Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is a soundproof door

We continue to talk about what are the doors. At this time it will be about the doors, which experts call sound insulation or noise protection. It is clear that the main objective of such doors - to reduce the noise that penetrates into the room (or vice versa - from the premises). How do they differ from the ordinary standard doors? We continue to talk about what are the doors. At this time it will be about the doors, which experts call sound insulation or noise protection. It is clear that the main objective of such doors - to reduce the noise that penetrates into the room (or vice versa - from the premises). How do they differ from the ordinary standard doors? First of all, that fit snugly to the door frame and the floor (thanks to all kinds of seals and nut). And also the fact that within them, as a rule, there is noise absorbing filler. Where need a special soundproof door? Sergei Korolev, the manager of the firm "Spark Plus, works with the profile VEKA: - Any door - soundproof. But not every door protects against noise equally. If you want to remove only a few decibels (dB), it is enough for the usual "cardboard". ... Door of chipboard or PVC profiles can eliminate the noise in the 27-30 dB. That is, in this case, the entrances noise does not penetrate inside (as the human ear can not perceive noise below 15 dB). But when it comes to special facilities, such as recording studios, then to the doors of higher demands on sound insulation. But be sure to remember what to do door shumostoykoy more than walls and floors, it makes no sense. Konstantin Vasilyev, director of the firm "Parsan: - Talking about soundproof doors makes sense only if provided with soundproof walls, windows and floors. This is especially important for areas with lightweight interior partitions (eg, drywall), then even if you put the very dead of the door - still hear everything that happens behind the partition. Ceteris paribus - the door is heavier and thicker, the better it protects against noise. For example, a thick lead door will not miss virtually no sound. But the door with such a weight to put in our homes is impossible, and unnecessary. Within the 30-40 dB protect relatively lightweight (80 kg) a door particle board or MDF. So, as we see in normal circumstances you can do without a special sound-proof doors. For example, according to experts, the massive door of oak or pine significantly reduces the noise level. In addition, good antinoise properties are fire doors: inside laid heat insulator (he is - and a good sound insulator). For example, sound of fire doors German company Hermann »(Hermann) - ranging from 36 to 45 dB. Steel doors have a sound-proofing qualities, if between the steel plates laid insulator (better if it is mineral wool). And without such a facility steel sheet may conversely increase the noise. But still, if there is a desire and need for protection against noise, and can be of conventional doors make soundproof. Let's look at how to do it. How to reduce the acoustic permeability normal door? The easiest way - upholster door leatherette or real leather, paving under the upholstery layer (or multiple layers), batting or padding polyester. And the thicker the "soft pillow", the less noise will pass through the door. Better if the master obobyut door on both sides. Additionally, you can upholster the door with wood or sheet chipboard (but keep in mind that in this case, the door becomes more severe, so it is better to add another one or two loops). More complex design - set two doors with vestibule between them. Air space in the vestibule would reduce the noise level. Well reduce noise seal, closes the gap between the door frame and door leaf. They are attached to the door leaf so that the door ledge formed to cover up the edge of the door frame. According to Maxim Rodanova, a representative of the Spanish company "Artevi» (Artevi), supplying our market a variety of doors, "with gaskets noise through the door is 30-40% less." What is a soundproof door? But let's say, an ordinary door you're not happy. Suppose you have on the staircase going to the noisy company. Or, for example, you are a musician and rehearse at home, but do not want to disturb the neighbors. Then you need a more reliable soundproofing. That is, experts say, you need a special design of the door leaf (not counting, of course, soundproofing walls, windows, etc. But - this is a separate conversation). So, apparently a special door does not differ from the standard. All the difference - in the internal structure. Special noice reduction door in a cut like layer cake. For example, the Finnish door "Alavus» (Alavus) consists of two boards, MDF, painted outside, between which is laid pressed mineral wool. The level of absorption of such doors 30 dB. Filling the soundproof doors (left to right): 1 - cellular basis of cardboard, 2 - Particleboard with tubular cavities, 3 - solid chipboard German firm Vestag and Getalit AG »(Westag & Getalit AG) also makes a multi-door: Particleboard - layers of fiberboard - laminate. Door "and Vestag Getalit AG» (Westag & Getalit AG) depending on the model delay of 27 to 42 dB. The doors of the Russian firm "Parsan" outside finished laminate, and inside - 2-3 layers of particle board covered with plastic. The level of absorption - 30 dB. Industrial group "The Hobbit" realizes the door of the German profile of the Age »(Veka). Filling - glazed or opaque filling sandwich. The level of sound insulation - 28 dB. What to choose? All depends on what is needed for the door. If you want to soundproof a special room, the door and need a special (plus the insulation of walls, windows and ceilings). And if you need to get rid of the usual external noise (street noise, the tramp of feet on the stairs, rumble conversations), it is possible to soundproof an existing door, as we have said, with trim and seals. Or purchase ready-made, restraining an average of about 30-40 dB. Often the two ordinary (eg, wood) door "reduce the volume of" more than a sound-proof. But already two soundproof - even more so! On SNIP II-3-79, soundproof door shall hold not less than 26 decibels (dB). That is, if the outside doors of the noise level is, for example, 56 dB, then inside the room - no more than 30 dB. And in the mean "comfortable loudness" for a man - from 30 to 50 dB. Errors and ambushes Karen Aslanian, firm and Vestag Getalit AG: - The Company is not responsible for the door in case of change of the owner of its construction. If, for example, after the departure of the master plumbers on their own inserts in the door peephole or additional lock, then zvukozaschitnoe quality of such door will certainly been reduced. The second common mistake - the inaccuracy of measurements. Fitter Nicholas firm Parsan: - There was a case where the customer has made their own measurements. Under his responsibility, we have agreed to fulfill the order. And when the door is brought into place, it turned out that she no longer opening. It can not be cut, since the edge is noise absorbing gasket and nut. Decided prodolbit opening. Started working, but then police arrived. It turned out, the neighbor called up: she did not like that noise. In general, the customer got angry and ordered a new door, but from our measurements. And the cost is dearer to him than the first, as unfinished work with the gap had to be interrupted, and then restore everything as it was. Therefore appeal to all those wishing to put soundproof door - invite zamerschika! Accessories sound insulating door frames. They can be metal or particle board. The inside of a metal box filled with concrete and chipboard boxes - foam. The smaller the gap between the opening and door frame, the better. Under the rules of the gap must be no larger than 1 cm sealing strips are installed around the perimeter of the door frame. Well-proven Swedish rubber gaskets "Varnamo» (Varnamo) or German (also rubber) "Fomestrip» (Fomestrip). Bottom of soundproof doors must be nut. For example, at the door "Vestag and Getalit AG - automatic magnetic nut: at the bottom - instead of the threshold - the floor is recessed magnetized rod. When a door closes, the magnet attracts metal plate, and thus the gap between the floor and the door is liquidated (a mechanic in a directory called "alyuminievomagnitnoe seal with the floor). When you open the door automatically retracts the metal plate inside the door. Instead of the plate to the floor in the same way can cuddle a special rubber gasket - if a magnet is not needed. Professional opinion is it possible to make a soundproof door fireproof? Director of the nonprofit partnership of fire safety "Pulse" (NGO Pulse) Victor Baraleychuk: - How to make the door was not just a sound-proof, and fireproof? Need to buy a door with a so-called fire-resistant sound insulator. (This door is made in the factory, and must receive a certificate, and it indicates the time during which preserves the integrity of the door during a fire.) Today, the best fire-resistant sound insulator - mineral wool on the basis of basalt fibers are high-density (150 kg/m3) . Especially good if the inside door panels are laid 02.03 a mineral wool. In addition, if a metal door, inside there should be no so-called "thermal bridges" (ie, metal parts that connect the inner and outer side of leaf). Because it was the heat on them easily reach the undamaged side of the door, and then begins to melt and turns lining. Many of the fire doors of factory production provide sound insulation for more than 30 dB (this should also be specified in the certificate). Typically, this is quite enough for city apartments. For those who wants to upgrade its old door, I recommend putting the inside layer of mineral wool on the basis of basalt fibers (approximately 10 mm thick), and on top upholster leatherette. This will increase and sound, and fireproof properties of the door. But in any case, do not use foam and batting: in a fire, they quickly ignited and, worse, produce toxic combustion products. In addition, the outside door can upholster a thin (0.5 mm) sheet metal (eg zinc) and top color. If the door is new and not yet painted, the surface of the leaf can be treated with flame retardant, such as domestic CSD, GSP-1, PTD-D, Vann-1 and other typical sources of aircraft noise during take-off 160 dB Creek 90 dB noise on the train moving 85-90 dB noise of a busy street 55-60 dB conversation in a room of medium size 45-50 dB noise on a quiet street 30-35 dB Whisper at 1 meter 25 dB 20 dB Quiet Garden

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