So, you vlipli. Since it is now going to make a long-awaited renovation, and the current price tags at hardware stores can lead to despair of any. And yet ... Let us remember: the stylish apartment is determined not by the quantity of money we spent, and taste, imagination and savvy owners. You totally have a chance to do "a little blood." To eliminate the cracks in the ceiling, you need carpenter's glue and tooth powder (or finely ground chalk). So, you vlipli. Since it is now going to make a long-awaited renovation, and the current price tags at hardware stores can lead to despair of any. And yet ... Let us remember: the stylish apartment is determined not by the quantity of money we spent, and taste, imagination and savvy owners. You totally have a chance to do "a little blood." To eliminate the cracks in the ceiling, you need carpenter's glue and tooth powder (or finely ground chalk). Spread the glue to the consistency of sour cream and vsypte there, stirring a powder. The resulting thick white mixture chink, gently remove the excess with a knife or spatula. With a crack in the window pane look even easier. Apply - better on the outside of the window - a thin layer of colorless nail polish. Discreet film will not last washing two to three years. Maybe your home annoying squeaking floors? Due to excessive dryness of the air in modern homes with central heating is often the case with parquet flooring and parquet. Buy at a pharmacy or shop for kids talc and pour it into the gap between the most "active" boards. Just try to do it carefully - if the talc would be above the parquet floor cleaning will form white stains. Now for a tile. Otletevshie tiles clean of cement, then brush with (but not very thick) of any oil-based paint and press firmly against the wall. But that the apartment really looked update - move the furniture. Yes, yes, sometimes it is enough to push the corner of a bulky cabinet, wall to release more rationally arrange the kitchen - and their dull and boring order an apartment you do not know. Under permutations should observe a few simple rules: In the house you live in, rather than furniture. Therefore, it is less than, the better. In small apartments vertical combinations are usually more convenient to the horizontal. Book shelves or kitchen cabinets may well be piled to the ceiling (you can always find that stick up) - but at least one wall will remain free. It is very important: the free wall of the visually make the room bigger and brighter. Never, under any circumstances, do not obstruct windows and vents. If you have lying around my grandmother in the country wooden furniture and basketry from the canvas track, consider yourself lucky. Soiled chairs can obtyanut merry her dress (a cheap cost) - and boldly say friends, that you supporters "country" style. But at any glues, putty you can save quite boldly. For example, it can handle without spending money on expensive imported fillers, a disease many apartments - uneven floors. Cut or tear the newspaper into strips and fill them with hot water. A day later, mix sodden paper, pour the water out of it and that there are forces press. Small portions and stirring along the way, pour the liquid back carpenter's glue. The result of your labors in consistency should resemble putty. Fill it all the cracks and bumps - and you can paint, after drying, or a plank covering. But to fully okleit Wallpapers 20-25-meter room, only need a little starch. Technology for producing the adhesive is as follows. In a glass of cold water pours starch (gently stirring) until such time until you get something between a mousse and jelly. Do not overdo it - starch to dissolve the entire, without a trace. Then the contents of the glass is poured into a saucepan with 5-6 quarts of boiling water. Stir without boiling until a runny pudding. Everything is ready to glue. Let it cool down (otherwise they would form bubbles and wall will fall unevenly) - and you can get to work. Glue in your pan will last for 40-50 square meters of wallpaper.
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