We know that it is better to live for the metal door. Calmer. But were we once on a single exhibition of building materials. Resembled between the stands and talked with producers. And thought: why only the metal door? Or, as they are commonly called, steel, or safety deposit box? And what with the wooden entrance door - it just seams? Apparently not, there are good options. For example, tell us here a curious history, we know that a better life for a metal door. Calmer. But were we once on a single exhibition of building materials. Resembled between the stands and talked with producers. And thought: why only the metal door? Or, as they are commonly called, steel, or safety deposit box? And what with the wooden entrance door - it just seams? Apparently not, there are good options. For example, tell us here a curious story ... ... Hard to respect a mediocre businessman Dmitry V. P. And as soon as the affairs of his business went poboychee, immediately to the right himself a steel door. It seemed that for her, and sleep tight, and dines appetizing. Besides his wife and children can safely leave the house - not snitch, that if, God forbid. In general, Dima posted in due time for the steel beauty bank. And he lived in clover. But then overcame his doubts. Once he looked into the story "Vremechko. The screen was crying just before a door of a citizen, slamming into an apartment by negligence infant son. TV reporters glibly described as rescuers arrived from the MOE as cut up the door blowtorch ... Next subject, to everyone's delight, ended well: baby rescued, mother coaxed. It is true, then what the family did with the mutilated door - not shown. But even so it is clear that we had to change. And if, God forbid, would happen in an apartment fire or explosion? Then the metal door jams and skew. In a word, a businessman Dmitry think hard. And he remembered a kind word for an old wooden door! I must say, in a past life, he was an engineer and, therefore, remembering the accumulated knowledge of the institute, he thought: "Surely the progress has not reached that both wooden doors could be done safely, stuffed them good locks and security systems? "And went to seek the truth about the wooden door. I must say, go far did not have to. Many of the new told him just to the nearby store. The most important thing - it became clear that the input wood doors exist in nature. Question what? Of store manager's name was Mike, the guy has got clever and talkative. Let us listen to you and me. About African moisture and Siberian frosts - I'll say this: the tree - the material lively and capricious. Wood breathes, absorbs moisture, and therefore can change the color, form, crack, rot, finally! At one time, in the old days, for equipment, furniture or building a house had its own technology choices: take into account the age of the tree, its resinous, place of birth, state of the crust and the crown. Now experts is almost gone. At wood treatment plants, which mostly come is the timber that is easier to buy. At this point everyone decides for himself - to take him, for example, the Belarusian oak or not. After all, there were cases when the environmental standards of the Belarusian Party of oak recognized unusable due to elevated levels of radiation. - Is not from abroad can not enter "suspicious" timber? - Still as you can! But his reputation as an honest producer risk becomes. So if you do not want to be deceived and demands that the company documents about the "pedigree" of the tree (that is where this door is made, where I got the wood for her) and the certificate of compliance with environmental regulations. And even better - check out the material themselves "to radiation." Do this, incidentally, is simple: dosimeter should be in every company engaged in manufacturing of wood products. - I've heard that the wooden door "leads"? - Sometimes. So check the "humidity" door. To this end, the store must be the so-called pin gauge needle (you should enable it on demand). If you do not give - so afraid of something. I would therefore not contacted by the manufacturer. Oh, and many ask whose door is better - ours or imported? Personally, I think: how many firms, so many opinions. Some believe that in Russia for the manufacture of doors you can only use our forest climatic zone. They say, it is important that the wood and then not "capricious", getting used to new conditions. In the middle belt humidity "mother" well-dried wood is 6-8%, depending on the species (oak - 6%, pine - 7-8%). True, delivered, for example, from Asia board is dried, but it is difficult to predict how it will behave in the suburbs? And then, what must be confessed, many suppliers have driven us to hack-work ("wet" plank). These doors are just and "leading." How many times were: somewhere from Africa come rock with 18% humidity. It is clear that with such a door, then there will be a lot of hassle. But some companies still prefer foreign raw materials. Or again: sometimes the doors are literally crying. - And this is what is it? - Such a bad luck occurs when increased gummosity tree. But now such breeds little use. For example, a good raw material is larch, but it is too painful to resinous. If a timber is not subjected to expensive and time-consuming process (a process that is not available to all businesses), then under the sun door can "weep, shedding tears of resin and destroying the paint. So ignore the larch manufacturers. As the Christmas tree. - We are on New Year's get more! - Oh, by the way! Well, that was reminded of winter and frost. At what temperature rose tree - for the next door is not the last thing. If you hit thirty degrees of frost, so even if you could stand a few days holodina, the tree will turn black. (So, incidentally, has been in the cold winter 40-ies. Then hit a lot of Russian forests.) When cuts blackened layers to be removed (otherwise they will quickly begin to fail). And it is extremely costly to firms. So they buy a tree in the warmth of the Krasnodar region. To minimize waste, as they say. Moreover, the change of seasons also affect the texture of the wood. For example, in winter the tree is practically not growing, "sleeps", and with the onset of heat wakes up and lets shoot. In the field "awakening" formed curving trunk and twigs. And to them requires extra attention in the processing of wood. (Recall that I have to tell you about this in more detail.) In the "evergreen" trees countries to live comfortably and have fewer knots. It turns out that African and Asian trees are easier to handle and, accordingly, the boards are sometimes cheaper. What is not an argument in their favor? And when you consider that many Russian consumers have more confidence to foreign firms, the conclusion suggests itself. - Well, the place determined, now we can finally choose the door? - Take your time. Next - drying. If the dryer was so-so, then the door to get cheesy. On wood "capillaries" flowing "blood tree." However, these juices are good only in a living tree. So, just drying reduces the movement of wood sap (in a professional - "Sap"). Dried wood is a natural or forced (accelerated) ways. When the natural drying of wood is kept dry, ventilated area for a well-defined technology term (maximum of 50 years, on average - 10.5 years). It is important to retain moisture breed! With the accelerated drying of wood remove excess moisture, periodic heating and cooling the tree. The process is automated and we can say, shrouded in mystery (in the sense that their know-how of experts carefully concealed). It is believed that natural drying is more reliable. But the conditions for it are practically no, and wait a long time! Wherefore, if in any trading firm will tell you that the wood is dried very natural way, do not believe it! The process of something that long and, therefore, not cheap. Most likely, it was as follows: 3-4 years for sawn wood planks lay under ventilated shed, and then subjected to forced drying. So much for natural drying. - Now it all? - Not yet. After drying, the struggle begins for protection of soft wood from external enemies. This kind of makeup for the tree. Moreover, as different cosmetics applied to dry or oily skin, and different solutions and methods treated oak and pine. The main thing - that the substance does not contain carcinogens. Some firms are first applied to the tree layer of an antifungal solution, then - the water resistant emulsion paint or wood. And only then covered with several layers of clear lacquer. - But the strength, as I understand, all these cosmetic details do not affect? - In terms of strength - yes, but serious producers, before the strike on the door last gloss, "bewitching" of wood to give it greater strength. To keep your wood door certainly could compete with the metal. Previously, the best way would maceration (heating). Oak, for example, several years were kept under water. Such a drift wood and a hatchet, then took the hard way. Everyone knows that built 100 or even 200 years ago, the house of drift wood stand still. By the way, the foundation of the first church of Christ the Savior on the snag was too complicated. But in our time snag more the exception than the rule. But knowing how to process the wood doors for your future, you can. Serious producer (if you want) will take you to the shop and explain what's what. Not only reveal the secrets that can take advantage of competitors. - But this is a solid darkness! What is that - I should monitor? Do not come to the company, read it a piece of paper signed by a responsible person that, say, your door, a citizen member of the so-and-order is that it does not fall apart after a year and would not create around them an increased radiation background . Order in which case he said: "The citizen is good, chase money back, but still a fine surcharge for cheating workers!" Can I do so, then to not fooling not find out about that stump, which was dried - not dosushili, morili - not domorili? - Sorry, but a full guarantee that will not lie, you still do not. Many firms know that our people the paper is greater than himself, he believes. So have all the necessary certificates and certificates. It happens, and lime. So the main indicator of quality - all the same reputation. If the complaints from its customers for several years there - then everything is normal and paper confirmations can be trusted. By the way, if the firm is not only implements the "wooden products", but she makes it, for it is a big plus. The client can see where, on what equipment and how to make his order. - Good, quality wood, we controlled. A very a door as a check when buying? Suddenly, a month or two problems begin? - No problems, if you know the most important thing about her "inner structure" and that should look like "proper" wooden front door. By the way, we often ask our customers why they want is a wooden door. Most often the answer is simple: love, used to such doors since childhood! And besides, I'd add: strong they were, among other things, not like the old, Soviet. 1 - sealing gasket 2 - wide-angle peephole 180 ° 3 - vertical reinforcing profiles Omega 4 - internal insulation 5 - upper trailing rod 6 - galvanized steel zinc coating 7 - Automatic movable door seal 8 - safety lock 9 - cylinder lock 10 - Patent deflecting unit «ARTIGLIO» 11 - adjustable loop 12 - fixed protivosemnye spikes 13 - paneling, stainless steel 14 - adjusting screw sealing threshold 15 - Group irrevocable drive 16 - bush outdoor reception - I realized: today the wooden door you can not do less reliable than steel. - With only one proviso: alas, the wooden door, even the strongest, can still burn! But steel can be blown up! But that's as fate would have it ... Yes, well, a solid wooden door - a door from the array. - That is one piece of wood? - And here and there. When it comes to high-quality wooden entrance door, made of modern technology, we understand under an array of pieces of wood glued together the same breed. - What's the point? I always thought that the most reliable door - one piece of wood. - This is a common misconception. The door, of course, can be done in one piece, but I assure you, she was soon "lead" (that is, it is deformed and crack from changes in temperature and humidity). A glued the door going, so that sticks (if they start to deform) "pulled" to the door, not allowing itself to curve design. At the site of gluing canvas remains small zubchikoobrazny seam (experts call it "gear microstuds). Such a glued joint is done on the machines and break it a lot harder than a homogeneous board. - You are asked to recall the knots. Remind. In the eyes of an amateur, they look beautiful ... - For the front door, of course, the most important thing - strength. So if you see that the door leaf is all in a knot, hitch and pitch pockets, the council is one: do not look at him at all! This door does not last for long. Twigs crack and fall out, but from the pockets of resin since the release of resin. Door loses and beauty, and durability. At a decent company, all these "misfortunes" cut. If the manufacturer proves to the customer that swirls in the door by beauty that they are specially treated and not dangerous, you know: you are deceived. And 100 per cent guarantee of strength solid producer will not help. A beauty .... Here is the French firm "Rosier» (Roziere) offers the model of "antique". Their doors are specially treated so that they looked "gruboobrabotannymi": they are visible like cracks and potholes. But this - "decoration" for the beauty and fans of "old". It creates the impression that the door was brought from a medieval castle. For the beauty and quality with you take more than 1500 dollars. Speaking of prices. Even to call the average price is almost impossible. It depends on wood species, door size, model, cost of delivery and accessories. According to the most approximate estimates, we mean the price of single-base model (the height of about 2 m, width of 1 m, thickness of leaf 50 mm). But in any case, the door of the array - is more expensive (but more durable) than, for example, veneered door. Core veneer wooden entrance door consists of chipboard or MDF, and the outside - a layer (about 0,5 - 1 mm) of this tree. In another way, this layer is also called veneers (also known as veneers). - So, maybe better with the door does not bind to sin? .. - Well, why not? On the strength of MDF is not inferior to the tree. In addition, MDF, unlike wood, is almost not deformed. - And maybe, if ordered in order to save the door itself from the array, and the box - out of MDF? - I do not advise. The door frame must be of the same material as the door itself. Otherwise, a loop will pop up (if the door is hard to keep its base), or wedge will be or, conversely, over time the gap will appear. Go ahead. The assembled door assemblies (door + Box) at your request can handle fire or antifungal agents. And varnish. I recall that the varnish should be required for outdoor work, so you do not burst from the cold. If the door is painted, it should still exude a wood texture (picture of a tree). After all, the texture - this is the main decoration of wooden doors. Each breed has its own texture. - I would still chose the oak. Safer somehow, after all ages of it done ... - Well, for centuries, and of other species did: pine, cherry, maple, birch, even - all in their own good. There is just a matter of taste and wishes. Each wooden door can be made so as to best protect yourself from "foreign" invasion. Wood vs. steel, or a way out - On a wooden door can make the same security system (in other words, the locks), as the metal. For example, not greedy and embed lock type "Calais» (Kale, Turkey), Multilok »(Mul-t-lock, Israel)," The Class "(Russia), etc. Or you can put the whole locking system, where one turn of a key lock tabs are available immediately in three directions (sideways, up, down). Particularly cautious pose electronic locking devices. You can even put protivosemnye loops, internal tab, video surveillance, etc. In short, wooden door can be provided to any bars, just like metal. Alas, but against any plastic explosive bolts will help, but the thief is quiet and so he is still in a door lock to open. But from a bully, violent neighbor and street punks contemporary wooden front door completely (and safely) to protect. Although there is yet another radical remedy: You can order a combined version, where the wooden door from the outside, but inside - the metal. And even top-notch sound insulation can be ordered. But such services are valued more, and all this advice specify in advance, ordering wooden entrance door. Trim (color and rock veneer) is also available on request from the various types of wood. For example, the trim of wood species sapele (mahogany type)! The cost of such a combined door domestic production varies between 1000 - 2000 U.S. dollars, but the quality is not inferior to imported. - Yes, but as is the case, when suddenly the fire? - Well, during a fire steel door can clog: metal expands when heated and deformed. The same problems can occur if you combined the front door (derevometall). But the Italian group "Dyer» (Dierre) thought out version specifically for such cases. (Her products, as well as the production of Italian firm "Garofolo» (Garofoli), circulating in the Russian firm "Now.") So, they have a steering wheel of wood, metal hidden, but the door. That's the door, and not frame or sheet metal, as in the doors of most other firms. The thickness of the metal in these Italian doors not less than 2 mm. Italians will ensure that when a fire door is not straight. At least a couple of hours no problem. During this time, hopefully, firefighters had already come and rescue you. Incidentally, one of the best fire doors "Dyer" are the doors of our subsidiary company "Tred» (Tredi). In addition, the doors are equipped with internal thermo insulating and sound-absorbing panels. Soundproofing reaches an average of 36 decibels. Simply put, a drunken brawl on the stairs, you will not hear, even in the stillness of the night. And, of course, complete a peephole, latch, chain (or a safety stopper) and protivosemnye pins. And even in these doors has a rare feature - a movable seal threshold. It looks like this miracle of technology so. It is attached to the lower end of the door. When the door is closed, the seal rests on the floor, stopping drafts and dust. It is necessary to open the door the same as seal automatically retracts into the door. Beauty! Yes, one more thing! At each door, "Dyer" There bloc Mia »(Mia). What does this mean, now explain. This unit allows you to change keys without changing the entire lock. Suppose you lost your keys, or, God forbid, you have stolen them - you just replace the old block and old keys with new ones. Very comfortable and no hassle! The firm has various options for locks: from basic models with the cylinder and double-bit to electronic - with billions of combinations, or mechanical - with punch cards. Reinforced door with electronic lock and is equipped with an electric "Eletra» (Eletra). Moreover, the company "So, you can if you wish to order more than 200 models of metal and wooden doors with a variety of upholstery from the tree. Including the individual project. - Oh, and as much as I enjoy it all have to wait? - Let's calculate. Together with the measurements, the choice of accessories and the desired design a massive wooden door-to-order made no less than 20 days. Time is running out for pressing, drying and others do not depend on the master out. For a combined period of less doors - still upholster a tree iron base is easier than working with the array. If the firm offers a ready-made artifacts, while mostly spent on transportation. If the door is manufactured abroad, it will have to await the arrival of the party. - And if I choose a ready-made model and ask to fit it to your size ... - I do not advise. Some firms do offer a ready-made model. At the booth of these doors look good. But when a door is beginning to "fit on the figure, it tends to lose a decent look. Therefore, the best order and wait. Let's me tell you about the accessories! Because of their great variety. If the door is heavy (50 kg), the loop needs a strong and a number greater than two. Metal doors, studded with veneer (with a mass exceeding 100 kg), complementary to the bearing. Mounted bearing on the very door of the keyhole (the very top), and the door frame at the same level it is arranged under the nest. Bearings allow the door to close freely even at low precipitation at home. The price for this door is 1500 - 2000 U.S. dollars. Do not forget to choose the right pen. Handle for the door to be different "resistance to pulling. Better to the metal handle was insulated - if your hands do not freeze in winter (for the enemies you can think of other options: for example, with a removable insulation - just kidding). Some companies offer to use the pen with a wooden insert. Also a good option. But put and what you bring to them - even though the knob makes. Personally, I like the handle of polished brass, today there are many in sell various manufacturers. And if you want to securely protect the house from drafts, street dust and noise - set in a special box door gasket with an inner rib and a special holder for the entire length of the strip. This holder fits into a groove, is available at the door frame. - Got it. Yes, a peephole in a door already have or need to buy separately? - Most eye is already installed, and the so-called "fish eye" can see "neighborhood" good enough. Yes, if the door is heavy, do not forget about "Closer" - it will allow the door to lock. - It is said that the wooden door, as a woman loves petting ... - It's yes. Wooden entrance door to be loved and cherished. If it goes straight into the street, would be nice to make a shield that protects it from sun and rain. Well, if the home has electronic climate that supports the desired level of moisture and temperature - in such circumstances woodwork duty to preserve its original appearance. By the way, solid firms guarantee proper operation of its production from 10 to 15 years. And the last tip. Remember: the darker the paint, which painted the door, the longer it is stored timber. Now he understood. We believe: the cheapest, the domestic, but the qualitative door from an array of cost me about $ 1000. For the same money I can buy the same French from MDF. If I book with some "twists" - will be more expensive. I go to pay? Well, if you've already decided that it was decided to order, why not? And on the left. We do not know that he chose our hero, but after a while the entrance to his apartment guarded by rugged rock - a new wooden entrance door. Heard that it cost him $ 2000. Now, Dima, as in former times, sweetly sleeps, eats appetizing. And when out of the house, be sure to gently, as a young lover, stroking smooth the warm wooden "body" without knots and zadorinok. The interior of your home
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