The plank floors can occur due to abrasion damage, cracking and warping, as well as having local subsidence, creaking, fragility and decay. These failures should be promptly identified and removed. New floors should be better unite, as they are often subjected to shrinkage and warping. At the same time, lift each nailed to lag the board, face down in her seat blow Obukhov and pull out nails. After removing the nails from three or four boards, they unite with a special screw-fit or wedges. In free space insert the missing planks of dry material. Make sure the floor has turned out even if the floor cracks appeared large, they are buried dry strips with a slightly wedge-shaped cross section. Reiki smeared with carpenter's glue on both sides and, using mallets or conventional hammer head is wrapped with several layers of tissue, clog the slot. When the glue dries rails protruding parts sostragivayut. The entire floor planed for warping boards from uneven drying, wear or when old iolov preparation for painting. Before prostrozhkoy nails deepen and cut down a chisel protruding knots. Planing boards must not only along but also across, rule-line checking the evenness of sex. If the damage or rotting floor boards perestilayut. Disassemble it must be careful not to damage the edges of boards, do not break the spines, combs, dowels. Good board to re-use, damaged replace. Debris, chips, etc., found under the floor, removed, since they are often the cause rotting floor. If damaged several boards, they are pulled out and replaced with new ones. For a better seal, they must be a few millimeters wider than the former. When repairing the floor on the thorns of the spikes damaged boards abate pererubayut edge and spine. New board in this case is inserted without thorns. In the floors should be planed stesat crest in the next board and put a new one on the injury site. If the bend is only one end of the board, it is taken out and saw off a chisel or cut off the damaged part. A new piece of board should draw no less than two lags. If the plank floor joists were found damaged, then they cut off the decayed part to healthy wood, and this place nailed a board of appropriate size. If decays much of the joists, then it is cut and attached in its place a new board. In all cases, details of wood, except the upper floor surfaces must be pre-treated with preservatives to prevent them from rotting. The big downside is the floor squeaking. The reason it is drying boards or failure of the lateral spines. In such floors badly kept nails. They must be removed and replaced with a longer beat with some slope. Such a connection board with lagoy will be strong. Even more reliable is the mounting plates with screws. Not always, but often the creaking floor is the result of excessive dryness of the air. Usually it happens in homes with central heating. Floor boards dry out between them a gap. Get rid of the squeak by using talcum powder. Carefully sprinkle a little talcum powder in the gap, avoiding it to the surface of boards, as floor cleaning presence of talc in it will lead to the formation of whitish streaks. Floors from buckling and swell protect and baseboards. In the gaps between the wooden floor covering and walls should be 10-15 mm to cover move freely with changes in temperature and humidity. In every corner of the room set special lattice. They must serve a 10 mm above the floor to floor cleaning them or bleeding water. Ventreshetki protect the underground from the stagnation of air and moisture, adversely affect the timber. To better preserve plank floors from moisture they need to be renovated immediately proolifit and painted with oil paint.
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