is not planned immediately after completion. Materials made of extruded polystyrene foam used to insulate the perimeter for more than 20 years. Immediately specify that under the perimeter of the building refers to those elements (walls and floor), which are in contact with the ground. Long-term studies confirm the effectiveness of their use in extreme operating conditions. Currently, more and more architects and builders are attracted by the dignity of the developed system for the perimeter, which includes the device insulation and mechanical protection of the exterior walls of basements. Embossed surface of the insulation boards promotes better adhesion of the plaster Extruded polystyrene is particularly advantageous to use for the perimeter zone, where the elements of the building as a result of contact with the ground must meet particularly stringent requirements for moisture resistance, insulation resistance, aging resistance, resistance to cycles of freezing - thawing. Due to the closed cell structure of extruded polystyrene foam boards have a number of advantages: low thermal conductivity, high compressive strength to resist the enormous pressure of the soil and use the material at great depth burial, dimensional stability, immunity to moisture and the almost complete absence of water absorption; nonsusceptibility aging process; easily processing. Application experience has shown that the products of extruded polystyrene reliable for depth is more than 7 m (depending on brand), and - if prolonged contact with water under pressure. If the exterior basement walls need only insulation, and drainage is required, either by the usual method (eg, through the filter layer of gravel), then the effective use of extruded polystyrene foam board over the waterproofing, which provides additional mechanical protection. Socle of the building is recommended to insulate extruded polystyrene, followed by plastering on the grid. Embossed surface plate promotes better adhesion of plaster. When the device insulation base plate extruded polystyrene is placed directly on the bare leveling layer and harbor plastic film with overlap at the edges, and then zamonolichivayut. If the strength insulator in compression imposed high demands, we recommend choosing a suitable type insulating panels. Using hydraulic concrete, insulation boards may be pledged directly to the formwork. Extruded polystyrene foam slabs are often used under conditions of prolonged contact with water under pressure and under the foundation slab. Good experience allows us to consider this solution the most cost-justified. The advantages of using perimeter insulation boards made of extruded polystyrene are: protection of waterproofing against mechanical damage during construction, the protection of elements of the building during its operation, thereby ensuring its long-term preservation, prevention of water ingress on the exterior walls; ease of installation, it can produce regardless of weather conditions, a small water absorption and high thermal insulation properties, resistance to acid compounds in the soil, high compressive strength, including the continuous load; nonsusceptibility aging processes. The technology works with slabs of extruded polystyrene: Before backfilling trench insulating plate is attached to the outer surface of the basement walls point mount using an adhesive composition containing no solvents. Bonding plates can be viewed as purely mounting auxiliary operation, since the working plate tightly pressed against the walls of the basement due to buttress the soil. Just by the foundation and insulation: extruded polystyrene foam placed directly on the lining layer of the net. On top of them spread a plastic film with overlapping edges. Next, pour concrete, forming a monolithic foundation slab. At this installation ends.

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