Thursday, August 18, 2011

Repair of parquet floors

Parquet repair in cases where the popped or cracked bars (staves), a floor up (under the flooring is exposed to water) or worn out some of the floor (usually 310 is in the center of the room). Before you replace the cracked bar, determine what is covered with parquet floor. In older homes hurting the parquet floor, known as "specialists" (beveled), and the parquet floor with a fold. Modern bars have tongue and groove. In parquet "specialized" slots are located on four sides. Collected it on the nails, loose spikes, and fastened as a rule, to the plank floor. Plank beveled plank directly on the hot bitumen mastic. These straps easily removed from the flooring and replace with new ones. Parquet seam is at the bottom of oblique grooves on the type of dovetail. It fits onto the hot asphalt. The modern flooring on both sides (one long and another short) are prominent ridges, with two other parties - the slots. To pull out the worn hardwood floor plank, it should be a chisel to split into several parts along the fibers. First, take out the inside, and then - with the outer ridge. Replacing a few strips, carefully inspect the asphalt base. Dents zashpatlyuyte cement-sand mortar with the addition of sodium silicate (silicate glue office). If the flooring laid on board, repair potholes and cracks. Put on prepared base plates, pre-clearing them with planers combs, and attach them with hot bitumen mastic, which cools, hardens quickly (1-2 minutes), and firmly attaches the strap to the base. Swollen from moisture parquet does not cut down, as it can be easily disassembled. Peel strips of asphalt and dry them. Prepare ground and lay the strips in place. To label strips are used mastic (mostly bitumen), which has the composition: 850-900 g of asphalt, fibrous filler (for example, a variety of asbestos) 150-160, the filler, heated to 110-120 ° C, added in small portions to preheated to 170-180 ° C bitumen with continuous stirring until a homogeneous mixture. Mastic is used only in hot conditions. Need to use it with caution, as falling postmark on the body can cause severe burns. Mastic covering the lower part of the flooring planks and up the side. The bar is placed over a layer of mastic immediately after its application and huddling weak hammer. If the plank is placed on a wooden base without mastic, then to eliminate creaking under the flooring put cardboard or paper. After rallying each bar nailed a length of 40 mm and thickness 1,6 - 1,8 mm. Another nail hammered into socket groove and two - in the longitudinal. Recovered parts of the parquet floor must ottsiklevat through the cycle - the steel plates with sharpened edges. The plate is secured in a special pen (long or short). Cycle with a long handle held in the left hand and right-click on the plate. Cycle in the home can be a piece of glass. When sanding some places the floor is wetted with water and carefully treated with a loop, each square along the layers of wood flooring. Small gouges on the parquet floor or grooves on the legs of furniture will be overwritten. These sites are pre-steamed with folded several times and soaked in water, wrapping paper and a moderately hot iron. After sanding the floor sanded sanded, initially high, then small size. If parquet Rassokha and between the bars formed small gap (2-3 mm), their mixture zashpatlyuyte casein glue and fine sawdust or dust. Small (sifted) filings can also mix with hot glue joinery. Filler after cleaning the crevices of a thin wire and debris removal is pressed with a spatula. After drying, the filler sanded first renovated section of medium-grained, then fine sanded. Hardwood floor can be covered by parquet lacquer. First of all, prepare the floor surface. To do this, steamed tsiklyuyut floor, clean the dust and washed. If the water is added soda and soap, then after that the floor should again be rinsed with clean water and wipe dry. After drying, the conduct progruntovku. As a primer paint used SC-222, which protects the wood from darkening. Varnish applied to one layer, it dries within 40-60 minutes. If paint thickens, it is diluted with solvent № 646. If you need to cover the parquet floor varnish again, we must conduct a very thorough sanding: remnants of wax or mastic on the floor will reduce the adhesion of the new coating to the floor. Parquet varnish applied with a brush in 3 layers, with intervals of drying each of them 16 hours before starting work parquet lacquer is mixed with an acidic hardener in enamelware. With a three-layer coating on the floor 1m2 spend 250-300 g of varnish. Can also be used without a parquet lacquer hardener. Quality of the coverage the same. The only difference is that the last layer to dry 1-3 days. Thickened paint without hardener was diluted with turpentine or thinner № 1 and 2 (for art paints). If the floor is covered with parquet lacquer, hardener, hands and utensils at the end of the work should be washed with 5% hydrochloric acid.

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