Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ideal eurorepair

You are tired of the standard layout of the apartment? You want the interior of your office, shop or bar was not worse than in Europe? You decide to make a complete renovation. Start to plan: there will be an arch, and here we must break the wall, but here put a new set of furniture in the Empire style. Liked you buy the materials, looking for people, and thoroughly explain to them that you need. They quote a price per m2 and get to work. Stop! Do you know what this renovation? Yes, first of all, this error correction builders. You should align the walls and floor. Yes, this is the use of advanced materials of European quality. But it is not renovated. Much more complicated. First of all you just need a professional designer you are tired of the standard layout of the apartment? You want the interior of your office, shop or bar was not worse than in Europe? You decide to make a complete renovation. Start to plan: there will be an arch, and here we must break the wall, but here put a new set of furniture in the Empire style. Liked you buy the materials, looking for people, and thoroughly explain to them that you need. They quote a price per m2 and get to work. Stop! Do you know what this renovation? Yes, first of all, this error correction builders. You should align the walls and floor. Yes, this is the use of advanced materials of European quality. But it is not renovated. Much more complicated. First of all you just need a professional interior designer. He - the main component of future success. When you create a new image of the premises and the area plays a role, and the location and layout. Only a designer, and no one else should decide where to break, and where to build. He will pick up really necessary combination of colors and objects, and not something you want to mistakenly. Only a true designer located in space everything from furniture and finishing with the usual outlet. Thanks to him, the interior will be its logical conclusion, no frills. You can express your thoughts on, but do not insist on, if the pro says "No". You yourself then this regret. Gathering everything together, the designer will ask you to really stand the material and moral costs of options for the future of interior, from which you select your desired. Choice is made. And, again, only the designer, not you should buy the necessary materials to carry out his plan. Be sure it is not wrong. And remember: the mean paying more than once. Do not skimp on buying a really high-quality goods. Only when all the preparatory work is complete, you can begin repairs. The task of the designer - to make your room comfortable and beautiful, so it will monitor every step. It will take time. If you do not have, why are you all trying to do? Redevelopment Repair is best to start with the redevelopment, breaking the walls in some places and laying new ones in the other (if it is included in the repair program). Such work can easily hold a specialists of construction companies. Remove the partition or to make an opening in the concrete wall, build a new wall or a wall of bricks - this kind of work professionals do 1-1,5 days. Electrical work The second step is to do all electrical work. Moreover, if the wiring is "flew" is not your fault (ie not during the alteration of the walls), and is already "old age", then contact the housing department. In this case the danger of a failure to repair free of charge. Replace or repair the same wiring and other electrical work performed by an experienced electrician. It is encouraging that most companies spend all electrical work without breaking the walls. Santehraboty following specialist to whom to turn, and - this is a plumber. Breakthrough sewer specialists housing department and close up for free. These same services, however, already commercial, you can use if you want to change the pipes or plumbing. Prices in the housing department as well as from commercial firms for these services are virtually identical. Work on the installation of a sink (Russian), replacement of the toilet or sink in the bathroom will take not more than an hour. Ceilings and walls of the dirtiest job done. Now proceed to repair itself. Everyone knows that he does top-down. So first whitewash. Next - Wallpaper. In the presence of smooth ceilings and walls of these works will take a maximum of 3 days. Dub ceilings and walls - employment rather laborious and takes a lot of time. Floors Further, if your house is old, it is necessary to replace the flooring. For one - two days will replace the floors. If your intention is to put on a floor tile or carpeting, the floor should be covered hardboard. In the living room you can lay a parquet floor in the bedroom better than carpet. Kitchen and bathroom traditional kitchen and bathroom tiles are laid in about 1-2 days. Wallpaper for the kitchen is not very practical. Therefore, for these purposes, experts recommend plastic panels. This renovation - the operation is very expensive. But if you observe a chain of "designer - builder - the interior, then you can safely assume that you've invested well, a new kind of space worthy of European standards. E. Ardalyanova

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