Just look at his apartment and we can state with confidence - uneven walls, it's part of our mentality! But this "disease of curvature" overshadows all, even the best quality repairs. And so, today we have to choose - whether to put up with Curves "from birth" walls with the so-called visual plaster, just covering the solution of the curvature or to fight for the smooth and beautiful walls of a home. However, companies are building today houses and therefore consume a wide variety of materials simply can not keep up with European development of quality of individual materials. Only highly specialized firms, manufacturers, struggling, especially for the quality of their goods can compete on a par with the best European manufacturers. Today, there is a technology based on the use of plaster profiles, which allows you to make the walls perfectly straight in a short period of time without attracting professional plasterers. Simply look back at his apartment and we can state with confidence - uneven walls, it's part of our mentality! But this "disease of curvature" overshadows all, even the best quality repairs. And so, today we have to choose - whether to put up with Curves "from birth" walls with the so-called visual plaster, just covering the solution of the curvature or to fight for the smooth and beautiful walls of a home. However, companies are building today houses and therefore consume a wide variety of materials simply can not keep up with European development of quality of individual materials. Only highly specialized firms, manufacturers, struggling, especially for the quality of their goods can compete on a par with the best European manufacturers. Today, there is a technology based on the use of plaster profiles, which allows you to make the walls perfectly straight in a short period of time without attracting professional plasterers. What is the secret SMOOTH WALLS? This requires plastering profiles, the main of which are: plaster lighthouse guiding rails and protective plaster knee. Has long been their prototypes used for plastering the walls of churches, palaces and other structures, where it was necessary to ensure high quality finishing. It should be noted that today these profiles recommend the use of virtually all manufacturers of high-quality plasters (Knauf, Artisan, Henkel, ABC, polishes, Polyplast, Polimin, Vetonit, Stabil, Atlas, Budmaster, Plasterboard, Semin). Metal plastering guides provide quick and cost-effectively obtain a smooth plastered surface with a selected thickness of the plaster coat. Typically, such guides are designed for six-and desyatimillimetrovogo layer of plaster. One of their advantages is that mounted on the wall, they form termoshvy to prevent cracking when the temperature in different parts of the plaster surface. This is especially important in winter when, due to sharp temperature fluctuations walls begin to change their volume, which may lead to deformation of the plaster. The same thing happens when the humidity. Installed as every meter - a half rack of the separation wall on the land. And if the conditions at any given site, strips allow the plaster to move freely, contracting and expanding in the "bulge" in relation to the pressure of plaster. In addition, the metal rails allow you to maintain the solidity of walls after plastering, because they remain in the wall and do not require subsequent removal. Savings when working with plaster profiles ranging from 30 to 100% per square meter. The basis of this economy is that the use of Lighthouse guides do not need to hire specialized teams of builders, trained in Germany or "plastered giving the president", but simply to invite qualified plasterer who can work with plaster profiles. As a result, the walls will look better than "presidential", and payment for the work will remain fairly modest. In addition, the use of beacons can accurately plan solution consumption, to prevent theft, which is especially important when using expensive dry mixes. PLASTER guiding strips (lighthouse) trowel walls with metal rails Lighthouse in the following sequence. After the pretreatment (cleaning, priming), the entire working surface markers divide into equal parts 1-1,5 m wide, and according to label with colored thread discourage vertical lines. Then customize> plastering guides in height, cutting off the excess with scissors for metal. After this it is necessary at the edges of walls, vertical by level (water level), and set two guides. They are mounted on a solution which is applied to each profile in several places. The recommended distance between the attachment points - about 0,5 m, total of these points must be at least five. The guides are pressed against the wall so that their side wings through the hole left in the solution of which they are fixed. Top and bottom of the lighthouse to pierce the nail and pull cords (measured diagonally) on a par with projections profiles. All other rails must be installed vertically so that their projections related to the strained cords. Thus it is necessary to monitor the verticality of each beacon level. When all the profiles will be attached, should be given a cure solution. After solidification of the solution nails together with cords removed. Now you can start plastering the walls. Work carried out at selected sites: the wall mezhdunapravlyayuschimi A layer of plaster, and then leveled the rule of appropriate size. In the future if necessary, the wall will be overwritten, or we put on decorative coating. As you can see, it's pretty simple. And finally plastered walls look great. For all that, for example, for the small rooms of 12 square meters would only need a dozen plaster profiles cost around 30 hryvnia. Plaster knee As its name implies, it is intended to protect the corners of rooms or exterior walls of buildings from damage. Also, importantly, he makes these same angles smooth and beautiful. Method of mounting edge protectors are not too different from the technology krepleniyamayachnyh guides. In the same way to clean and prepare the work surface, which carries the profiles. With the help of scissors for metal gusset fit to size, then installation begins. First at the corner of the wall solution is applied, which is pressed knee. It should be borne in mind that the place fixing the profile should be located no further than 600 mm from the center. Then gently until the solution froze, with the help of a level (spirit level) is governed by the angle of plaster knee, verified its verticality. When the knee has been completely installed, excess solution was removed with a spatula. However, if you can impose an additional layer of mortar to level the thickness of the plaster on the entire wall. If the plaster knee is installed correctly, then at the edge of the angle of vision of his corner ledge. On average, a small room should be 5-6 meters of the profile, which will cost 20-25 hryvnia. In the case of significant irregularities angle allowed consolidation of the plaster Profile nails or screws. However, it should be borne in mind that hardware should not stretch the knee, but just keep it. In such cases it is necessary to apply high-quality stainless steel fasteners to avoid the appearance of the wall surface rust spots. Note also that the use of reinforcing mesh to strengthen the plaster to bind her to the edge of the plaster knee stainless wire. This will significantly increase the solidity of the whole structure and, again, will prevent the walls from rust. These wonderful ARC certainly qualitatively plastered walls are in themselves admirable. But if you want to give the interior a special flair and charm, you should remember the arches, for centuries adorned the palaces and castles. Traditionally, device arches is a long and laborious, and therefore very expensive affair. Today, however, create an exquisite medieval house entourage possible within a few hours. Look archways will be fine, but make them so with the help of light and strong structures capable of usual plasterer. Cost of arch structures - from 200 hryvnia. The trademark "Plasterer" offers an arch to suit every taste - the Roman, British, curly, angular. One of the important qualities of such arches is easy, since it is hollow inside. Above you will not hang concrete structure weighing 100 - 200 pounds holding it by the handicraft created by fasteners. On the contrary, you are assured of safety, lightweight design, will enjoy the exquisite forms in person to your arch. Made such constructions made of galvanized steel, are mounted very simply, securely connected with plaster. Visible edge of the arch is closed special plastic roller, on which further convenient to align the layer of plaster. EXPERT OPINION ON PLASTER PROFILES "Plasterer" ... Yuri MARINO (stroyfirma "Fires of Kiev):" Analogues of modern plastering profiles have always existed. Previously, builders were working with wooden slats, but sooner or later were to appear more sophisticated metal guides. At the present time without They simply can not be high maintenance. But to acquire such profiles should only have a good, fighting for the quality of its goods companies, avoiding the cheap imitations. Vladimir Kalinin (stroyfirma Index "):" Our masters have never so easy not to work, as now, when they began to use special plaster profiles. Even not very experienced plasterers do the work quickly and efficiently ... "dry construction mixtures Today our market is presented a great variety of plaster mixtures. However, that did not have to soon do the repair again, it's important to get it back to what you need. Major foreign and Ukrainian producers of dry mixes (KNAUF, HENKEL BAUTECHNIK, OPTIROC, ATLAS, Fomalhaut, and others) offer a wide range of plasters. The ratio of price-quality "experts divide them into the following groups. First - this is the cheapest materials produced by obsolete technology. They are applicable in cases where the deciding factor is price, not quality. The second group includes high-mix, produced by domestic companies with foreign firms or independently, but with the use of imported components (usually the builders). And finally, the third group are the original plaster-known foreign companies. Those who planned to do at home good repair, experts advise on opportunities to acquire materials of the second and third groups. In this case, plaster compositions of Ukrainian and foreign production can be successfully combined to finish fulfilling the most "responsible" surfaces are very expensive imported materials, and all others - is also high quality but cheaper domestic ... Note that in the range of each major firms typically have not only the plaster, but also a primer and sealer - in such a way that users do not have problems of incompatibility of materials. Be sure to keep this in mind when buying plaster compositions. Another important thing that you need to pay attention - the recent increase in cases of counterfeiting products of the leading companies manufacturing dry mix. Of course, the manufacturers, as they can be protected from counterfeiters, changing and improving packaging. However, smart "businessmen" are also not sitting idly by. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken for high-quality building materials still worth going to the store or supermarket. Because the desire to save a little by buying everything you need for repair to the nearest market, can become what a lot of money will be wasted Source: Building portal Gvozdik.ru
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