Thursday, August 18, 2011

Carpeting (carpet) made of polymer materials

Quality of laying carpet not only affects the appearance of the premises, but also at how long an carpeting, and whether maintained its quality throughout the entire period of operation. Before laying the carpet floor should first be smoothed. For longer maintain the appearance and increase the comfort it is recommended to use the so-called "backing". This additional padding increases the elasticity of carpeting, as well as heat and sound insulation. The substrate can be used felt, polyurethane foam and other materials. It is very important that the substrate was sufficiently dense. Friable substrate only hurt carpet during the operation. Substrate thickness, usually about 5-10 mm. Selecting the method of installation depends on the basis of carpet, functional purpose room where the carpet is laid, the frequency of its use and condition of the floor. There are several ways of laying the carpet: - Free installation - installation with two-sided adhesive tape is enclosed under the edges and seams - the method of smooth edges - Consolidation of double-sided adhesive tape cover close to the baseboards - glueing - stretching. The choice of technology depends on the type of placement and substrate conditions, type of textile coatings and, of course, of the type of glue. Stacking without sticking (free styling). Applies in the case when you need to preserve the appearance of the coated floor, for example, mosaic parquet, marble, granite, etc, for this suit cover with high strength. When choosing better to listen to expert advice. With loose packing between the coating and the coated surface will always be a layer of air, which is certainly not conducive to the stability of combustion, even if the materials are endowed with fire-resistant properties. Often you can not just put a carpet over an existing pile or hinge-cover. In this case, use a special plate. Carpets rolled out and cut out with increased tolerance. Accurate raskroyka will be held later. If you cover the entire area should be several strips, then place the joint on the edge of the fixed two-sided sticky tape. Likewise, coming from the edges of the doors and walls. Recall that the maximum area in this type of stowage is not more than 20 square meters and there is no furniture in the room on wheels. Adhered carpeting in most cases, glue joints and edges, especially if they slid under the baseboards. But on the stairs, and in areas with high cross prokleivat preferably the entire surface. To glue the carpet is allowed to use ordinary PVA glue. Pasting cover to the base of natural jute should be very careful with the dosage of glue (glue can tread through the coating). Stretching - a progressive and meet the highest requirements of the kind of carpet laying. When laying the stretching method, the property of elasticity, inherent in all carpeting. Carpeting in the fall on stretching along the fortified walls of lath with two rows of nails driven into a corner and stretched with the help of special tools. Under the cover of a mandatory fit the substrate, creating the effect of "soft" coverage under your feet, increasing the effects of sound absorption and insulation. Length of service carpet, laid by stretching considerably longer, and when installing or replacing the cover is not necessary to prepare the ground floor. For any method of installation must be considered along the lines of carpeting, type, surface structure, as well as the source and direction of light in the room. The latter may be crucial in laying the carpet with the effects of Shadows: layered, with the combined sections, and similar types of surface design. In any case, it is desirable that the pile of carpeting in all the sections lie in one direction. If the carpet has a geometric pattern, it is necessary to take into account the symmetry and exact repetition of the pattern. In the field of carpet joints in door frames are laid special nut with the two grooves, smooth or unilateral. Full surface gluing. This method is best for laying textile floor coverings, and for some species of this group of coatings and certain facilities (stairs, ramps, service, social, as well as rooms with floor heating), the only possible one. Much of this method depends on the quality of the selected adhesives and correctness of its application. The essence of these rules is as follows. Need to comply with the time intervals during which: 1) completely evaporate from the adhesive solvent and moisture, and 2) carpets will be laid on the surface covered with glue, and 3) will complete adhesion of coating (after which it will be possible to install furniture). Modular carpet tiles. Modular carpet tile has a number of advantages compared with roll-up carpet: - much more convenient for transport and installation - provides easy access to wires and communications, stowed under cover - any of the tiles you can pick up and clean up, and if damage or loss of appearance easy to replace - tiles, laid in areas of heavy traffic, may be replaced with tiles that lay in the field with the smallest movement that can significantly extend the life of the carpet - when using a modular carpet tile user can calculate and buy stock of tiles needed for replacement places with heavy traffic. As a rule, it is 20 - 30% of the total area and total life coverage based on previous recommendations to increase more than twice. Modular carpet tiles laid without glue and with minimal waste. Thanks to modern production techniques and variety of surface design, the stitches are practically invisible, which has the effect of a continuous carpet. The use of modular carpet tiles expands creative freedom for designers with the ability to create different designs and compositions. When selecting carpet for a particular case should first consider the base material, the material is cloth, yarn type, design and density of the surface of carpeting, as well as determined by these factors such operating characteristics as wear resistance, antistatic, fire safety, resistance to soiling and ease of cleaning .

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