To own whitewash the ceiling or perekleit wallpaper, enough desire and money. If you're going to make a serious renovation to the transfer of walls and replacement of communications, you have to run on various design conciliation and authorities. Acquainted with the district firefighters, doctors and architects. What means the term "renovation"? Generally the word is - especially Russian, invented by domestic artists. So we call a quality renovation and redevelopment areas. In the bathroom, you can make a bedroom and a bedroom - a set pool. Transferred to the walls, floors perestilayutsya. To own whitewash the ceiling or perekleit wallpaper, enough desire and money. If you're going to make a serious renovation to the transfer of walls and replacement of communications, you have to run on various design conciliation and authorities. Acquainted with the district firefighters, doctors and architects. What means the term "renovation"? Generally the word is - especially Russian, invented by domestic artists. So we call a quality renovation and redevelopment areas. In the bathroom, you can make a bedroom and a bedroom - a set pool. Transferred to the walls, floors perestilayutsya. Mounted hanging ceilings. Changing the doors in the rooms. Instead of the old window frames are inserted into windows. Moreover, according to experts, it is better not to put plastic and clean oak frame. Glass in new windows - also not easy, but with a special coating. Windows themselves - either sealed or filled with special gas. They work like a thermos. In cold weather keeping you warm, and hot - cool. Last squeak - a triple-glazed. Changes completely, and electrical wiring. She hides in the wall. An increasing number of switches. Light can be switched on and off using the remote as a TV. Even put on a timer. And install motion sensors. It's fantastic. Once you have appeared in the doorway - and the chandelier at you, breaks itself. Quite differently mounted radiators and water heating, simply put, the battery. They are either clean the floor, or placed along the walls of the plenum box. In the cold of Russia is very popular and heated floors. Masters promises to fulfill every whim. Indeed, flip through the magazine for design and home economics. There is no limit to perfection. There are, however, a caveat. Usually delights of foreign architects completely unsuitable for Russian apartments. In the West, long ago abandoned the massive heavy load-bearing walls inside the apartments. They were replaced by thin, "flying" partition. Instead of rooms with cage homes get a free space. And the partitions off at its discretion. We have such houses are just beginning to design and build. According to this principle are arranged, for example, an apartment in New Olympic Village. But fashion is fashion. Now Moscow is popular to do the studio on the European model almost from squalid Khrushchev malometrazhek. This leads to dire consequences. Replacement of plumbing - separate song. In order to activate imported washing machines, toilets and baths, have locally changed the pipe and risers. At best, the neighbors are still without water. At worst - From the sunny ceilings. Speaking of water. The fact that the old house, including Stalin's considered an elite, have a long tube and served no less ancient pumping stations. They are designed for specific, very modest daily intake of water. And an indispensable attribute of wealth - Jacuzzi - requires water three times, and even five times more than the usual bath. For example, a wealthy friend, bought his apartment on the top floor of a house built before the war, was forced to not just replace the plumbing in the house, but also to establish a new, powerful pump in the boiler room. Otherwise, his gold-plated swimming pool and stood for the "furniture". The water ruined and renovation, which made a Moscow family. Final touch was the replacement of cast-iron battery-monster in the bathroom on the import of nickel-plated handsome. Responsible task entrusted zhekovskim locksmith. Half an hour comrades vigorously pounded with a hammer, something tighten with a wrench and, having received an honorarium, retired. A week later the battery blew. This occurred at 7:00 am. Household woke up when the hot water started to pour svezhelakirovannye floors in the bedroom. A scalded cat with paws and tail wet in horror licking themselves directly to the master's pillows. Continued fighting with the elements look like: head of the family jumps (hikes on hot water!) Still got to strut and cut off the water. Then remaining in the reserve's wife and daughter, equipped with rubber boots, for an hour baling the lake was formed. The result - swollen parquet and finally killed the neighbor's ceiling. The reaction of residents below apparent immediately. Shaking their fists, angry citizens demanded moral and material compensation. Believing that the main culprits of the accident were the fitter (since they installed the battery), the victims went to the dismantling of a housing office. They waited a steep bummer. "Permission for a replacement battery?" - Asked zhekovskaya boss. In response, scalded with boiling water head of the family made the astonished eyes. About any resolutions out of the question. Neither the store nor on the locksmiths. Once you have no papers, then you are to blame for the incident. "You'll have to repair flooded with neighbors at their own expense," - noted the headmistress. And, sadly, was right. The saddest thing is that until now to find the culprit in the emergencies was not so easy. The owners of felled on the workers, the workers - to the hosts. Somewhere in the middle was ECD. Which seems to be, and must keep order, but like anything to anyone and should not be. Moscow courts overwhelmed with cases disgruntled tenants with leaking ceilings, wallpaper come off and orbit the tiles. And how much inconvenience deliver "sound effects" that accompany any repairs! To redesign flats has ceased to be podpolschinoy, State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow has decided to still develop the bill of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens and legal persons in the redevelopment of premises ... " In fact, he repeats the existing rules carry out repairs. But one thing - to break the instructions, and another - violate the law. So, wants to make alterations to waiting for a bumpy ride. And it will have to start at the BTI, where you will be given a plan of your home. Next - Free project redevelopment. With drawings and all sorts of engineering calculations. On a sheet of drawing paper should stand squiggle specialists, it is technically your desires enforceable. And then suddenly someone wants instead to build a balcony, for example, parking a helicopter? Then - a visit to the district architect to firefighters and SES. The final stage - a meeting of the Interagency Commission of the District, which gives the latter good. In direct redevelopment has some limitations. We can not, for example, to install a Jacuzzi in the bedroom. Or toilet in the kitchen. Plumbing equipment should not be placed above the living quarters of your downstairs neighbor. You can not change the water, sewer, gas and heating risers. Can not run liner to these systems outside toilets and kitchens and hide them in the floor (and this is just sin many!). Absolutely can not break the ventilation ducts, even if they jar your taste. If you are "lucky" to have in the kitchen garbage disposal (I wonder who designed this marvel? "), Have to live with it. Can not be independently without technical advice, punching holes in the bearing walls. You can not insulate a balcony, turn them into bay windows, make them a radiator. By the way, those who like to do on a balcony gardening and horticulture, is also waiting bummer. From now on, hang down over the railing of the carrot tops and bunches of wild grapes and can be fined. Suppose the project is signed and agreed upon where necessary. To repair all ready. But you do not live in the wilderness, and at the North Pole. Around - the people. And we must remember. You can not store your boards, cans of paint and varnish on the staircase. And in an apartment building materials should be distributed evenly over the entire area to avoid the collapse of the ceiling. We can not allow the collapse and the fall of huge chunks parsed walls. We can not work at night. If neighbors have a small child and the day he has to sleep, then at that time all the work is also terminated. In the lobby, elevator and on the floors must be clean! During the repair is still something must be broken, broken, lost, drip, crack. From morning to night you have to swear, to monitor, check, deal, haggle. Colleagues and friends were surprised to point to your various socks and splodgy painted tie. And what a blow to the wallet! In Moscow, renovation costs from 1000 to 4500 rubles per square meter. Individual complexity - higher indefinitely. Therefore, before venturing this event, consider this: can leave everything as is? Alexander Izotov, "Moskovsky Komsomolets"
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